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Wish the bengals made bigger moves?


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with redskins trading a 2nd and 6th for Taylor and the Saints trading a 2nd and 5th for Shockey makes you wonder why the Bengals dont make any big moves like that. Dont remember the last trade we made for anyone notable (help me out cant think of anyone). Not saying i would want the aging Taylor. But someone of Shockey's talent level (minus Rosenhaus and the attitude and the injuries) would be a ridiculous weapon for Carson. Just kind of pisses me off when i see other teams making plays to get better now and us doing nothing. What you think?

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Shockey is the wrong type of trade. Talent aside, he's a bit of a douchebag (even for a Cane). But yeah, we make few trades, even fewer involving high draft picks. Can't say I disagree with that personally. But then I get to thinking about our drafting prowess and then I wake up screaming.

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with redskins trading a 2nd and 6th for Taylor and the Saints trading a 2nd and 5th for Shockey makes you wonder why the Bengals dont make any big moves like that. Dont remember the last trade we made for anyone notable (help me out cant think of anyone). Not saying i would want the aging Taylor. But someone of Shockey's talent level (minus Rosenhaus and the attitude and the injuries) would be a ridiculous weapon for Carson. Just kind of pisses me off when i see other teams making plays to get better now and us doing nothing. What you think?

Shockey used to be a wicked talent. I don't know if he still is after breaking a leg and messing up his ankle. Plus there is this from wiki "The contract has Shockey earning $26.38 million through 2011." As ET would say "ouch".

Who you going to cut to accommodate him?

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The last trade would be the one for Deltha, which has worked out pretty well. He's been a solid player. And lest we forget, the Bengals did try to swing a big trade this offseason, only to see it held up by rules lawyers in the NFL front office long enough for the Browns to swoop in.

I'd love to have Shockey's talent, but we already have one prima donna on the squad, the last thing we need is two. As for Taylor...meh. Not sure the Skins didn't get swindled on that one.

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I would have loved to see Jason Taylor come back as a situational third down DE for the Bengals butthe price tag was high for a situational guy and I don't think he can be an everydown DE any more. As for Shcokey, no thank you! He was a serious me-first guy in New York and the team performed better without his "talent" last year, he tears things apart and that is the last thing this team needs.

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with redskins trading a 2nd and 6th for Taylor and the Saints trading a 2nd and 5th for Shockey makes you wonder why the Bengals dont make any big moves like that. Dont remember the last trade we made for anyone notable (help me out cant think of anyone). Not saying i would want the aging Taylor. But someone of Shockey's talent level (minus Rosenhaus and the attitude and the injuries) would be a ridiculous weapon for Carson. Just kind of pisses me off when i see other teams making plays to get better now and us doing nothing. What you think?

Shockey used to be a wicked talent. I don't know if he still is after breaking a leg and messing up his ankle. Plus there is this from wiki "The contract has Shockey earning $26.38 million through 2011." As ET would say "ouch".

Who you going to cut to accommodate him?

first of all i cut John Thornton. Cut Jeremy "i love cake" Johnson and move coats to fullback. but i wouldnt particularly want either shockey or taylor just would like to see us actually complete a deal for once. The Browns made to big moves that actually went through this offseason it just feels like we are always a step behind most of the league (no GM makes sense). we rely so heavily on the draft and hoping that our low profile free agent signings over-perform instead of spending the extra money and making a play for a proven player.

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with redskins trading a 2nd and 6th for Taylor and the Saints trading a 2nd and 5th for Shockey makes you wonder why the Bengals dont make any big moves like that. Dont remember the last trade we made for anyone notable (help me out cant think of anyone). Not saying i would want the aging Taylor. But someone of Shockey's talent level (minus Rosenhaus and the attitude and the injuries) would be a ridiculous weapon for Carson. Just kind of pisses me off when i see other teams making plays to get better now and us doing nothing. What you think?

Shockey used to be a wicked talent. I don't know if he still is after breaking a leg and messing up his ankle. Plus there is this from wiki "The contract has Shockey earning $26.38 million through 2011." As ET would say "ouch".

Who you going to cut to accommodate him?

first of all i cut John Thornton. Cut Jeremy "i love cake" Johnson and move coats to fullback. but i wouldnt particularly want either shockey or taylor just would like to see us actually complete a deal for once. The Browns made to big moves that actually went through this offseason it just feels like we are always a step behind most of the league (no GM makes sense). we rely so heavily on the draft and hoping that our low profile free agent signings over-perform instead of spending the extra money and making a play for a proven player.

Yeah maybe. Kind of early to be cutting Thornton considering training camp hasn't started and there is lots of competition on the dline. JJ is possible but cutting him won't be enough. My question about Shockey is if the dud is healthy? I seriously doubt he'll get enough balls thrown his way to keep his head in the game. Wasn't that the problem with him in NY? If he was such a stud, how come NY won the show without him?

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Didn't need Shockey and didn't need Taylor. Glad there was no effort made and no picks given up for either of those two. They made the attempt to get Rogers this offseason, but it didn't happen either. For all the talk questioning Rogers, maybe that wasn't a bad thing either. i will take what we got in Utecht and Odom and be happy. Hopefully the secondary will be there, injuries will be less, and the offense can convert in the redzone !!!


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Taylor has already come out and said they he will play one, maybe two years, at the most. To trade a 2nd and a 6th for him is ridiculous! I think that Shockey is vastly overrated; He is talented but takes plays off, drops the ball too frequently and doesn't always play up to his talent. For a comparison, Randy Moss was only worth a 4th at the time he was traded and neither of those players (with Taylor being the closest, despite his age) are in Moss' category. I think we are sitting fine with two DE's in Geathers and Odom who are in their prime and improving and Kelly/ Utecht and Sherry as a prospect for the future. I would have much rather had Vilma or Rogers as players who can come in an make an immediate difference, for trading high draft picks.

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Shockey is the wrong type of trade. Talent aside, he's a bit of a douchebag (even for a Cane).

A bit of a douchebag? The dude is King of the douchebags....He's over-rated.....They won the friggin SuperBowl without his crybaby a$$.....Obviously the Giants think Boss is a better TE, and I agree.

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I think naming Mike Zimmer as the new D Coordinator will have a bigger impact than any of us may realize at this point.

I think you're right. It's not always necessarily about people. I think it's more about scheme.

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As for Shcokey, no thank you! He was a serious me-first guy in New York and the team performed better without his "talent" last year, he tears things apart and that is the last thing this team needs.

Sounds kinda like Chad, which is why I think we should just get rid of him. Look how the Giants pulled together without Shockey. Why wouldn't that work here if we got rid of our bitch?

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Shockey is the wrong type of trade. Talent aside, he's a bit of a douchebag (even for a Cane).

A bit of a douchebag? The dude is King of the douchebags....He's over-rated.....They won the friggin SuperBowl without his crybaby a$$.....Obviously the Giants think Boss is a better TE, and I agree.

:D Can't argue with any of that. I was cutting him some slack I guess, due his former associations. He was a douchebag at Miami too. Ya know, empty vessels makes the most noise kind of guy.

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I don't think going after Taylor or Shockey made since for us. With that being said, I want to see the Bengals make a splash in the off-season for once. I don't care if it's a blockbuster trade or a big FA signing. Over the years we've seen agents/players use the Bengals as leverage. Their was the Warren Sapp issue awhile back and the Shaun Rogers fiasco this off-season. I truly feel that until we make that big move the rest of the league will continue to consider the Bengals a 2nd class organization. At this point we need Mike to throw some money around to change the culture that's been the Bengal way for so long. Daddy's formula just doesn't work in today's NFL, Mikey boy. Paul Brown believed in building through the draft, but with the advent of FA you have to open up the pocket book sometimes. Building through the draft is fine, but how can Bengals fans think that we're actually doing that well when we have the smallest scouting dept. in the NFL? Bottom line is that Mikey needs to spend some of his precious money, even if the deal or player ends up being a bust.

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Kind of early to be cutting Thornton considering training camp hasn't started and there is lots of competition on the dline.

100% Agreement. Washington traded for Taylor only after a season ending injury to a starter, and they were lucky to find a player with his talents still available. The Bengals aren't exactly awash in DT talent and despite Thornton's shortcomings would be hard pressed to find a better interior defender.

JJ is possible but cutting him won't be enough.

Much is made of JJ's conditioning each off-season, but I'm pretty sure Johnson has been named a ProBowl alternate each of the last two seasons.

My question about Shockey is if the dud is healthy?

Fruedian slip or just a simple typo?

I seriously doubt he'll get enough balls thrown his way to keep his head in the game. Wasn't that the problem with him in NY? If he was such a stud, how come NY won the show without him?

Since being drafted Shockey has consistently refused to block, saying flatly that it's a waste of his talents. Unhearalded Kevin Boss stepped in without the attitude and the Giant run game improved....thereby resulting in a shocking bump in points scored per game.

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