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TE and Fullback Depth and future cuts


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With only 2 TE and one FB, it seems that we don't have a lot of depth (please, Brad is not a functional blocking TE or H back)...

As I recall, when Jeremi was hurt last year, we used Reggie as an H back (or maybe it was 3rd down)... anyway, if Reg goes down, there is NO depth (zero) at FB or TE

I guess we could throw a different # on Steiny as he played TE early in college (talk about a stud O line) but I hate the thought of having to bring someone in who would not know the plays.....

Has anyone seen them use anyone else (LB?? we have so many, especially when Odell gets back)?

Also, does AJ Nicholfelon get cut when Odell returns? Who else gets cut when CPerry is back?

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Did they sign FB CMandarino to the PS, I liked him in the pre-season...the Bengals should be ok with 2 TE's and 1 FB, about 9 teams this year are going with 2 QB's so I would rather be short on TE's and FB's than QB's...as for CPerry if we are winning without him, I don't know if you bring him back this year, KWatson is very capable, maybe we IR CPerry...when OThurman returns maybe CMiller gets the axe, I don't know about ANicholson...

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For now, the TEs are the backup FBs, both Kelly and Stewart. Kelly showed he's a damn mean lead blocker out of the I last year if his number is called. Problem with that this year is that such a case with JJ out would put Stewart on the edge. I just don't think Stewart is a very good TE and him on the field on offense would hurt the Bengals chances of winning games. Offset in the backfield like a H-back wouldn't be as bad as having him as a line TE but still don't think he'll do much. Maybe he'll catch the now-or-never mojo and have a career year. :bengal: Ghent on the practice squad is no real consolation but at least he's there, which I didn't think he could be since he's already spent 2 years on a PS.

Tahi might not last too long on the PS. I can see a team like the Chiefs picking him up a few games into the season. If not, he'd make for a fine FB if JJ misses action.

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I would like to see them grab FB Kuhn. He came close to making the Steelers roster, and was cut when they had to bring St. Pierre in at the last minute. Trust me that they hated letting this guy go, and are expecting to get him back in a week or so. He is a tough, straight-forward runner who blocks very nicely. Became known as a tough guy in camp. Was absolutely a fan favorite. Obviously, he is not 'special' or he would be on a roster, but he surely is worth looking at.

Two cents from Piss-land.

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I happened to catch some preseason action last night on the NFLN and Kuhn had a nice catch in the flats and run only to get about as stonewalled as about as hard as I've seen by a LB and fumble. He looks big enough to fit the bill as a TE/FB that the Bengals seem determined to stick with. It would be hard for Kuhn not be an upgrade over Stewart and that's probably what it would take to get him in stripes because I don't see the Bengals letting loose of the 2 TEs on the roster mindset.

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