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jjak linked it in one thread, hoosier in another, but, again, in fairness to Chris Henry, that vileness needs its own spotlight in my estimation. The link:


The particularly objectionable quote:

"This is a lowlife not worth the attention," said Edmondson, who made the comments in an interview with David Wells, The Enquirer's editorial page editor."

What a particulary fetid piece of s**t that guy is. In every respect.


Here's the money quote:

"Edmondson said it all started Monday morning, when a Channel 12 reporter approached him and said Lotz had "acted kind of hinky" when he was asked in passing how Henry was doing.

Edmondson then told the reporter that his office had received word the previous week that Henry had failed the two preliminary tests.

"So I told him that the rumor around the courthouse was that he (Henry) had failed a drug test," Edmondson said.

The story was posted, and Edmondson said by the time he got back from lunch on Monday, there were several television cameras waiting for him."

He relayed a rumor to a reporter about Chris Henry with no facts to back it up - I' d say he's in trouble.

Keep talking, douchebag (meaning Edmondson, not mem!). Every time you open your mouth, Henry gets more ammo for a civil suit. :sure:

Hoosier -

I was also thinking that a civil suit was just what the attorney ordered - until I was reminded what a jerk this Edmundson is. He's cut from the same cloth as Simon Leis, J. Edgar Hoover, and Judge Roy Bean => anything THEY do is alright 'cause their aim is just and motives pure! Ed-mud-son is not above (or below) running a sting out of his office to entrap a Chris Henry, since getting CH off the street and away from the good citizens of Kenton County is his God-given duty.

If his use of slush funds and other extra-legal activities in the Kenton County prosecutor's office hasn't landed him in trouble, I doubt targeting and harrasing taxpayers will either. We can hope that the Bar Association or ACLU go after him, but I wouldn't ask Chris to go head-to-head with this douche-bag - you can fight city hall, but you'll rarely win.

If his use of slush funds and other extra-legal activities in the Kenton County prosecutor's office hasn't landed him in trouble, I doubt targeting and harrasing taxpayers will either. We can hope that the Bar Association or ACLU go after him, but I wouldn't ask Chris to go head-to-head with this douche-bag - you can fight city hall, but you'll rarely win.

Ya never know, tho. After Edmondson was proven wrong on the drug tests, Florio over at PFT -- who is, recall, a lawyer -- ran through some options for a civil suit. His concusion was that the best hope was a defamation of character suit, with the caveat that such a suit assumes there's character to be defamed, and Henry's rep was already in the toilet. However, Boss Hogg (h/t walzav) keeps shooting off his mouth, and what he appears to be saying isn't just that Henry's been bad in the past, but that there's no hope for him, he can never reform, and he ought to just be put away. Yet the evidence says exactly the opposite: Henry has been walking the straight and narrow for a while now, complying with the league and every legal jurisdiction, and even the traffic ticket mess turned out to be nothing.

Whatever you think of Henry's past, that's f**ked up.


Well one thing is true - Henry will be able to get a change of venue for any proceedings out of Kenton County. No judge will be able to refuse that after this display of bias and unprofessionalism.

Well one thing is true - Henry will be able to get a change of venue for any proceedings out of Kenton County. No judge will be able to refuse that after this display of bias and unprofessionalism.

Depends where they move it. I imagine if the alternative were Boone Co., Henry's attorney might elect to keep it where it is. ;)


Well one thing is true - Henry will be able to get a change of venue for any proceedings out of Kenton County. No judge will be able to refuse that after this display of bias and unprofessionalism.

Depends where they move it. I imagine if the alternative were Boone Co., Henry's attorney might elect to keep it where it is. ;)

Are you talking about proceedings if Henry violates his parole by, oh I'm guessing here, doing some new illegal crap? Its Henry's decision if he wants to have a professional meeting with this prosecutor. In a way this guy has done Henry a huge favor. Now Henry sees what's in store for him if he screws up again. Once he's in the system, they'll make him suffer, just for fun.

Once he's in the system, they'll make him suffer, just for fun.

Is this across the river from Fountain Square or Tianemen Square? :P


PFT: Henry oughta sue...

POSTED 12:36 p.m. EDT, May 25, 2007


On Monday, Kenton County prosecutor Garry Edmondson told a reporter that Bengals receiver Chris Henry had tested positive for opiates, as part of a court-ordered drug-testing protocol resulting from one of his multiple past guilty pleas. The news splashed throughout the sports media.

Later that day, Edmondson was forced to back away from the remarks when conflicting reports emerged.

On Wednesday, it became obvious that Edmondson was flat-out wrong.

On Thursday, Edmondson refused to apologize. And there's more. He also called Henry a "lowlife."

"This is a lowlife not worth the attention," Edmondson told the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Hey, Garry -- shut your damn mouth. It's not your role to editorialize on the character of the people you prosecute. Your duty is to file charges and pursue the cases through the justice system. Whether you think the defendants are "good people" or "bad people" doesn't matter; your duty is to enforce, and thus uphold, the law.

Is Henry a lowlife? Based on his behavior over the past couple of years, hell yes he is (in our opinion). But it's grossly inappropriate for an officer of the court that is still responsible for Henry's probation to develop such personal views, and it's even worse to share them publicly.

So just do your job, Garry. You're paid to identify the bad guys and bring them to justice. Leave it to others to call the bad guys bad names.

We also think it would be very wise for Edmondson to apologize for his obvious error in declaring that Henry had tested positive. Plenty of civil litigation in this country could be avoided if the folks who did something they shouldn't have done would merely say, "I did it, and I'm sorry." Here, Henry might not have previously been inclined to file suit against Edmondson. But in light of his comments from Thursday, we think he should go for it.

Especially since, instead of owning up to his mistake, Edmondson is now blaming others. Isn't it typical? Just say that you were wrong and mean it. The question of whether the victim of your conduct is otherwise a turd is irrelevant.

As a result, Edmondson's words and actions are actually managing to do that which we thought could never be accomplished. Chris Henry is actually coming off as a sympathetic figure.

And he'll likely convey that perception until the next time he's arrested.

As a result, Edmondson's words and actions are actually managing to do that which we thought could never be accomplished. Chris Henry is actually coming off as a sympathetic figure.

Hey, Mike Florio is stealing my stuff!!!!!

"This is a lowlife not worth the attention," said Edmondson, who made the comments in an interview with David Wells, The Enquirer's editorial page editor."

And Coach Lewis is the one apologizing......

Dude has a hard-on for Henry.


Is the NFL Network a major outlet? Because on Total Access I thought they did a great job detailing the gross incompetence of the Kenton County prosecutors by pointing out that office has no official role in announcing any drug test results yet did so in such a rush that not only did it release information that wasn't true but leaked the false information several hours before the Bengals or Chris Henry had any information whatsoever. In fact, they claimed that Chris Henry first heard of the test results when listening to a local radio program.

Is the NFL Network a major outlet? Because on Total Access I thought they did a great job detailing the gross incompetence of the Kenton County prosecutors by pointing out that office has no official role in announcing any drug test results yet did so in such a rush that not only did it release information that wasn't true but leaked the false information several hours before the Bengals or Chris Henry had any information whatsoever. In fact, they claimed that Chris Henry first heard of the test results when listening to a local radio program.

Kenton County is so obviously biased against Henry one could argue that prosecutor has shown he is incapable of doing his job and should be fired. Granted Henry put himself in this situation by his behavior but to be called a "low life" and to have the prosecutor try to ruin his career by admittingly lying to the press is beyond unprofessional.

Marvin was 100% correct, they are profiling the Bengals and Kenton County has admitted that they want to lock up Henry even if they have to make up a reason too. This whole situation reeks of racism and until people are mature enough to have honest dialouge about racism in the tri-state area nothing will change.

The attitude of the public officals towards Henry makes me re-think the situation regarding all of these arrest. If Kenton County officals are willing to go this far to drag Henry's name through the mud it doesn't seem so impossible that police were stalking the Bengals and just waiting for them to slip up so they can bust them minor traffic offenses. Maybe some racist a**h***s resent their favorite team being coach by a black man who doesn't play into the bulls**t or they hate to see a young black kid from the ghetto living a better lifestyle than they can afford because he is a football player, now nothing seems impossible. To me it seems like a concerted effort by the local law officals to bust any Bengal for any precieved violation of the law, no matter how small.

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