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Fire Chuck and take over the defense, let Brat go nuts. When he get's the defense to where he wants it hire a guy who will run it his way. Brats offense apparantly relies on 3 receivers (dumb to rely on that), but it makes all of the difference. I wouldn't let Chuck B. run my technobowl defense. Marv has to do what he has to do.

Fire Chuck and take over the defense, let Brat go nuts. When he get's the defense to where he wants it hire a guy who will run it his way. Brats offense apparantly relies on 3 receivers (dumb to rely on that), but it makes all of the difference. I wouldn't let Chuck B. run my technobowl defense. Marv has to do what he has to do.

That's what he SHOULD do, but it's not what he will do. If 2-6 isn't enough to take over the D then I really don't think 2-7 or worse is going to do it.


"That's what he SHOULD do, but it's not what he will do". Unfortunately BRB I think you nailed it.

I have to say that I have never really liked Brat, he is way to much of a yes man for my liking, playing the percentages to keep his own job rather than playing to win.

Case in point Rudi, I love 32 but he was playing like sh*t and with a more reliable alternative sitting on the sideline in Kenny any halfway decent coach should have benched Rudi and gone with Kenny or at the very least used a heavy dose of Kenny when dishing out the PT.

BratTHINK however can see the logic in playing Rudi, if it goes works well he's an offensive guru and if Rudi blows he came back too early.

Whereas if you go with Kenny and still fail everybody fries the OC for not playing Rudi. Easy decision for Brat.

I can only hope that the impending season will allow the opportunity to clean house, I understand the logic and am sympathetic to the notion of continuity but not at the expense of performance.

Chucky, please god he realizes the game is up and falls on his sword allowing the new DC to get used to the team and prep for the draft. (Wishful thinking, I know).

In Marvin I still trust, and that is all you need to say to get fried around here ;)

but if Marv can't see that Chucky has to go then I really can't see any way for Marvs postion to remain tenable.

Here's hoping. WHO DEY

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