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osu finally lost


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well buckeyes made a good run in a rebuilding year but it was not meant to be. illinois can thanks the refs for blowing the game there first score on the long run should have been a touchback guy fumbled in to the endzone. they got away all day with holding false starts and illegal formations. boeckman played like s**t. tressel had his head up his ass when he should have called time outs and made them review 2 plays he did not. just a very poor performance by tress and crew. ron zook should shake the refs hands and say thanks for the help because the refs just blew it. one of the worst refed game i have ever seen. it is unbeileveable that incompetnce can determine the out come of a game.

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i hate to be a sore loser but there is no excuse for missing that fumble. i thought that was what replay was for. why are they using it for. that was a huge huge mistake by refs and the replay officials that are in the booth that are suppose to be in control of it. you call that play as it should have been and i really think the game has a different out come. i though that what replay was for was to fix mistakes that cost teams games well it did not in this case. o well enjoy it illinois because next season OSU will remember that and they will stomp a mudd hole in your ass.

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I went to the game. The refs must be feeling pressure to get games done in a reasonable time. There were so many offensive hodlings (both teams) that went uncalled it was amazing. The bucks got whipped up front bad, both sides of the ball. Physically, Illinois dominated and the score was a lot closer than the physical contest on the field. Only game I got to attend this year, and they get hadled. Oh well. Mark May probably had a field day with it, I'm glad I didn't have to listen to that at least.

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yea it just sucks to lose when there are questionable plays that where missed. but hey they are in a rebuliding year and are sitting at 10-1 with a chance to still beat the team from up north and still win the big ten and go to the rose bowl. still damn proud of them and just ask notre damn how there rebuilding year is going. plus there is still alot of football left and who knows what will happen. this is also more reason to have a playoff system because these kids should not be punished for losing 1 or 2 games. because basically a computer and people pick the teams that play in the bcs championship and that is bulls**t. let the field decide who the champions are.

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osu dropped to 7th in the polls. that is some serious bulls**t. f**k the bcs and of the ncaa because all the champions are is paper champs nothing more. i will never respect anything these f**king cock smoocher in the nccaa have to say. make a playoff system now and that way the best team can win it on the field!!!!!!!!

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Well, with Kansas and Mizzou playing each other at seasons end, there is one loss, then the Big XII Championship will be another loss and I think there will be at least one other loss to a team ahead of the Buckeyes before seasons end. The Buckeyes still have to go win a HUGE game against Michigan next week in Ann Arbor...


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Are the Illini any worse of a team than say, Kentucky or California?

They took Mizzu all the way to the end of the game without thier starting QB and a Freshman backup playing his first game.

I dont see why LSU and Oregan get a pass on thier losses just because they happened early in the year.

It is my hope that the Big Ten gets to play some SEC, Big 12 teams in the bowls this season. I am sick to death of hearing how great the SEC. Get over it they are no better than the Big Ten this season.

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Are the Illini any worse of a team than say, Kentucky or California?

They took Mizzu all the way to the end of the game without thier starting QB and a Freshman backup playing his first game.

I dont see why LSU and Oregan get a pass on thier losses just because they happened early in the year.

It is my hope that the Big Ten gets to play some SEC, Big 12 teams in the bowls this season. I am sick to death of hearing how great the SEC. Get over it they are no better than the Big Ten this season.

That's what sucks about the BCS.

If you lose early, it's okay, but if you lose late, you're f**ked.

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Man Dixon got hurt -_- Oregons chance at NC just flew out the fing window /sigh

Bye Bye Pac-10 championship.

Man, Dixon is that ENTIRE team.

Any word on how extensive his injury is?

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