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should Zimmer be mad at Guenther?


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Just business, Zim has no legitimate right to be angry.

Cincinnati has superior talent on D, and I'm not sure it's even close, can't blame Guenther.

Also, I read remarks Guenther made that, paraphrasing, said, I have to put my own stamp on this thing, I have to do it my way.

If you are the DC on a Zimmer-coached team, do you think you will be doing it your way, or Zim's way? In fact, are you even the DC in anything but name only?

I wonder how fast he'll bring his son along. Linebackers coach, maybe?

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I'm sure he's disappointed and maybe truly mad but I take that as a compliment.

I'm sure the transition to DC would be easier by staying in place with familiar players rather than taking on that task for the first time in a new place with new players. Plus we really don't know Guenther's personal situation as far as family, etc. so that could be part of it too.

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From Joe Reedy's twitter:

Guenther on if he's talked to Zimmer: "We've talked briefly. He's kind of mad at me right now, so you've got to understand that."

I doubt he's really that mad,Just more of he's busy as fuk running a team now.Both guys got alot on their plate atm.

Zimmer shouldn't be shocked Guenther stayed because Cinci very well could have denied interviews if he didn't.

If you are the DC on a Zimmer-coached team, do you think you will be doing it your way, or Zim's way? In fact, are you even the DC in anything but name only?

Exactly,Plus it gives him fastest way to become a Headcoach himself.

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I'm sure Zimmer wanted someone he thought could run the defense HE would run but can't seeing as how he's the head coach.

Seeing what he was able to do with the Bengals all his seasons, can you blame him ??

He's probably not mad at Guenther, but the situation he finds himself in with regard to how the defense is going to be ran.

It would have just been one less thing to worry about for him.

That being said, too bad Zimmer.

Good luck and thanks, but too bad.

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