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Carson vs. Jordan


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I've been amazed how much attention the Manning Bowl has been getting. It's a season opener against two playoff teams, but all anyone is talking about are the Manning QB's going head to head. It's actually really good publicity for both teams.

Does anyone think that Jordan Palmer can eventually be a good NFL starter, and the Bengals can start getting some of this good publicity? Jordan throws too many INT's... but so did Carson until his Heisman year. He got a good coordinator, and tore it up. I wonder if that is all Jordan needs.

Carson threw 16 TD's AND 18 INT's his Sophomore year, and then 12 INT's to only 13 TD's his junior year before the explosion his senior year.

Jordan plays for UTEP, so it's similar to Eli playing with Ole Miss. He's their only weapon. His Sophomore year he threw for 2818 yards, with 26 TD's and 18 INT's with a passer rating of 136.47. Last year he threw for an amazing 3503 yards 29 TD's and 19 INT's with a passer rating of 140.54! Who knows how he might top that this year?

I doubt he'll be a first round selection like both of the Manning brothers were... but I would love for him to be an eventual NFL starter, and then we can start talking about the Palmer bowl.

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I wouldn't rule out being a first round selection. If Carson Palmer does very well this year people will jump on the Jordan Palmer's bandwagon. Eli had good numbers in college, but the reason why he was drafted so high was because he was a Manning. I see the same happening to Jordan Palmer because everyone in Bengal land knows Palmer will have a great season.

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I doubt he'll be a first round selection like both of the Manning brothers were... but I would love for him to be an eventual NFL starter, and then we can start talking about the Palmer bowl.

That's the thing that jumps out. The Mannings weren't just 1st round selections...both were top 5 overall selections. The bluest of blue chips. Obviously, Carson Palmer fits that profile just fine, and it's sorta amazing how much he's been pimped as perhaps the best QB in the NFL already. But Jordan's pedigree is far less impressive. In fact, I doubt any team will draft him with the idea of making him their instant starter, and he may not see playing time for years.

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He had a 2:1 ratio last year. He throws an absolute tone of TD's... but I can't imagine him being drafted anywhere near the Brady Quinn, Troy Smith group.

I love the Buckeyes, but if any team drafts Troy Smith in the first round, they're in for a major disappointment.

I don't forsee Jordan Palmer ever emerging as a notable player in the NFL, but he should be able to find a role and hold on to it somewhere.

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I think if Jordan can get on a solid team he'll do just fine mybe he won't be manning brady or his brother but how do you know he won't be?I would bet my right pinky he'll be a starter in the NFL and a preatty good QB mybe top 5 but a jake Delhomme,matt hassleback brady johnson QB...hell his first 3 years in college were better then carsons + he has his last name helping him I really doubt he falls past the 2nd nd when he is taken a team is thinking franchise qb.

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If he can cut down on his INT"s and atleast have 2-1 by the end of the year I could see a team risking late 1st round on him.

He had a 2:1 ratio last year. He throws an absolute tone of TD's... but I can't imagine him being drafted anywhere near the Brady Quinn, Troy Smith group.

So 18+ 18 = 29 ????????last time I checked it was 36 :P troy? he's freaking 6'1. :P "cough buckeye homer cough"Hell put troy smith on utep and jordan on OSU right now and I bet jordan would be up their with quinn who will be the first QB taken / heisman winner...

Troy Smith = reggie mcneal

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We'll see. Troy Smith is a better passer than Vince Young, and while he doesn't have Vince Young's size, he has his legs. I thought Vince Young wouldn't be drafted high, but he went 4th.

If someone is willing to go that high on a guy like Vince, I doubt Troy Smith will be a 6th round pick that a team attempts to turn into a WR. Whether he can be a good pro or not remains to be seen... but right now, he is the front runner for the heisman, which means he will most likely be drafted in the 1st round, only to be cursed.

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Vince had size on his side :P I guess only time will tell but I don't think teams want another vick ya hes a weapon and he can run with the ball but he cant see over his linemen =P Falcons should turn vick in to a RB then just make schaub the starter lol

PS,I know I overracted calling troy reggie mcneal but the doubt in jordan when he really hasen't been all that bad for the team hes playing for.

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i think jordan will get drafted just because he is carson's brother , but i don't know rd he will go in .

troy smith is a beast but his height will hurt him come draft time . troy is probably the best passer of all the athletically gifted qb to come out of college since mcnair . troy has a gun and is very accurate and extremely good at avoiding pressure . he will be on someones roster in the nfl next season. mcneil could not hold troy's jockstrap troy is a way better qb than mcneil it's not even close .

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If he can cut down on his INT"s and atleast have 2-1 by the end of the year I could see a team risking late 1st round on him.

He had a 2:1 ratio last year. He throws an absolute tone of TD's... but I can't imagine him being drafted anywhere near the Brady Quinn, Troy Smith group.

So 18+ 18 = 29 ????????last time I checked it was 36 :P troy? he's freaking 6'1. :P "cough buckeye homer cough"Hell put troy smith on utep and jordan on OSU right now and I bet jordan would be up their with quinn who will be the first QB taken / heisman winner...

Troy Smith = reggie mcneal

Come on Kaz, reggie Mcneal :blink: That's more than a little over reaction. What's not to like about Troy. He's mobile, very accurate, and is becoming a really good passer. He's a little small, but I bet he doesn't last past the second round.

BTW, I think Kiper has Jordan Palmer in his top five QB's for next year's draft. Just food for thought.

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troy smith wont make the NFL, not at QB atleast. stop being OSU homers.

it is not about being a homer it is about him being the best q/b in college football right now . other than his height he has all the tools you look for in a q/b reads the field an absolute gun and extremely accurate and he play his very best in big games just go check out his numbers . if i am not mistaken that is what you look for in a q/b . so i don't think it is us being homers more than you being a hater . troy is a q/b not a r/b or a w/r playing q/b he is a pure q/b . accept it and stop hating

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