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Just got a year's supply of Ol' Roy


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Well he believes Roy can do both and for the games Roy played in showed that...I still want mays though :P Coyle has been great positions couch and Zimmer was a former DB couch so I think they could turn maYs in to something special...

PS,with that being said happy we resigned roy and was something I wanted to see team do because he is a value even if he isn't starting as a special teamer and depth...

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This defense was FAR more physical when Roy was in the secondary last year and they missed his intensity once he was lost. I think the move is solid, but does NOTHING to sway me from seeing Safety being the first round pick. Well, at least one of the more likely picks. I think bringing Roy back will help them bring a new guy in and have a vet who has been there and done that school him up. If the knock on Mays is that he is a Roy Williams clone, I simply say, make the pick, enjoy your 5 pro bowls you are going to get out of him and be happy.

Mays coverage concerns simply aren't that much of a concern to me. You simply can't teach a guy that f*cking big to run that fast. I also think Mays made a mistake going back for his last year because BOTH of the starting corners AND the starting safety entered the draft the year before. He was playing with a bunch of new guys and was expected to carry that group. That is simply to much to ask of one player. Put him in there with Hall and JJoe on either side and Roy Williams or Crocker and he will flourish. I have no doubts about it.

Once again, good move by the Bengals. I'm a happy camper !!!

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My first thoughts are the same as several others it seems.

Taylor Mays is in play at #21. Big time.

Because Zimmer finally put to bed the question of Roy Williams perfect fit in this defensive scheme. And if Williams is a perfect fit...and not simply an inexpensive veteran player who was better than what they had...then Mays instantly becomes the near perfect piece to build around. In short, any reservations I may have previously indulged are gone....shatttered in a single sentence. Roy fits.

I want Mays.

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This defense was FAR more physical when Roy was in the secondary last year and they missed his intensity once he was lost. I think the move is solid, but does NOTHING to sway me from seeing Safety being the first round pick. Well, at least one of the more likely picks. I think bringing Roy back will help them bring a new guy in and have a vet who has been there and done that school him up. If the knock on Mays is that he is a Roy Williams clone, I simply say, make the pick, enjoy your 5 pro bowls you are going to get out of him and be happy.

Mays coverage concerns simply aren't that much of a concern to me. You simply can't teach a guy that f*cking big to run that fast. I also think Mays made a mistake going back for his last year because BOTH of the starting corners AND the starting safety entered the draft the year before. He was playing with a bunch of new guys and was expected to carry that group. That is simply to much to ask of one player. Put him in there with Hall and JJoe on either side and Roy Williams or Crocker and he will flourish. I have no doubts about it.

Once again, good move by the Bengals. I'm a happy camper !!!

Agreed fully Army,Like I was saying when people didn't think we'd resign Roy even if hes not a starter hes great for team as Depth,Special teamer and just a good vet leader.. :cheers: heres to us taking Mays and letting him learn from one of the best enforcers.

I want Mays.

Mmhmmm Just feeling like i'm setting myself up to be disappointed when he's not there at 21#....Wondering how many people would be against us using a 3rd to try trade up 11/12th pick if we get a 3rd rnd comp for TJ so we would still have a pick in that round.

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This defense was FAR more physical when Roy was in the secondary last year and they missed his intensity once he was lost. I think the move is solid, but does NOTHING to sway me from seeing Safety being the first round pick. Well, at least one of the more likely picks. I think bringing Roy back will help them bring a new guy in and have a vet who has been there and done that school him up. If the knock on Mays is that he is a Roy Williams clone, I simply say, make the pick, enjoy your 5 pro bowls you are going to get out of him and be happy.

Mays coverage concerns simply aren't that much of a concern to me. You simply can't teach a guy that f*cking big to run that fast. I also think Mays made a mistake going back for his last year because BOTH of the starting corners AND the starting safety entered the draft the year before. He was playing with a bunch of new guys and was expected to carry that group. That is simply to much to ask of one player. Put him in there with Hall and JJoe on either side and Roy Williams or Crocker and he will flourish. I have no doubts about it.

Once again, good move by the Bengals. I'm a happy camper !!!

Running fast and having good feet as a DB are NOT the same thing though.

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This defense was FAR more physical when Roy was in the secondary last year and they missed his intensity once he was lost. I think the move is solid, but does NOTHING to sway me from seeing Safety being the first round pick. Well, at least one of the more likely picks. I think bringing Roy back will help them bring a new guy in and have a vet who has been there and done that school him up. If the knock on Mays is that he is a Roy Williams clone, I simply say, make the pick, enjoy your 5 pro bowls you are going to get out of him and be happy.

Mays coverage concerns simply aren't that much of a concern to me. You simply can't teach a guy that f*cking big to run that fast. I also think Mays made a mistake going back for his last year because BOTH of the starting corners AND the starting safety entered the draft the year before. He was playing with a bunch of new guys and was expected to carry that group. That is simply to much to ask of one player. Put him in there with Hall and JJoe on either side and Roy Williams or Crocker and he will flourish. I have no doubts about it.

Once again, good move by the Bengals. I'm a happy camper !!!

Running fast and having good feet as a DB are NOT the same thing though.

Were you of the line of thought that I was unaware of that ?? I was only making a simple point, nothing mind numbing...

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This defense was FAR more physical when Roy was in the secondary last year and they missed his intensity once he was lost. I think the move is solid, but does NOTHING to sway me from seeing Safety being the first round pick. Well, at least one of the more likely picks. I think bringing Roy back will help them bring a new guy in and have a vet who has been there and done that school him up. If the knock on Mays is that he is a Roy Williams clone, I simply say, make the pick, enjoy your 5 pro bowls you are going to get out of him and be happy.

Mays coverage concerns simply aren't that much of a concern to me. You simply can't teach a guy that f*cking big to run that fast. I also think Mays made a mistake going back for his last year because BOTH of the starting corners AND the starting safety entered the draft the year before. He was playing with a bunch of new guys and was expected to carry that group. That is simply to much to ask of one player. Put him in there with Hall and JJoe on either side and Roy Williams or Crocker and he will flourish. I have no doubts about it.

Once again, good move by the Bengals. I'm a happy camper !!!

Running fast and having good feet as a DB are NOT the same thing though.

Were you of the line of thought that I was unaware of that ?? I was only making a simple point, nothing mind numbing...

Footwork can be taught. For a DB, it's more about the Hips, and how fluid you are in your hip movement, so you can change direction, and don't get turned around easily. Again, footwork can be taught, but if a guy is just stiff in the waist, that's tough to correct. Taylor Mays is NOT. Besides, that comes much more into play when talking about CB's rather than safeties.

The best indicator of that would be the 3 Cone Drill time, unfortunately though, the Top 3 safeties (Berry, Mays, Thomas) chose not to run those at the combine.

Taylor Mays will be a Pro Bowler on this Defense (Impressive considering the Safeties in the AFC). He can be coached, and has all the physical tools you could want in a Safety.

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This defense was FAR more physical when Roy was in the secondary last year and they missed his intensity once he was lost. I think the move is solid, but does NOTHING to sway me from seeing Safety being the first round pick. Well, at least one of the more likely picks. I think bringing Roy back will help them bring a new guy in and have a vet who has been there and done that school him up. If the knock on Mays is that he is a Roy Williams clone, I simply say, make the pick, enjoy your 5 pro bowls you are going to get out of him and be happy.

Mays coverage concerns simply aren't that much of a concern to me. You simply can't teach a guy that f*cking big to run that fast. I also think Mays made a mistake going back for his last year because BOTH of the starting corners AND the starting safety entered the draft the year before. He was playing with a bunch of new guys and was expected to carry that group. That is simply to much to ask of one player. Put him in there with Hall and JJoe on either side and Roy Williams or Crocker and he will flourish. I have no doubts about it.

Once again, good move by the Bengals. I'm a happy camper !!!

Running fast and having good feet as a DB are NOT the same thing though.

Were you of the line of thought that I was unaware of that ?? I was only making a simple point, nothing mind numbing...

Footwork can be taught. For a DB, it's more about the Hips, and how fluid you are in your hip movement, so you can change direction, and don't get turned around easily. Again, footwork can be taught, but if a guy is just stiff in the waist, that's tough to correct. Taylor Mays is NOT. Besides, that comes much more into play when talking about CB's rather than safeties.

The best indicator of that would be the 3 Cone Drill time, unfortunately though, the Top 3 safeties (Berry, Mays, Thomas) chose not to run those at the combine.

Taylor Mays will be a Pro Bowler on this Defense (Impressive considering the Safeties in the AFC). He can be coached, and has all the physical tools you could want in a Safety.

AAAAND thank you !!!

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