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thoughts on first game


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Carson looks more then ready, and made one bad play with the pick. The Offensive line seemed to have trouble making holes for the offense to run through. The Defense looked awful. I didn't see Webster on more then 2 plays, there was no pass rush, and Williams looked respectable, but gave up some big catches. any other thoughts?

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Nate Webster blew, realy terrible. e looked confused and aimless. He was behind almost everey play. I am very disappointed. The D-Line was freakin' awful. It is so obvious that the D-Line is physically deficient. They were completely handled.

Martin (31) had almost 200 yds. That meas the D-Line was VERY BAD.

Williams was ok, but what was worse was James. He is really struggling. Williams will get better. They picked on him again and again. Pennington is a very good QB so it is no surprise he was able to connect. Martin ad the line made the difference.

Palmer was sharp and made throws Kitna can only dream of making. He is a STUD. The pick at the end was sad, just a bad throw, forced a little. Could have easily been dropped as well. Palmer and the WR corp will continue togel and smoke many many secondaries.

Sad the Benglas lost but at least it was a good game... The Pennington incompletion/fumble call was unreal. It was us getting the shaft again.

I wonder now if folks will second guess not getting D-tackles in free agency?

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Comments? Easy. The Bengals defensive coordinator is not preparing his unit properly. The members from this unit who are out with injuries isn't the reason for this. Time after time they were simply surprised, caught in the wrong set, or failed to adjust at the line before the snap, and gave up way too many big plays and 3rd down conversions. Remind you of last year?

Well the rest of the team has improved, and it showed today.

The defense hasn't, and even showed it may be worse!

If Frazier doesn't get his squad improving in some measurable way, I hope he's shown the door! We can do better and most of all, WE DESERVE BETTER!! :angry:

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Frazier needs to go; he obviously does not know how "to fix" the defense. I believe the players are there, the leadership from the defensive coordinator is not. Webster is way overrated. I do believe we will average over 20 points a game from the offense, providing those guys give Rudi some running room. The defense seems to be beyond hope, will yield close to 30 points a game.

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Guys, the team as a whole is just very bad. Palmer will struggle at times this year, and God forbid he does. If he does you are looking at 31-10 or 31-7 ballgames. Our defense will nto get any better. I hate to bring this up yet again but 6-10 is my best hope.

The team as a whole isn't very bad, the defense is. Palmer will probably struggle at times this year, but he didn't struggle too much today which is what this thread is about.

I'm really sure that you hate bringing up your 6-10 prediction.

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I was at the game and I have some thoughts:

1) Carson Palmer impressed me with his poise and arm. Forced some throws a team with a better secondary would have knocked down or picked off.

2) The offensive line improved as the game went by protecting Palmer -- on one series n the first half Abrahame hit him 3 time in 5 plays. They could do nothing to help the running game. Cowart had 15 tackles.

3) Johnson won't be able to run unless that line tightens up. A 2.9 YPC won't do it.

4) Your WR corp are a group oof studs -- you will enjoy watching them -- i hated watching them today!

5) There is nothing good to say about your D -- they allowed Martin nearly 6.5 YPC, got little to no pressure. I was anticipating a improved Bengals D, but they have yet to gel into a solid unit. Hopefully they improve.

Good luck next week

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Ok i just got back from the game and heres a few observations.

Carson's INT at the end did not lose this game, at least he was trying to win unlike our defense.

Penington's fumble was bulls**t and shoulda been our ball. Refs f**ked the call up and they know it.

Pennington played awesome, did everything especially vs a team with no pass rush whatsoever.

Palmer - played phenominal. was exciting to watch him play.

This loss isnt huge, at least we can bounce back vs miami at home next week. If this game was at home id be worried but since it was on the road, and we faught till the end, im happy.

Tackling? WTF was that today? Seriously. Whenever we had Martin at the LOS he would get 2-4 additional yds. Whenever he was in motion going forward he would drag us forward, where was the help defense, i saw NO gangtackles.

Defensive line played f**kin terrible on passing downs. I wont give them the fault on rushing problems.

I give our linebackers all the heat for the rushing problems. All of Martins big runs were to the outside when our linebackers were greedy and over pursuited to the middle. Every single run he bounced outside. Was so frustrating watching our linebackers go right into their blockers.

Overall good performance from the bengals offense and special teams, offense gets a B, ST gets an A and defense gets a D-. Seriously nothing good about it besides James who only got thrown at once or twice all game and herring who had good run support. Cant wait for Oneal and Simmons to be in there, Landon needs alot of work before he hits the field again.

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I agree about Carson, he was ready and played well minus the one pick. PDub looked full strength, good news. Rudi looked good but that fumble ended up being very costly. Its one thing to fumble, its another thing when the direct result is 6 points the other way.

I have nothing good to say about that pitiful excuse for a defense. Im not too dissapointed, next week we pull to 1-1 against that horrific Fins team.

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Guys, the team as a whole is just very bad. Palmer will struggle at times this year, and God forbid he does. If he does you are looking at 31-10 or 31-7 ballgames. Our defense will nto get any better. I hate to bring this up yet again but 6-10 is my best hope.

The team as a whole isn't very bad, the defense is. Palmer will probably struggle at times this year, but he didn't struggle too much today which is what this thread is about.

I'm really sure that you hate bringing up your 6-10 prediction.

I'd even qualify that further in that the defense was very bad Today. That does not mean that there won't be a significant improvement by the D against the Dolphins next week.

Losing 1 game on the road ( where we don't play well ) .... in a place where we were 0 and 7 is hardly reason to pack it in for the season. The Patriots looked pretty bad against the Bills in the first game last year. 30 zip ... or something to that affect. Season turned out pretty good for them, and along the way they managed to returned the favor as well.

I'm not saying we're going to the Super Bowl ....... but I'm not backing off my 9 n 7 either. Next week we're back to .500.

Do you guys really think that the Browns are as good or the Ravens as bad as today would indicate ?????? If most of you are sitting there shaking your head " no " then why the hell would you assume it of our own team ??

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I picked them but no o/u bets for me. I tried to avoid betting money on the jets -- takes some of the pure enjoyment out of watching the game.

Your D will improve - O'neal was out and your safety was knocked loopy early on. We picked on your rook in the secondary.

Your offense can be explosive --- the dolphins D will be a good test and their offense should help your D get their act together. Looking at Baltimore today should be a fun year for you guys.

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Ok positives - warrick definately, that reverse was ran beautifully and the 20 yd reception was very nice as well.

Palmer - we all know why

Watson - Great job of spelling rudi when he needed it

CJ - 2 spectacular catches. Watching him play is pure excitement. Top 3 WR.

Larson - good punt.

Williams - even though he got beat play after play, he was right there every time. Once he gets the plays and more exp. he'll be great and have his hands in the right positioning.

Herring - Good last effort run support.

James - nice job on the few passes he saw

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All the Browns did today was to guarantee a sincere, meaningful ass whipping the next time they get together.

Not until Baltimore finds something that could remotely be considered an offense they won't! Until that happens, all I see is the Browns winning again, but just scoring fewer points in the process. Probably along the lines of single digit scores for BOTH teams! :rolleyes:

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browns played very well today on defense. I do not see that continueing on the road or in the future. Lets just say i think the ravens horrible offense made the browns D look better than it actually is.

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Well, our D still sucks. We stiil can't stop the run at all, and our secondary is just as bad as it was last year.

Palmer looked great though, and Housmanzadah looked pretty good too)along w/ the rest of the WR core). I think we have the the worst D in the AFC North, which will keep us out of the playoffs. :player:

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Our passing game looked great, running game had it's moments. Our D looked hopeless. Our special teams looked great as well.

Our D was really bad, but let's face it...it's not like a no name back rushed against us for 196...Curtis Martin is a top flight back....and Pennington did to us what he does to a lot of teams...He's a great QB.

So I'm not willing to right us off for the season...but if AJ Feeley and Gordon look like Pennington and Martin next week....Then I'm personally leading the charge to sack frazier....

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Nate Webster blew, realy terrible. e looked confused and aimless. He was behind almost everey play. I am very disappointed. The D-Line was freakin' awful. It is so obvious that the D-Line is physically deficient. They were completely handled.

Martin (31) had almost 200 yds. That meas the D-Line was VERY BAD.

Williams was ok, but what was worse was James. He is really struggling. Williams will get better. They picked on him again and again. Pennington is a very good QB so it is no surprise he was able to connect. Martin ad the line made the difference.

Palmer was sharp and made throws Kitna can only dream of making. He is a STUD. The pick at the end was sad, just a bad throw, forced a little. Could have easily been dropped as well. Palmer and the WR corp will continue togel and smoke many many secondaries.

Sad the Benglas lost but at least it was a good game... The Pennington incompletion/fumble call was unreal. It was us getting the shaft again.

I wonder now if folks will second guess not getting D-tackles in free agency?

Getting D-line help in Free Agents? What about our first pick? Wasn't everyone saying draft Defense first. We sure could have used that today.

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