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NFL Network on Time Warner ??

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FCC reinstates NFL channel to Time Warner Cable

Friday, August 4, 2006

The Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday ordered Time Warner Cable to reinstate the NFL Network on systems the company acquired from Adelphia Communications Inc.

The commission issued an emergency order to reinstate the network on a temporary basis after NFL Enterprises LLC complained the network was booted without giving subscribers the required 30-day notice. The cable network, a division of Time Warner Inc., is scheduled to show 54 NFL preseason games and eight NFL regular-season primetime games this season. Preseason play begins Aug. 11.

Time Warner picked up about 3.5 million subscribers from Adelphia in western New York, Ohio, Texas, southern California, Maine, North Carolina and South Carolina, according to the FCC records.

Then there was this one...

Time Warner may fight NFL Network ruling

By Reuters | August 8, 2006 WASHINGTON -- Time Warner Cable has threatened to go to back to court to overturn a decision forcing the number two US cable provider to reinstate the NFL Network on some of its systems, according to a filing obtained yesterday.

Time Warner, a unit of Time Warner Inc., was ordered last week by the Federal Communications Commission to restore the channel on cable systems it acquired as part of its purchase of bankrupt Adelphia Communications Corp.The NFL Network had accused the cable operator of dropping the channel in violation of rules that require 30 days notice for doing so and asked the agency to intervene. The FCC ordered Time Warner to restore the channel, just days before the NFL preseason starts .

The parties have not been able to reach an agreement for Time Warner to carry the channel. The network plans to air 54 NFL preseason games and eight regular season prime time games, according to the agency.

Since I can't get satellite, this is of GREAT consequence to me watching football this year !!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
I can't say I'd EVER be able to understand why they don't offer it. I know people that have attelite simply because they get NFL Network and sunday ticket!

I just went back to Directv because of NFL Network and Sunday Ticket. My local cable (Suddenlink) doesn't carry NFL Network anymore.

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I hate Time Warner. I live in Cleveland, and switching to Direct TV is impractical for me, so I don't have any recourse. I hope they come to an agreement. The Time Warner customer service say they are in negotiations but don't know what the result will be. I'll tell you this, I plan on moving in the next 2 yrs, and I am gonna make sure I set up somewhere I can get NFL network.

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I put this up as a consumer who is unable to get Direct TV or Dish due to line of sight issues and this would make me much happier. That being said, the next time I move, I will ensure I can get Direct TV and not have to worry about it.



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I can't say I'd EVER be able to understand why they don't offer it. I know people that have attelite simply because they get NFL Network and sunday ticket!

If I am not mistaken the only provider offering, and that has ever offered the Sunday Ticket is DirectTV and they are locked into an agreement to do so for several more years. I have never heard of any other cable or dish provider offering this?

Comcast is the big cable guy up here (near Chicago) but I have DirectTV for the Sunday Ticket. DirectTV HDTV channels suck compared to Comcast but got to have the ticket so not much of a choice

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