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Note to Coach Lewis


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Coach Lewis, Week after week, we’ve witnessed the same type of performance from this Bengals squad. Ever week, the defense proves that they can’t cover anybody in this league. Opponent WR’s are 3- 7 yards open on every play. They demonstrate a lack of basic fundamentals in tackling. It’s sad to see that we can hit the QB or RB back 2-5 yards in the back field and yet, they still gain 4-5 yards on us. We have one of the best QB’s, and two of the best WR’s in the NFL. Yet, we’re unable to put the ball in the end zone! We’re tired of excuses. We’re tired of the same stories, “we have to execute, we have to do out assignments, or we need to win the, 3rd down battles”. Enough is enough. You’ve talk the talk. It’s time to walk the walk. To you and your coaching staff, do your job. Get this team prepared to play and win on Sunday. To the players, shut your mouths, do your jobs and earn that paycheck. I hope that I speak for the entire Bengal nation, we’re tired of the excuses, and we’re tired of seeing the Bengals play below expectations. Bottom line, figure out how to win now!

Today, my wife witnessed history. This was the first time in 18 years that she saw me turn a Bengals game off after the first series in the second half. Three and out as usual. I knew right then, that we were going to lose. This team plays with no heart, no sense of urgency. It seems that the mind set is that we don’t want to win; we don’t want to get to the playoffs. It doesn’t matter how bad we look, we’re getting paid. If I’m wrong, then prove me wrong.

Frustrated Bengal Fan.

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Cant agree with u more buddy, i tried of it just like u are and i think its time Marvin walks. He hasnt figured out how to get a consistant football team on the field and this year he hasnt figured out how to win. The players seem to walk all over him and he has no control over this team. After today i think the plays dont believe in him much this year either. Things havent been right since that playoff loss and he has not found a way to fix it. He has not found a way to win when they really need a win and for that i think its time to go. Good Luck Marvin.

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Guys need to start losing there damn jobs. Maybe it would fire up some of these guys and make me try and make a tackle and earn that damn paycheck. Everyone on the defense needs to wear a mask when they cash that check because they are stealing it.

To be fair, JJoe did stuff one guy today. (When you are not stoned, tackling is a little easier.)

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For some reason the Bengals play not to lose. Such an example was kicking the field goal on fourth and one from the three yard line. And they let the corners play ten yard off receivers on short yardage plays. And on third and they don't give the corners help over the top.

The Bengals are simply trying not to lose games. But, they're failing miserable at achieving the goal.

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What do you mean they're not trying to lose? Have you been watching the same games that we've been seeing this year? I haven't seen any tackling this year. Even pop warner players wrap a guys ankles to take them down. The Bengals just throw their bodies into a guy hoping that he'll fall down! I will say this though, there was some bad calls in the game. The play that was reviewed should of went to the Bengals. Also, the game clock had expired before they got that play off and there was no delay of game flag thrown.

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What do you mean they're not trying to lose? Have you been watching the same games that we've been seeing this year? I haven't seen any tackling this year. Even pop warner players wrap a guys ankles to take them down. The Bengals just throw their bodies into a guy hoping that he'll fall down! I will say this though, there was some bad calls in the game. The play that was reviewed should of went to the Bengals. Also, the game clock had expired before they got that play off and there was no delay of game flag thrown.

Excellent point about the Bengals D just crossing their fingers and throwing their bodies at opposing players, hoping they'll fall down. Make a d*$n tackle. As for calls that don't go our way, good teams don't need to depend on calls (or five interceptions) to win a game. If you need a few calls to go your way, then you don't deserve to win the game.

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when grown men are not playing with the basic fundamentals a pop warner team have. then that falls directly on the guys that are coaching them. bres and his staff are a major problem for what ever reason our players are not getting it. that tells me the players have no respect for their coaches. bres has always been a joke even before he came here, he went to a superbowl with the raiders they told him not to return! he is laughed at by his peers, when you ask any of the former players now on tv what they think of him. the first thing that comes across their face are smiles. but the thing that gets me the most is that marvin knows this had a chance to fix it and he did nothing! then the way marvin acts when someone questions him about anything. marvin acts like he is great and we all just should be happy to be in his presence. that just shows how ignorant and hardheaded he is. so now all the things marvin has choose to ignore are coming back to bite him in his ass.

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