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Vikings vs Steelers


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I am so SICK of these breaks and referees PANDERING to the Steelers. In week 6, the Steelers were "awarded" a first down, against the Browns, by the refs AFTER A MEASUREMENT on 4th and 1 showed they had only gone 9 and 1/2 yards! TV replay showed the measurement as the announcers laughed and questioned what the referees could possibly be looking at when the ball clearly did not reach the stick! Now, in week 7, against the Vikings, the Vikes had a TD wiped-out when a lineman upended a Steeler defender while leading WITH HIS HEAD, but flagged for TRIPPING! Again, the announcers adamantly berated the call. The Steelers returned a Favre pick for a TD on the very next play. The Steeler INT play for a TD should NEVER have even taken place. A most crucial call in a huge game for both teams - and one that played large in the outcome of the game. Also sickening are the highlights of the PIT defensive TDs on Sportscenter - plays that would not have occurred had the refs not made the earlier tripping call. It was a great game to watch and unfortunate that the outcome was probably determined by a refs errant call. 1 last note - Am I the only one that noted the crack-back block by Hines Ward on the end-around run by Holmes where Ward AGAIN led WITH HIS HELMET to the head of a linebacker? How does a guy that had a rule instituted specifically for HIS PLAY get away with the exact behavior again to help spring his teammate for a big gain in a key game? Ward, perrenially voted by the NFLPA as one of the top-10 dirtiest players in the game continues such shenanigans!

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Somehow, some way that stuff always seems to go their way. I think that's what makes it so frustrating.

As for Wines, he'll get his someday and then watch the Steeler Nation will boo-hoo in unison as to the dirtiness of the play when it happens to them. I'm almost to the point now that I don't pay that much attention to what they do or what any of them have to say. They are almost childish about it sometimes. Or maybe just spoiled.

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