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We are less than 2 weeks from the draft. What other relevant Bengals news do we have to talk about? I should not need to go searching through all the different forums looking for a thread that catches my interest. If we're not going to allow draft talk in the generic Bengals thread, then there is no reason for me to visit it right now. It's a waste of my time to have to toggle back and forth at this time of year.

I understand moving them if this is the middle of the season... but it's April 18th! 11 days away


Waste of your time, It is the middle of the day and we are posting bengalzone. It seems that we both have the time to waste!::):


If it is draft related, post it in the draft forum. If you don't, it'll get moved.

I have no idea why any reasonable person could be bothered by that concept, and even less so why they'd be bothered enough to actually post a public complain like this


Firstly... I am posting in the middle of the day, because I have a 10 minute break between places I have to be today. I usually only post in the afternoon when I'm not working. But today I have the opportunity to check it out here and there.

Secondly... Yes, it keeps things nice and organized, but this is the forum I visit for Bengals news. What other Bengals news is there right now? I don't have the fancy high speed internet connection available to me all the time, so it take a long time to go back and forth between forums.

Thirdly... if you took a poll of "reasonable people" who post on thie board, I imagine you'll find that most of them agree with me. It is obnoxious to have to go searching through all the different forums in the wide world of Bengalszone to find the relevant information.

I'm not looking for information on the Steelers which rarely gets moved on this forum, and I'm not looking for trash talking... I'm looking for Bengals news. Right now, that's the draft and a little free agency. Why these threads keep getting moved to less convenient areas 11 days before the draft doesn't make a lot of sense, whether you think it does or not.


Realize that if the post is about Bengal players, the team, so on and so on, it's in the "Bengals Forum"... If you want to talk about someone the Bengals might "draft" or how one player or another should be looked at to "draft", it should probably be in the "draft" forum.

Do some of these get over looked or missed ?? Sure they do, but for the most part, it's about trying to keep things neat and orderly. For every person that wants to see all posts in one place, there are another handful that don't want to be bothered with that crap (in their mind).

Bottom line is we can't make everyone happy and we are going to try to keep it as orderly as possible. If there are any further questions of this type, they need to be sent in the form of a PM to a moderator or administrator.



I don't have the fancy high speed internet connection available to me all the time, so it takes a long time to go back and forth between forums.

On a slow 56K connection, I bet it does. If I used that connection most of the time, (and didn't end up shooting my self in the freakin' head over it first! <_< ) I'd select the "Lo-Res" options in your Control Panel from yes to no as illustrated below.


Granted, you won't be able to see the Avatars, or everyone's particular favorite hottie in their signatures, (like my "Queen of the Cans below, and lends itself as a good setting to use at work.) but the pages with minimal graphics and basic text will load much faster.

If you were to use these settings on a cutting edge computer like a 486DX crankin' on Windows full color 3.1 operating system and pumpin' it through a big bore 28K dialup modem will probably load the pages faster than you can read them! :rolleyes:

Now that this bit of Bengalszone page loading help information has been diseminated, topic re-closed. If anyone needs assistance with these forum viewing setting, please PM myself, or any other Administrator or Moderator, and we'll try to get it to work the best way for your situation.

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