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Lets quit fighting fellow fans...Peace to all


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The Ohio river runs red this night, phantoms of football past wallowing in their watery grave. The children scream in horror at their television sets, not due to a Halloween horror flick, but due to a horror flick being played on a 100 yard field, a field tainted with the stench of a sorry team.

The national media gasps in disbelief at what Marvin Lewis has created. A dying, decaying shell of a squad with no desire to achieve victory. Bob Bratowski has fired up a ceremonial cigar in honor of the destruction of yet another young QB at the hands of his inept playcalling. Leslie Frazier has fled the city, seeking refuge in the darkest caves of Ohio, awaiting a triumphant return to former glory.

Lamont Thompson, Steve Foley, Lorenzo Neal, Corey Dillon are smiling ear to ear, rejoicing in the ability of their new teams to manufacture more wins than the team they were cut from. Akili Smith, somewhere, is smiling.

So stop the fighting friends. You all, including me, suck along with the Bengals. For we are the fools who graciously destroy our lives every Sunday, giving our time and coin to the tyrant of all tyrants, the hand of death, the Father of Grief, Mike Brown. Rejoice, for we are the cursed!

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So stop the fighting friends. You all, including me, suck along with the Bengals. For we are the fools who graciously destroy our lives every Sunday, giving our time and coin to the tyrant of all tyrants, the hand of death, the Father of Grief, Mike Brown. Rejoice, for we are the cursed!

Now you're sounding like my best friend after the Browns whipped the............ j/k... :lol:

all kidding aside, nice post.

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I realize fighting over it won't help anything. We all have different opinions on why we suck. I think I will go ahead and take my leave from the board, didn't mean to stir anything up. Take care all, it has been fun.

take care Bax. Im sure everyone here will miss ya.

i'll miss him, he was the man :D

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