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Complete Bengals Cap Breakdown


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Yeoman's work by Joe Reedy, a player-by-player, salary-by-salary breakdown of the Bengals cap status.


Currently, the Bengals are $19,967,981 under the cap.

However, in terms of actual spending, they are currently committed to spending $121,956,219. So it looks like they have already covered the "spend up to 89% of the cap" requirement.

Looking at the list of guys who are up after 2013, their cap hit this season totals around $30 million.

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Cap numbers on Dunlap's deal from Reedy:

Dunlap's cap numbers on new deal -- '13 $6.907M; '14 $8.6M; '15 $4.9M; '16 $5.950M; '17 $6.95M; '18 $7M

Joe said yesterday that the Bengals stood at $20.967 million under the cap. So after Carlos they have about $14 million left.

ETA: Per Reedy, the Bengals have $15.549 million in cap space remaining. Seventh-most in the league.

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I keep hoping. But looking at the numbers I can see a big gap, maybe too big.

Geno is making $1.4 million this year. Franchising him in 2014 would cost about $8.5 million, using this year's price tag. If they franchised him a second time in 2015 and even a third time in 2016, the total for those two years would be around $25 million. So basically his total cost 2013-16 is about $35 million for four years.

Meanwhile, I am sure Geno's camp is pushing for him to be th highest paid DT in the league, to set the market. That would be something like five years and $65 million.

We'll see.

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I think the Bengals could get creative with Atkins and could get away with a little bit since he's in an odd situation.

Again, Atkins isn't making sh*t compared to what he will be making and still is facing a full season in 2013.

They could make him the highest paid DT in the league fairly easy without it crushing them.

Outside of the guys playing under the tag, the highest DT is McCoy at a shade over 8 million this season.

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