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bengal's draft `05


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what do the bengals need in the 2005 draft that we did not address well enuff this year. if we had the same draft as last year (excluding the denver trade so we would be at #17 and we would only have two picks in round 4). waht POSITIONS (not individual players) do we need

round 1)Left defensive end- we need a stud at DE to complement j smith. the first round of next year is rich in DE talent. we need a starter next year and the first round is the only place we can find an immediate starter.

2a) strong side LB- we need a LB whose natural position is strong side. we will groom him for a year behind k hardy so he can take over in 2007

2b)defensive tackle- tony williams and carl powell are leaving. JT is awesome at tackle butwe cannot expect langston moore (2 years pro drafted in 6th round) and matthias askew (1 year pro drafted in 4th round) to stabilize the d line. a d-tackle drafted in round 2 can be thrown immediately into the rotation. we could pick up an experianced tackle in the free agency but lewis wants to go young and fast

3a) center-larry moore can be an adequete center under the guy we draft is ready. if a very laented center falls to this spot we will no doubt have the best o-line in the NFL

3b)left tackle- i know we have levi jones but we dont have a good backup. u may think this could be too high for a back up but this is the last pick of the third round.belton johnson (our backup) got hurt so we had to call sulfsted who we have cut four times.

4a)RB- we cant keep rudi and perry with our pay roll. we will either let rudi go or trade perry. from what i see we are going to let rudi go because we draft a RB in the 1st round this year. we are going to have to pick a good third dow back (much like the vikings did with medwele moore). he will be an excellent blocker and good out of the backfield.

4b) DT-just gonna throw in another defensive tackle to help the line

5) QB-we have bramlet but he just has an arm. they drafted him to be a practice squad player. he has a huge arm to help prepare the 2nd and third string recievers. they need a legit backup after they trade or get rid of kitna in 2005

6) Defensive end-we are extremly thin at d-end. in 05 will have elton patterson (2 years pro draft in 7th round) and robert geathers (1 year pro drafted in the 4th round for some unknow reason. the only thing good the draft expert could say about is how his uncle played in the NFL and his name was "jumpy". he would have fallen to the 6th or 7th if it wasnt for marvin) we need good depth

7) the best offensive line player availiable- we need more depth

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The Bengals will not have ten picks next year.

Yeah, I agree....

I believe those picks were more or less an overhaul for Coach Lewis, so he could jettison the players that were underachieving (Gibson, Wilson, Hawkins, etc.) and finally get some young players with potential in the wings

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i posted this on a diff. bengals website and no one gave me their draft, they only said how bad mine was. So i decided to post it on bengalszone because u guys have interesting post and post good things instead of negative stuf

so does anyone want to give me their round by round draft for the 05 bengals season (all questions about the # of draft picks and free agency aside)?


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First off wat, welcome to the 'Zone.

Second, it's just a little early for me to say. I'd like to see how the present draft picks pan out.

It's just way to early to even begin to start talking draft, or what I will from now on call..."The Big Ass Guess"! :rolleyes:

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i posted this on a diff. bengals website and no one gave me their draft, they only said how bad mine was.  So i decided to post it on bengalszone because u guys have interesting post and post good things instead of negative stuf

so does anyone want to give me their round by round draft for the 05 bengals season (all questions about the # of draft picks and free agency aside)?


Well, I have a vote on the 1st rounder--and that is a Defensive Tackle!!!!!!! A real run stuffer. You'll see how bad the failures of not drafting/not getting through Free Agency--A FATASS to stop the run will be again this year. A few no-named guys like Shipp will be roaming free through the defense once again next year if a DT is not obtained through either free agency or the draft in the first round.

Nate Webster is going to have a tough time with no meat up front, since he's a little guy himself.

Addressing the Run Defense (once again--like it WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THIS YEAR AND LAST YEAR AND......) will be the #1 priority next year. Drafting a Defensive End first, like you have, would be ultimately boneheaded and ludicrous.

Man, it is tough to be a fan of this team and see them f**k up as much as they have!


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i posted this on a diff. bengals website and no one gave me their draft, they only said how bad mine was.  So i decided to post it on bengalszone because u guys have interesting post and post good things instead of negative stuf

so does anyone want to give me their round by round draft for the 05 bengals season (all questions about the # of draft picks and free agency aside)?


Well, I have a vote on the 1st rounder--and that is a Defensive Tackle!!!!!!! A real run stuffer. You'll see how bad the failures of not drafting/not getting through Free Agency--A FATASS to stop the run will be again this year. A few no-named guys like Shipp will be roaming free through the defense once again next year if a DT is not obtained through either free agency or the draft in the first round.

Nate Webster is going to have a tough time with no meat up front, since he's a little guy himself.

Addressing the Run Defense (once again--like it WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THIS YEAR AND LAST YEAR AND......) will be the #1 priority next year. Drafting a Defensive End first, like you have, would be ultimately boneheaded and ludicrous.

Man, it is tough to be a fan of this team and see them f**k up as much as they have!


maybe they should hire you and your infinite wisdom

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haha. I'd have to say barbarian has a way with words. he makes so much sense.

as for a DT, i thought we should have drafted randy starks of maryland. He was a potential 1st with exceptional pass rushing ability along with very good run stopping skills. he was drafted by the titans in the third round. we could have gotten caleb at the end of the third round and we could have got landon in the 4th (prob. even the 6th)

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Thanks for the Plug :D , But actually I'm gonna have to agree to disagree with Barb. While Cincinnati does lack adequate size at the tackle positions, we more than make up the difference with agile linebackers. Hardy should be an improvement at the Strong side position, considering he did go to 2 pro bowls at that spot. And Brian Simmons is about as good as you can get statistically from the weak side spot he manned last year. Higher sack numbers would give him a lock for a ProBowl invite.

* But if we look at the talent ( Wat ) hinted to in the '05 draft we'll see there are some highly recognizable defensive ends with great size .

This list will change as the college season progresses, but an early look at my top 5 DE's for next year are as follows...

1. Marcus Spears DE, L.S.U. - 6'4 300lbs. - one of the more impressive athletes to play the end spot. Combines quickness with power, and is agile enough to drop into coverage at times.

2. Shaun Cody DE, U.S.C. - 6'5 285lbs. - Playmaker that can play DT or DE. has room to grow into 3 down tackle and adequate quickness to play strong side DE. Injuries are a concern, but if he stays healthy he's a lock for round 1.

3. David Pollack DE, Georgia - 6'3 280..?? - The only real question about Pollack is his weight. Is he a End or just a big linebacker. Pollack may be served best staying around 260 lbs... and playing in a 3-4, but then again, on film no one is better at having his way with offensive tackles !

4. Chris Canty De, Virginia - 6'6 290 lbs. - Canty would appear to be the prototypical DE. but he just doesn't play up to his athleticism. His size and arm length consistently cause problems for passers, and a strong season makes him an early eligible candidate.

5. Ardell Duckett 6'4 265-Texas Tech. / Bill Swancutt 6'4 250 - Oregon St. - While neither of them are particularly first round players, both excel at rushing the passer. Duckett has the better frame , while Swancutt plays with reckless abandon and is a team leader. Both should be day one prospects come next April.

More to come in the upcoming months trust me. :D

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Sorry, wat. I didn't mean to come across as negative. I just don't think we will be picking so many next year. On what I think will happen? Way too early for me. Some players could have a huge season and totally change the needs of the team. I guess I expect a DE, a TE, and an interior lineman. But beyond that who knows.

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Typing in the middle of the class Im in to throw in my two cents:

ML had stated stopping the run and a DT as the PRIORITY for THIS season. We needed and could have had multiple FATASSES this draft, but what did we get ?? More undersized, albeit, fast linebackers. Without a true Fatty in the middle, you will see the same as last year; run up the middle, run up the middle. I agree (As much as I like him), Webster will have a rough time with no one HUGE in front of him, as anyone would. I can only speak for myself, however, I still can't believe we didn't get at least ONE DT. This move stunned me the most. Oh well, still keeping a positive outlook.


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