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found this note buried in the enquirer coverage today:

In (Monday) morning practice, linebacker Kevin Hardy grabbed Chad Johnson by the shirt and threw the wide receiver face first to the ground after a reception. Coaches have been getting on Johnson about not running back to the huddle. Hardy's body slam looked like retribution and was not accidental contact. Nobody would talk about it.

:blink: huh? WTF? this makes no sense on any level... :wacko:

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found this note buried in the enquirer coverage today:
In (Monday) morning practice, linebacker Kevin Hardy grabbed Chad Johnson by the shirt and threw the wide receiver face first to the ground after a reception. Coaches have been getting on Johnson about not running back to the huddle. Hardy's body slam looked like retribution and was not accidental contact. Nobody would talk about it.

:blink: huh? WTF? this makes no sense on any level... :wacko:

GOOD!!! Maybe Johnson will realize that he's not above anything. The team needs this DICKHEAD to be a leader--not a hotdog.

Lead by example, CHAD--ya putz.

Hardy should have thrown CJ in the mud facemask first.

That oughta learn him.

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GOOD!!! Maybe Johnson will realize that he's not above anything. The team needs this DICKHEAD to be a leader--not a hotdog.

Huh? :blink: When has Chad been a d--khead? Yeah, he's cocky, but I can point to about a million wideouts who have or had real attitude problems, starting with the unlamented ex-Bengals duo of Pickens and Scott. And Chad has nothing on his ijit cousin Keyshawn in the headcase department.

If anything, I think Larry's onto something; the D may be getting frustrated because Chad keeps torching them. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing. But what happens if one of these little instances of frustration results in an injury for all or part of the season? That's why I think the enquirer's insinuation that this was somehow done at the behest of the coaches is goofy.

And Hardy needs to chill a bit. The answer isn't tossing Johnson around, it's stopping him from catching the ball.

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Hardy getting a little fired up? Hell yea! I like it. When your defense is fired up and Chad wants to show up the defense, it promotes growth while in training because you're looking to one up the other side. Doing this brings about a very competitive nature on both sides of the ball that camp by itself doesn't do.

Fighting is good among teammates as long as it's without off-field drama -- i.e. Dillon. More so, I like how everyone has stayed mum on this because it shows team unity.

I'm getting more and more excited about this season with each passing day. I said earlier in the off-season that this team realistically would be a .500 team.. Now I'm looking at 10-6. Yea, I've got that optimistic bug right now..

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Where was this written? I looked at CE.com and it wasn't in there.


It's the last item in the sidebar. The Post also mentions it, but just as a rough finish to the play; no mention of some sort of "retribution" by the coaches. Says Chad was slow getting up.

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Ain't the first time Chad was slow getting up.

Seems like the Rams game last year right before halftime when Chad sits on his ass in the endzone with a calf cramp and doesn't even attempt to get off the GD field. It forced a time out then Kitna had a brain fart that kept the Bengals from even getting a field goal before the clock ran out.

Chad is a brilliant WR with great work ethic and technique. But I can see where he could get on his teammates nerves. Plus, the celebration bit should be kept in check. If it starts costing 15 yarders, it ought to start costing him $150,000.

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Ain't the first time Chad was slow getting up.

Seems like the Rams game last year right before halftime when Chad sits on his ass in the endzone with a calf cramp and doesn't even attempt to get off the GD field. It forced a time out then Kitna had a brain fart that kept the Bengals from even getting a field goal before the clock ran out.

Chad is a brilliant WR with great work ethic and technique. But I can see where he could get on his teammates nerves. Plus, the celebration bit should be kept in check. If it starts costing 15 yarders, it ought to start costing him $150,000.

Hey, I like the idea!!!

Now is that a fine from the team or the NFL???


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I went to camp yesterday and the coaches were actually on Chad to jog back to the huddle instead of walk. However, he continued to walk but nobody seemed to mind because they threw to him (both Kitna and Palmer) almost every time and he caught absolutely everything and was always open. i have never seen an individual look that dominant in all my years of going to camp. He is in store for one hell of a year. I think the Hardy Johnson thing was blown up, in prson it didn't seem like that big of a deal.

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I went to camp yesterday and the coaches were actually on Chad to jog back to the huddle instead of walk. However, he continued to walk but nobody seemed to mind because they threw to him (both Kitna and Palmer) almost every time and he caught absolutely everything and was always open. i have never seen an individual look that dominant in all my years of going to camp. He is in store for one hell of a year. I think the Hardy Johnson thing was blown up, in prson it didn't seem like that big of a deal.

Thanks, william. I was hoping that someone here had actually seen the play and could give an impression.

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Here's MLs response to the incident today during his press conference.

"We saw Kevin Hardy and Chad Johnson tango a little yesterday during practice. Kevin threw Chad to the ground...

ML: “That was just Kevin (Hardy) trying to strip the football. We have the defense do that every single play.”

Is it a sign that these guys are ready to hit somebody else?

ML: “No. I think that’s the way we’ve got to practice. We don’t want Chad (Johnson) to hit the ground, or anybody else. But we want the defensive players to attack and strip the football all the time. We have to be smart and not have the player on the ground. That’s the key thing. What Kevin (Hardy) did wasn’t what we want, so he was corrected. We want him to run to the ball and attempt to strip the ball, but not at the sake of having another guy on the ground. We’ve got to be really careful.” "

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Hey, I like the idea!!!

Now is that a fine from the team or the NFL???


If a team can do it, then the team since the penalties will affect the game. I got no beef with Chad doing his thing because it fires everybody up. But the cell phone and poster stuff and the like got to end if they result in penalties.

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Marvin was doin the spin thing. What I like was that he mentioned addressing the issue with Hardy to make sure it didn't happen again. It can be good to see players getting fired up and going at it like Brahm and Webster, but you don't need an episode like Westbrook and Steven Davis in camp. I'm not saying it went that far or even came close, just making a point. The last thing the team needs is for a player to get hurt and have to miss time, especially a player as important to our offense as CJ.

As far as comments on here about CJ deserving this...now I say WTF!!

I haven't heard or read anything that suggests he had this coming. What I have heard is that he's been blowing people away in camp, he has been very entertaining and really fun to watch. How is that a bad thing? CJ is like an oversized Pop Warner player running around having the time of his life being a player in the NFL. I'd take that anyday over the players we've had that do nothing but pi** and moan all the time and disrespect the organization.

1 more WTF...is it me or did Joisey use the "word" ijit in his post? :lol:

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As far as comments on here about CJ deserving this...now I say WTF!!

I haven't heard or read anything that suggests he had this coming. What I have heard is that he's been blowing people away in camp, he has been very entertaining and really fun to watch. How is that a bad thing? CJ is like an oversized Pop Warner player running around having the time of his life being a player in the NFL. I'd take that anyday over the players we've had that do nothing but pi** and moan all the time and disrespect the organization.

I agree completely wookie!

Chad is a young player, with great skills, having a great time. I've said it before. There hasnt been anything to celebrate in Bengaldom for a long,long time.

When Chad celebrates, you bet your ass I'm celebrating too.

Enjoy the games.

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As far as comments on here about CJ deserving this...now I say WTF!!

I haven't heard or read anything that suggests he had this coming. What I have heard is that he's been blowing people away in camp, he has been very entertaining and really fun to watch. How is that a bad thing? CJ is like an oversized Pop Warner player running around having the time of his life being a player in the NFL. I'd take that anyday over the players we've had that do nothing but pi** and moan all the time and disrespect the organization.

I agree completely wookie!

Chad is a young player, with great skills, having a great time. I've said it before. There hasnt been anything to celebrate in Bengaldom for a long,long time.

When Chad celebrates, you bet your ass I'm celebrating too.

Enjoy the games.

Have to agree with both of you. The true hotdog types usually aggravate me, but in Chads case he's more like just a big kid having fun. He takes his game serious, but not himself. I didn't like a couple of his celebrations last year, and if it costs us penalty yards this year I won't like that either ..... but c'mon .... as Sprewell would say " This is Pwactice man. Pwactice. " If you can't have fun in pwactice ( sic ) then that's pretty bad.

If Hardys p.o.ed about Chad beating him on plays then maybe he's the one that should step it up and make the play. If he still can't make the play on Chad ... then join the club. Hardly anyone else can either.

I'll be a lot more impressed when I see him manhandling the opponents wr's and rb's.

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