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Toughest Test

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So then folks, as nothing much else is happening and we all eagerly await the start of the season, who do you think will be the surprise package in the Bengals schedule this year?

My shout is the Buffalo Bills.

My reasons being that last year they lost 4 games by a TD or less and 2 games by 2 xTD's or less. They either lost a close game or got totally stuffed, no in between with them. Now if they can just tighten up a little on the D, and put a few more points on the board, then they could turn themselves into a quite decent outfit.

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like most teams with new coaches, it should take a few weeks before they start to come together .... but since we play them in December it may be a very tough game .... we could have beaten them last year in Buffalo, and should beat them at home this year

I think the very first game may be very tough .... the Jets should be much better with a healthy Pennington, plus it will be Palmer's first game

I wish we could have opened at home against Cleveland to get revenge for last year's loss

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I was pissed at Spikes too, but he already paid the price last year .... he got to watch the Bengals turn it around without him ... he already has stated that he wished he could have stayed with the Bengals .... I don't blame him though .... it was his chance to get out .... he had heard the promises before, and the Bengals wanted a long-term deal .... Dillon on the other hand was here last year and still wanted out, so I do not wish him well

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Washington. They've been the High Lords of Mediocrity for years despite Snyderbrenner's bottomless wallet, but there's a ton of talent there and like the Bengals last year, they finally have a real coach. I don't care if Gibbs hasn't coached in a million years and is older than Methusala, he's still a consummate pro and a huge step up from Spurrier. He will get performance, because also like Lewis he won't hesitate to bench/cut slackers and bums. Being up here in Jersey I get an eyeful of the NFC East, and they're my team to watch in the division next season. The Giants are rebuilding, the Eagles have peaked and I think are headed downward this year, and Parcells is going to have a tough time (again just like Lewis) duplicating last year's succes with a tougher sked, garbage at QB, and Julius Jones as the feature back.

Redskins will win the NFC East. Mark it down.

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cp's 1st game to me gives the edge to the jets. a win there is one in the plus column, come on defense. the toughest game will be denver. some tough games are 1-2-3 points, this may well be a denver blow out. take that back, jake the snake may be eaten alive by the defense. so, therefore the toughest game will be ............the........superbowl!!!!!!!!!!!

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