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Carsons QB stats for the last 5 games has been alot better, all his stats have gone up passing yds. , Q.b rating has gone up to. The Carson Palmer BAND WAGON is starting to get pretty full... :lol:

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I just realized that we put up 24 POINTS in the 4th QUARTER !

Could it be my daughter..?? Or are the Bengals just getting better..??

Last Week my 4 month old baby girl wore her " Bengals ONEZY " , this week, she's asleep the first 3 quarters wakes up exactly at commercial brake starting the 4th and Cincy makes 17 point comeback victory on the road..??

Hmmm.. either way :player: :player:

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Carson gets better game by game. Lower his pick numbers down a bit and we're good to go (which today 386 yards, 3 tds to only 1 int I will DEFINATLY take)...also throw in the 80.5% comp. percent, the comeback, and the fact the running game wasnt amazing, and faced a pretty solid D...thats a great game! Palmer is getting a lot better and is developing really well.

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Carson is the only quarterback this year to throw for 300+ yards against the Ravens defense. He not only did it once (today) but he also threw for 316 in the earlier season loss.

Mark this victory down, this is another turning day for this team. Now not only did they show they can win on the road (again) but they finally beat a winning team on the road.

Where was Ray 'The Knife' Lewis in the 4th quarter? He was busy watching the Ravens playoff hopes flush down the toilet.

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I think it's amazing how they came back.....I have never seen a better come back since marvin has been head coach

You've never seen a better comeback, shoot, how do you think Brian Billick feels? Coming into this game the Billick Ravens were 35-0 -- yes, UNDEFEATED -- when they got up by 2 or more TDs.

This evening, they are 35-1. :player:

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I think it's amazing how they came back.....I have never seen a better come back since marvin has been head coach

You've never seen a better comeback, shoot, how do you think Brian Billick feels? Coming into this game the Billick Ravens were 35-0 -- yes, UNDEFEATED -- when they got up by 2 or more TDs.

This evening, they are 35-1. :player:

cant get much sweeter than that.

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I just realized that we put up 24 POINTS in the 4th QUARTER !

Could it be my daughter..?? Or are the Bengals just getting better..??

Last Week my 4 month old baby girl wore her " Bengals ONEZY " , this week, she's asleep the first 3 quarters wakes up exactly at commercial brake starting the 4th and Cincy makes 17 point comeback victory on the road..??

Hmmm.. either way :player: :player:

LOL wake that kid up at halftime next week. We need 2 quarters of her mojo! :player:

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300-something yards, 3 TDs, 1 pick, and the game-winning FG drive...vs. the Ravens defense.


(at least until next week :lol:)

(PS how y'all like TJ now? Still think we shouldn't resign him, even if it costs a bit extra?)

In the spirit of Walzav, I will man-up and admit that I was absolutely convinced that TJ was odd man out for the final cuts this pre-season. The cat has shown up huge down the stretch though and I am very glad (in light of PDub's problems) that they kept him. TJ, CJ, Medieu and Palmer had enormous games.

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300-something yards, 3 TDs, 1 pick, and the game-winning FG drive...vs. the Ravens defense.


(at least until next week :lol:)

(PS how y'all like TJ now? Still think we shouldn't resign him, even if it costs a bit extra?)

In the spirit of Walzav, I will man-up and admit that I was absolutely convinced that TJ was odd man out for the final cuts this pre-season. The cat has shown up huge down the stretch though and I am very glad (in light of PDub's problems) that they kept him. TJ, CJ, Medieu and Palmer had enormous games.

TJ's had no shortage of detractors, and even I've been among them. I was calling for him to be tossed overboard last year when he had that all-year hammy injury and did nothing more than sit on the bench and chew up a roster spot. For the life of me I could not figure out what Marvin saw in him. Well...once again Marvin has demonstrated why he's an NFL coach and I'm not! :lol:

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Hey Joisey, thanks for sharing that stuff you were smoking with everyone on the team.... It must have been a good toke of REALITY instead of what we all were thinking was some mind altering drug!


If we can keep TJ, CJ, Pdub and Kdub next year, we can get Carson throwing touchdowns like Manning is doing right now. All we need to do is get them all healthy, keep Carson safe behind the line, and air it out!

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