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It is a matter of flow.

Ask yourself; Can you go with it? Or not?

SoP is now a proclaimed redeemer, philanthropist, a proverbial safe harbor for lost children, the fatherless football kind who are the most ill-equipped to succeed in society…that is unless you can run fast and catch touchdowns.

This good-of-heart softie, SoP, who so willingly has drafted the damaged, who so reluctantly severed ties with these lost souls, who now asks not just his staff but the fans to “go with the flow” and welcome back Mr. Henry for another crack at NFL-reality. It is a tough pill to palate, given the trials of the battered soul and poor decision making pieces that comprise “Cheech” as he will forever be known to me. It is a tough pill but, as the good Bengals fans we are, we will stand in line, pay the ticket, show up Sundays and bleed orange and black with our team. We will do it. SoP knows we will.

How it feels becomes a matter of “Flow”. Not “Flo” the ho from the painfully terrible TV-show Alice but the kind of “Flow” that guides fans, casual and hardcore alike. Down the streaming media, statistics and money machine that is the NFL. If you go with the “Flow”, you can roll with a loss or an injury or even the minor transgression of an immature millionaire who thinks it might be fun to crash a car worth more than we make in a year. This “Flow” helps us all get through these events. We roll with it and swerve our minds around these challenges that, were it OUR lives, would pose a true moral dilemma. In this case, the dilemma is a stalled Cincy Metro bus trying to get up Vine on a hot day in August. Better to just get out and walk, rather than wait in failing A/C. You just go with it. Happy fan. Stupid fan. Fan with disposable income for the “85” jersey, the repeated trips to the concession stand for $9 beers.

Go against it and the “Flow” will wear you down. Like a carved out bowl in the bedrock on a creekbed, created under duress of constant pressure, grinding one hard surface against another with only cool, rapid water as the energy. Grind too long and you end up a nub. Gravel, a pebble where a rock used to be. Fighting against an unceasing current of, in this analogy, pure moral superiority with winning not even makes the list. For those who can sense the grinding, get out of the current and roll downstream. Go with the “Flow”. For those who can’t “Go”, get out of the water while you are still a rock. Watch the water from the side. While the others are grinding away, you will at least be able to be rooted in reality. Drafting character questions. Second, third, fourth, infinity chances. Rewarding failure, for the sake of a man’s development. This is not an NFL team it is a charity. St. Paul’s School for Wayward Football Souls.

Simply, the Bengals don’t want to win. Sounds bold right? But it is an absolute. Proven beyond the pale with the latest display of what one might call humanity or perhaps pathetic business skills. Coaches who are ignored, players whose careers will wax and wane in front of our eyes, talents wasted, skills devalued. SoP has a plan, he simply ask you to go with the “Flow”, see where it takes you. It will be a journey like no other, one where immature boys are paid millions, arrested, suspended, fired, re-hired and may one day emerge a man. SoP does not ask much, just bounce off the rocks and keep your head above water long enough to drink your overpriced beer and wait out whatever suspension might be in place at the time.

Simply, the Bengals don’t want to win.

I'd be more willing to believe they don't know how to win. Paul Brown and all his football knowledge never made it down to his son. I'd call this the point where the flow stopped.

Simply, the Bengals don’t want to win.

I'd be more willing to believe they don't know how to win. Paul Brown and all his football knowledge never made it down to his son. I'd call this the point where the flow stopped.

Bob Trumpy once used the following analogy to sum up the situation. "I've flown on a lot of airplanes but that doesn't make me a pilot".

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