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What's the problem in NY?


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The Giants are probably one of the most stacked teams in the NFL. I mean they have playmakers all over on both sides of the ball. Yeah, they have some injuries and yeah Eli isn't playing very well. But, they have some good, actually great players. What is the Problem? I say it's the Head Coach. After watching their last game against Dallas it seemed like everyone on the team was pointing the finger at the player who happened to make a mistake. I'm not making this assumption becuase of the recent "Pointing of Finger" towards Plaxico by Strahan either, it's what I saw on the field last Sunday. I think this "vibe" has been created by the Coughlin. He seemed to be doing this on the sideline more than any player on the field. I don't know if this sounds crazy or not but its just my opinion. Whatever is going on in NY, it's not the way that team should be playing. I think Coughlin's job is on the line before any players and if they don't make the playoffs he'll be gone by Jan. 1st.

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I disagree, I think it's the coach. Don't get me wrong, Coughlin is a good coach, just not with this much talent.

I agree, Coughlin was NOT the right choice for this. I thought it then, and still think it.

Also, don't they have like the WHOLE Browns old offensive line. Nuf said

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Giants fan here, I'll tell you how it is (as far as I can see past my blue-colored glasses at least).

The biggest problem by far has been the injury situation. At one point the Giants were missing 6 starters (including four guys with pro bowl credentials and a few key backups) on defense and arguably their two best non-Tiki offensive players. Not many teams do well in that situation. And lets not anoint the kid a bust yet, just look at when Eli's slump began - right after his left tackle and most reliable receiver went down. This week, at the height of the bust talk, he goes 24/36 270 2 0 on a damn good Cowboys defense. He's not a bust. He's just way too streaky. Sometimes I question whether his heart is in it. Last Sunday it clearly was.

There is reason for optimism though. Most of those injuries should heal by the playoffs. In a weak NFC, 8-8 will probably be enough to get through to the playoffs, and once there its anybody's game. I honestly believe that a healthy Giants team would have torn the Bears limb from limb when they met in New Jersey earlier this year. The Cowboys...well, if healthy its a no brainer who the better team is. The NFC is wide open. A road trip through the playoffs is tougher than any single opponent the NFC could bring to bear.

But....I don't consider this team a serious contender, even when healthy. I think this coaching staff has a propensity to get out-schemed, most often at their own hands; on both sides of the ball, they've too often brought an unexecutable playbook to gameday. Complexity for the sake of complexity. Neither coordinator has the sense to continually exploit a weakness, and both seem to make their worst calls at the most crucial times. They'll get you through the regular season, but I've got a feeling they're going to run into better prepared teams in the playoffs, and its going to show. As it did last year in their disasterous matchup with Carolina.

I'll tell you what though, the lockerroom strife is way overblown by the media. The 'we got out coached' stuff, the Strahan vs. Burress flap, there really isn't a whole lot there. Its the New York sports media effect - everything is magnified. There are a lot of reasons this team won't win the Super Bowl. Strahan's opinion of Burress isn't one of them. It just makes for good copy.

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I disagree, I think it's the coach. Don't get me wrong, Coughlin is a good coach, just not with this much talent.

I think the players dont like him and they have quit on him!!!

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I think the players dont like him and they have quit on him!!!


Uh, no.

Coughlin will lose the team eventually. Thats a given with a coach like him. It could happen maybe even as soon as next year depending on how this season finishes up, but it took longer than that for an even grouchier Coughlin to wear thin on Jacksonville. For right now, they're still trying out there. This team is still in contention, they aren't giving up yet, no matter what they think of Coughlin.

The media has manufactured a lot of drama around this Giants team. Ignore that BS. They're losing games because of whats happened on the football field. Nothing more, nothing less.

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IMHO another thing is factoring into the problems the Giants are currently saddled with...Eli is sure as hell no Peyton when it comes to slinging the pigskin. That, and maybe the Giants aren't as committed to winning as the Chargers are! The whole Phillip Rivers draft day trade thing has come full circle on them!

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IMHO another thing is factoring into the problems the Giants are currently saddled with...Eli is sure as hell no Peyton when it comes to slinging the pigskin. That, and maybe the Giants aren't as committed to winning as the Chargers are! The whole Phillip Rivers draft day trade thing has come full circle on them!

SDs front office? Awesome....Don't forget the Vick and Tomlinson deal of course. And I think an extra pick turned into Merriman....

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IMHO another thing is factoring into the problems the Giants are currently saddled with...Eli is sure as hell no Peyton when it comes to slinging the pigskin. That, and maybe the Giants aren't as committed to winning as the Chargers are! The whole Phillip Rivers draft day trade thing has come full circle on them!

SDs front office? Awesome....Don't forget the Vick and Tomlinson deal of course. And I think an extra pick turned into Merriman....

Good call...I forgot about that one! Wow, Tomlinson and Merriman for Vick!!! Man, thinking in that perspective...man, what a deal!!! Lights out!!

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IMHO another thing is factoring into the problems the Giants are currently saddled with...Eli is sure as hell no Peyton when it comes to slinging the pigskin. That, and maybe the Giants aren't as committed to winning as the Chargers are! The whole Phillip Rivers draft day trade thing has come full circle on them!

SDs front office? Awesome....Don't forget the Vick and Tomlinson deal of course. And I think an extra pick turned into Merriman....

Good call...I forgot about that one! Wow, Tomlinson and Merriman for Vick!!! Man, thinking in that perspective...man, what a deal!!! Lights out!!

Unfortunately, Merriman resulted from the trade for Eli...he was picked using New York's 1st round pick in 2005. I'm over it, I've accepted that Eli is our quarterback...but I'll tell you what, that fateful day in April of 2004 was one of the worst days of my life. I knew the minute that trade was announced that either Rivers, Roethlisberger, or both would eclipse Eli. Its effin Murphy's law.

But on the bright side, if the Giants hadn't traded a few high draft picks for Eli, they never would have been able to sign several free agents that are now key parts of the team. I'm not so sure I'd take Merriman over both Antonio Pierce + Plaxico Burress.

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