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And most are assuming he won't be in shape, even though when he came in to sign his contract he was said to be looking better than ever.

Heck, even the pictures shown had him looking anything but out of shape.

Now, if you want to argue if he's in "football shape" fine, but lets not overreact to that either.

By the time camp and the preseason is over that won't even be a topic for conversation.

My money is still FIRMLY on Smith being the starter come week one and it not even being close.


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"It would appear" that Andre Smith could be more professional in the way he goes about things, but then again, we have no idea what's happening.

That is the biggest reason I'm really not concerned about it in the least at this point in time.

When and if we find out what has been happening, it will allow a better picture of things.

Until then, we have our #6 overall pick from a draft work himself into one of the best RT's in the league.

Boy that sucks huh ??

I'm not happy that he has missed what is being installed, but he will make up for it.

Don't worry people, in 3 years we can use another 1st round pick to replace him.

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The bottom line is that Smith skipping a mandatory team event is a legitimate topic of discussion for a Bengals message board. It's also understandable that fans are concerned, since nothing in Smith's history supports the idea that he can be counted on to be a pro absent close team supervision. Maybe that has changed, maybe not. We are going to find out.

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I never once said it shouldn't be discussed, I said I wasn't worried.

If everyone else wants to continue making up reasons for why he missed mandatory time, so be it. Be concerned all you like.

I also couldn't tell you whether the team provides close supervision to him or not or if that is the reason for his improvement over the last 2 seasons.

I also never said I was happy about it or think he's the consummate professional.

I'm merely pointing out when he returns, he will be our starting RT.

If the reason isn't that he killed someone or failed a drug test, it won't matter.

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My bad Hoosier.

While I think it is certainly something worthy of conversation, I simply don't like everyone throwing out FACTS when they aren't.

I've also said that if Smith isn't legit with his reasoning, he deserves all the bashing he will get.

I have concerns with him missing time to learn new material.

I have concerns with him needing to take extra time to get back to speed.

I have concerns with our lack of options after him.

What I don't have concerns with are his weight or any of the other speculations being thrown around.

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I guess if its a personal matter in his life, then so be it and nobody needs to know, its just that everyone seems so hush about it. Everybody will think the worst, i did only because i thought peope were saying he was not happy about his contract, but ill wait and see whats up.

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Here's my thought on the contract thing:

To start, Smith has never said himself, through his agent or anyone else that he was unhappy with the contract.

If he was upset, wouldn't ANY player who thought they were about to get the "cash in" of a lifetime and then didn't, feel that way ??

Wouldn't there be a little disappointment ?? Could anyone really blame any player ?? Really ??

Hell, when I found out I wasn't coming in at the pay grade I thought I was, I was disappointed as could be and there weren't millions involved.

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