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Pre-season Predictions


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Who looks stupid now?



Before the season started we all knew the rest of the team would have to step it up a little to take some pressure off of Palmer. Has anyone on the team stepped up? No.

If we had a defense that could stop anyone. If we had a running game whatsoever. If we had a healthy Warrick. Any one of these would've helped take pressure off of Palmer.

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Could've would've should've



Obviously, you don't understand that football is a team sport. Yes Palmer hasn't played good but if we had a better defense we would at least have one more win. Obviously you're not a true fan or you would be rooting for Carson. You seem happy every time he f**ks up.

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Bax isn't a fan he's a sorry piece of s**t.

You want to blame The loss on Carson and then gloat about it? What the hell? Can Palmer tacke the opposing running back? Cause no one on the D sure as hell could. Maybe he should have ran some more, cause Rudi sure as hell couldn't. But no, it's all Carsons fault. Blame the young QB. It's always the QB's fault. BAX DOESN'T KNOW A FLIPPING THING ABOUT FOOTBALL.

No run game, no run defense, no f'n victory. Yeah that fumble hurt like hell. But the team has got to stop putting him in that postition. Until the rest of the team perfomes to some kind of standard you just need to shut the hell up.

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It aint all Palmers fault.

The defense was AWFUL!!

They were playing like a bunch of p***ys, they were basically slapping them instead of blocking.

Even my favorite player/idol, Caleb Miller, was awful today.

So it aint all Mr.Palmers fault.

Make up your damn mind!

Paypal me $5 dollars, Baxxy. And i will :D

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Who looks stupid now?


That's going to happen when you have an inept Offensive Coordinator that has a 1st year player heaving 37 attempts EVERY GAME!!!

That s**t's just plain stupid!!!! Fire Drunkowski now--end the suspense!!!

Fire the Defensive front 4 too. That's f**king horrible!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Who looks stupid now?


I had The Bengals going 10-6 and making the Play-Offs as my pre-season predictions.

Some of the more prudent posters had The Bengals actually taking a step backwards this year with next season being the year for a Play-Off Run.

It looks like they may have been right and maybe I should have been a little more conservative.

On the other hand....

When it is mentioned that the Panthers are 1-7 this year, I often hear people reply "oh...well you know they have 10 players on IR".

Guess what the Bengals have 13 players on IR....

This season "could" have gone a little better for the Bengals so I wasn't completely off of the wall with my 10-6.

My pre-season prediction for Palmer was that by the End of the Season he would be as good of a QB as Kitna was last year.

I am sticking to that prediction....

As for your question....

Well that would Still be YOU....

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Some of the more prudent posters had The Bengals actually taking a step backwards this year

We're at the same W-L tally as this time last year.

We may end up with a sub 8-8 season, but is that necessarily a step backward?

Next season will give us a QB who will have a full playing season under his belt, some rookies having made unscheduled appearances but having gained the experience, all players with another years' experience of the regime, a plethora of players due to return from IR.

A step backward? not really. Omelettes & eggs.

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