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They just weighed in on this subject on ESPN Radio.

Dan Lebetard(sp?) pointed out that it isn't the only hypocrisy associated with the NFL, and laughingly cited the numerous gambling related issues that the NFL openly embraces due to the way they promote the NFL (Point spreads, fantasy football, etc.) but harshly condems when it's players are involved. Lebetard claimed that cashing in on booze related advertising, while at the same time denying a player with booze related issues the opportunity to work, was just another example of the NFL saying one thing when it's image is at risk while doing the exact opposite when money could be made.

Co-host Eric Cosillius(sp?) mocked that idea, saying that it was simply a matter of personal responsibility and the NFL had every right to punish Thurman in way it felt appropriate.

Lebetard then pointed out that the NFL was making Thurman pay a far higher price for admitting he has a disease than the NFL made Leonard Little pay..."after killing someone's mother".

Hair, did Kasilias have a response to that?

Something to the effect of...."Well you're right, it doesn't seem fair when you put it that way."

Meaning when you match a fact with an equal fact?

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