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Although our defense looked horrible on Sunday I don't think we should throw the towel in yet. Now if the Dolphins run all over us like that than we are done for. :player:

Who's throwing the towel in? People are just bitching, which is a good thing.... the hope of futures success gives us every right to bitch because now we are striving for the common greater good of victory my friend.

Remember years past? Everyone used to say, "same ol' Bengals" and go about their week. We've had a ton of posts on specifics we didn't like... trust me, this is a GREAT thing. We're all hopeful except for a select few (and you know who are you are) and believe in this team... it's a GREAT time to be a Bengals fan!

How's that for a motivational speech. ^_^

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Although our defense looked horrible on Sunday I don't think we should throw the towel in yet.

Most definitely not throwing in the towel. It's just the first game and we have some starters banged up. We have a long season to go.

My keys to a good or great season:

1. The defense has to play better (Duh!) They do not have to dominate like the '85 Bears. But they have to pick it up. Hopefully we'll have all the starters back. Not to mention the high adrenaline rush of the first game should be over. Webster mentions on bengals.com that he tried too hard to make plays which probably put him out of position to make a play. But they have to start making plays. If the defense can rank at least in the mid to low teens against the run and pass we can have a good year. Why?

2. The offense! We were playing catch up as the game progressed which hurts the running game stats. Rudi's 26 carries for 70 yards isn't that great. I'd be willing to bet he churns up a lot more this Sunday night. We are banged up on the offensive line too. I saw Rudi dodging (or not dodging) tacklers in the backfield a few times. And we still scored 24 points!

3. Special teams. Keep up the good work. I thought the special teams did great. Good returns, good coverage, good punts, sniffed out the fake punt, etc. IMHO the special teams played mistake free football against the Jets. Unless I am forgetting a holding penalty. Still, great effort.

It's a long season and we are just getting started. We will be alright!

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How's that for a motivational speech. ^_^

Pretty good. And the fact is that there's no reason to flip out over Sunday's result. I mean, say what you want about our D, but they didn't give up 24 points to a team with a reshuffled and banged-up o-line, a rookie QB in his first NFL start and an RB with 1/2 a good season to his credit. :o

No, our D was the one that allowed 24 points down 2 starters, away from home, facing a Pro Bowl RB and Pro Bowl QB playing behind one of the better o-lines in the game. :blink:

Last year was what, a 30-10 blowout at home? And the year before that...well, let's not go there. :ph34r: This year they go into Giants Stadium and lose by a TD a game that they had no business being in in the first place.

No, no reason to give up now at all. :player:

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