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Everything posted by JukeMove

  1. Can't get over that first botched attempt on 4th down. On the 20, easy field goal - or maybe Zac trusts the kicker even less than we thought? You need 1 yard, what do you call? A run. Who could have figgered such a play? How tricky! Oh wait, a run straight up the middle! Wow even trickier! No one and I mean NO ONE could have predicted that! Oh wait again, isn't that what we do every time - run into a brick wall and hope he bounces off, spins towards the sidelines and in for the score! Drat failed again... Went for it 3 times on 4th down, one was successful so keep doing it! Sssiigghhh....
  2. Regarding firing Zac, etc. This is a much better explanation of the root causes of our problems... Disclaimer: Take 'er easy on this newbie...
  3. Check out this interesting factoid from the GB shutout: "Nine different Packers players picked up rushing yards for Green Bay..." Wow! Will the Bengals EVER engineer an attack like that? Can't we put Amarius Mims at Fullback for just one play to enjoy the wreckage? Disclaimer: Take 'er easy on this newbie...
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