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I hoipe we crush 'em too! B)

Probably be another nail-biter, tho. Even tho they let O-gun walk Miami still has a good D and I expect Palmer to have a much rougher time against their secondary. I have a feeling he could look as ugly versus Miami as he looked pretty versus the Jets.

Fortunately, the Miami O is in shambles; even our D ought to be able to hold up, esp. if we get Simmons & O'Neal back. I'm thinking something like 12-10 Bengals at the moment.

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i dont. hes gonna prove that hes a backup. Even vs our defense he will struggle. Our defense will take a 180 from last week. Our offense will be reversed as well. I think carson wont have a great game but rudi will.

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Funny I was thinking something like 17-10 Dolphins with your touchdown coming from an INT return.

I think Feeley will suprise alot of people :D

Ya never know, but I have to agree with ditty, it seems unlikely. Take it from a fan of a team that has specialized in QB competitions/controversies/replacements for the last 14 years: this kind of shuffling very rarely works. The much bigger risk is that Feely goes boom, too, and the whole team loses confidence in anyone behind center, and the coaching staff. That can make for an ugly season.

But yeah, I expect the game to be close, unless the Bengals cough up the ball a lot (and I can, unfortunately, see Palmer tossing 3 INTs in this one).

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Miami also has a defense that runs on pride and after giving up a century mark runner fors the first time since 2002 they will be fired up.

The only good thing Rudi has going for him is that TimBo will be out. :(

Remember not to judge on Feeley coming from a back up postion.

Young, Brady,Delhome were all back up QBs also

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