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Carson Palmer is the real deal !


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:rolleyes: I want to thank Jon Kitna for getting us back to respectability. He was a good fit, the right call to start and allow Carson Palmer a year to watch from the sidelines. But now it's Carson Palmer's turn and I think he is the quarterback of the future -- much like Boomer Esiason and Kenny Anderson were in years past. I know putting Palmer in the company of Esiason and Anderson is a bit pre-mature, but he'll need to put up those kind of passing numbers to get the Bengals back to Super Bowl contention. I don't think our worries are on the offensive side of the ball, but on the defense. And Marvin Lewis, being a defensive kind of guy, will get that taken care of. Maybe another draft and the Bengals will be a serious playoff hopeful. What y'all think. Ya think we're still one year away from making the playoffs? The schedule is a tough one, even for an All-Pro QB, and a 9-7 record (which is my guess for the Bengals in 2004) might not be good enough to reach the postseason.. :blink:
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Yeah, Carson is definitely legit. He's gonna make his mistakes, but they're more like growing pains that he'll hopefully progress through.

I'm not too concerned about the schedule. Anything can happen over the course of a football season. The Dolphins, for example, are going to be without Ricky. The Redskins lost Jansen for the entire season, The Cowboys have Vinny Testaverde starting at QB, etc. We just need to focus on the team ahead of us now, the NY Jets. Let's not get too excited about all of the other teams that we must play, one game at a time like Coach Lewis said.

Who-Dey! :player:

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im waiting for the game that he gets 300+ yds and 3+ TDs in a blowout win. But i am also waiting for the game that he throws >200 yds and 3 ints and we lose. Its gonna happen at somepoint, it happens to everyone. But i do think theres gonna be a ton more good than bad. I hope James stops getting burned to a crisp at CB or we are gonna be screwed.

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B) Are we now all in agreement that coach Lewis had pretty much the right idea in naming Palmer the starter ????????

Everybody here knows that I like Kitna ....... And I agree that Palmer is going to have off days as well as good ones. But this is a different team with him @ qb. Any defensive coordinator that doesn't believe that is in for a long, scary day :player:

And where the hell is The Barbarian :ph34r: ?????????? I need to hear what he thinks of this whole thing.

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And where the hell is The Barbarian :ph34r: ?????????? I need to hear what he thinks of this whole thing.

Do you think someone here said something derogatory to him about his character, and hurt his feelings and he's home trying to get over it!?! :lol:

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B) Are we now all in agreement that coach Lewis had pretty much the right idea in naming Palmer the starter ????????

If we had dramatically improved the defense, especially the run defense, then I believe that the Bengals could have made a legitimate run at the playoffs with Kitna. However, since I don't expect enough improvement from the defense this year - some, but not enough - I now agree with the timing of the change. My worst fears about Palmer seem kind of silly to me now, and after a year of playing, I expect him to be about as good or better than Kitna at his best, with still more potential upside to come. So, yes - in my opinion, playing him now doesn't hurt and long-term will help the Cincinnati Bengals.

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And where the hell is The Barbarian  :ph34r:  ?????????? I need to hear what he thinks of this whole thing.

Do you think someone here said something derogatory to him about his character, and hurt his feelings and he's home trying to get over it!?! :lol:

:lol: I don't think that guys who call themselves Barbarians get their feelings hurt. Maybe if you spilled his beer it'd hurt his feelings .... but then he'd probably head butt you over the table.

All in all, ( the " B " word aside ) I kind of like his " be in it to win it " attitude. I personally hope the Bengals can live up to his standards. It's the only way they'll lose the Loser tag that they've admittedly earned over the last 10+ years.

Also I understand his frustration. Do you know how many remotes I've broken between the Reds and the Bengals ????? <_<

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And where the hell is The Barbarian  :ph34r:  ?????????? I need to hear what he thinks of this whole thing.

Do you think someone here said something derogatory to him about his character, and hurt his feelings and he's home trying to get over it!?! :lol:

:lol: I don't think that guys who call themselves Barbarians get their feelings hurt. Maybe if you spilled his beer it'd hurt his feelings .... but then he'd probably head butt you over the table.

All in all, ( the " B " word aside ) I kind of like his " be in it to win it " attitude. I personally hope the Bengals can live up to his standards. It's the only way they'll lose the Loser tag that they've admittedly earned over the last 10+ years.

Also I understand his frustration. Do you know how many remotes I've broken between the Reds and the Bengals ????? <_<

Has anyone every seen a pic of Barbarian? I bet he is 4'8" and weights 110.

I can understand the frustration as well, but I've got to say that Palmer has me pretty excited for the future. Even if it doesn't end up being this season, I feel confident that it will come at some point...

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Has anyone every seen a pic of Barbarian? I bet he is 4'8" and weights 110.

Well I haven't seen a pic as proof, but when we discussed past football experiences in a PM between us, he told me he played defensive lineman in school (not certain if it was prep or college), stands well over 6 foot, and weighs in around 230 or 240.

I have no reason to think he was lying, we were just discussing the fact that games are won and lost on the line of scrimmage.

Dammit Barb! Post your pic under your profile here so we can verify this! (Include your home address too. A few folks around here need it for your hate mail that's been backin' up! :lol: )

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I agree that Carson is the future, no doubt about it. BUT...I am SICK of losing seasons and .500 seasons, and I think that by starting Palmer we are right back into that mold again. Expect ANOTHER sub-par season as we let Palmer grow. After 14 years I am tired of "wait till next year."

I also agree that Palmer will lose a lot of games for us this year. Games that we are close and lose by a field goal or a TD, and we lose the turnover battle due to Palmer throwing 3 picks or something. But, in the same token look for Rudi to win a couple of games for us with his legs alone.

Overall, we aren't as good as we think. Look for a 6-10 record this year.

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Man i heard the " B " IS 6 4" AND 245 LB. dont mess with the BARBARION :angry:

Kinda goes without saying but ...... The Barbarian reminds me of Kirk in one aspect tho .... from his posts, I think he gets a lot more satisfaction out of coming out on top in a good verbal exchange as opposed to beating the hell out of somebody physically.

Its like Kirk says .... the damage inflicted by words leaves scars that last a lot longer. I'd tend to agree. :ph34r:

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I agree that Carson is the future, no doubt about it. BUT...I am SICK of losing seasons and .500 seasons, and I think that by starting Palmer we are right back into that mold again. Expect ANOTHER sub-par season as we let Palmer grow. After 14 years I am tired of "wait till next year."

I also agree that Palmer will lose a lot of games for us this year. Games that we are close and lose by a field goal or a TD, and we lose the turnover battle due to Palmer throwing 3 picks or something. But, in the same token look for Rudi to win a couple of games for us with his legs alone.

Overall, we aren't as good as we think. Look for a 6-10 record this year.

I hear what you're saying, but I think the reason that coach Lewis is starting Palmer is to avoid another .500 season.

While a 6 and 10 season is possible, I don't think it's likely. Since the schedule came out I've been sayin 9 and 7. Palmer, if anything is looking better than a lot of us had hoped ..... his receivers are looking good , and so is the running game. In short, I haven't seen anything in pre season to make me think we'll do worse than I said originally.

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I agree that Carson is the future, no doubt about it. BUT...I am SICK of losing seasons and .500 seasons, and I think that by starting Palmer we are right back into that mold again. Expect ANOTHER sub-par season as we let Palmer grow. After 14 years I am tired of "wait till next year."

I also agree that Palmer will lose a lot of games for us this year. Games that we are close and lose by a field goal or a TD, and we lose the turnover battle due to Palmer throwing 3 picks or something. But, in the same token look for Rudi to win a couple of games for us with his legs alone.

Overall, we aren't as good as we think. Look for a 6-10 record this year.

Yeah. I'm curious, just what has Palmer done this preseason that makes you think this? I mean, what ill-decisions has he made? How many bad throws?

The only things that have happened that have made our offense look poor at anytime have really never been only the fault of Palmer. In fact, many times they have been the fault of the receivers (not running proper routes, not hauling in catchable passes) and blockers (people missing blitz assignments, not holding blocks out long enough).

Your is flawed and it sucks.

Perhaps before the preseason I might have been inclined to agree with you a bit on this. However, I have been reading about Palmer's play, actually learning something about him in game time situations, and his play has been efficient and glitzy, his command of the offense firm, and his poise cool.

So, I pose the question again, just what has he done on (or off) the field that gives you this opinion?


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anyone else notice that when barb disappeared bax appeared....hmmmmmmmm...................... :wacko:  :blink:  :unsure:

No way. Just coincidence. Bax hasn't used the term "Bungles" once! Case Closed. (sorry for stealing your catch phrase Bax.)

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No way, I've seen the Barb and Bax go at one another in posts, and unless he has multiple personalities that can't stand one another then they are 2 different people. No Bruce Wayne/Batman thing.

Also, both are negative, but Barb's observations and comments are well thought out and backed by actual facts...Bax is just an instigator.

Ok...now that that has been addressed, to the actual point of the thread.

Palmer has shown that he has an amazing up-side as a QB. He has the arm and the accuracy to make throws that Kitna could never make. He lacks experience and will definitely have some growing pains, but he has a great supporting cast that will help to cushion the results of those pains. I have not heard 1 NFL pundit going off on Marvin for naming Palmer the starter, and that is something the media would love to do. All I've heard from the analysts is that Palmer is going to be a great QB, growing pains aside.

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Also, both are negative, but Barb's observations and comments are well thought out and backed by actual facts...Bax is just an instigator.

I wouldn't say they're negative. I'd say they're more skeptical to the point of being derogatory until the Bengals become successful and at least win the AFC North again. I will add Barb has been very supportive of Palmer, and realizes his potential as most of us all do!

And I'd say Barb's more of the instigator. Remember the thread he started in the Smack forum, "Here I am, come and get me?" If that isn't instigation, I don't know what is!

Bax seems to be simply a direct, straight to the point kind of guy, which can be taken for abrasive. So what. That's just the way he is. So be it.

I don't want this place turning into a big "hug-fest, good buddy, and campfire sing-a-longs club." Nor do I want the 24/7 "fight club" either. I like the middle, where Bengalszone is now! B) I myself prefer some variety in the personalities of forum members. I've seen some pretty pathetically "homeristic" teams forums, and this is infinitely better.

Point is Barb is just probably on vacation, or the wife has him doing chores lately. These are two different people! :lol:

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I base my statement on this:

Palmer is young, and is still learning. He WILL make mistakes, just like any young QB will, and it will cost us games, period. I never said he wouldn't be good guys, please calm down.

Look up Akili's 2000 preseason stats someone. Pretty comparable to Palmer. He was a second year QB. He had a cannon arm. BIG DEAL. Preseason means NOTHING. Wait until he gets pressure and blitzes like crazy. He will make mistakes guys, but yes he will be a good QB. I just don't wanna wait 3 more years for him to become a stud.

Make more sense now?

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Carsons got the size, arm , youth and looks better to me than most young Q.Bs. To me he is still a rookie just like most of you guys do. But what Ive seen is he is the real deal, and im a big JOHN K. fan. I couldnt be happier with any other Q.B for the BENGALS to leed us in the future. :player:

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