My $0.02: The No. 1 issue to me, by far, is Joe Burrow. I think we all agree that he did not look right out there Sunday.
The question is, is the problem in his head, or in his wrist?
Sunday was the first time he'd been back playing the real thing in like 10 months...some of which were famously spent playing fashion model in Paris. Now that's fine, I don't expect him to be all football 24/7/365. That's a recipe for burnout. But he didn't look like he was seeing the field and processing as fast as he usually does Sunday. Honestly I hope this is all it is, that he just needs a week or two to get back in the groove.
Then there's the wrist. Lots of reports of him futzing with it and the wristband, and taking extra throws on the sidelines late in the fourth. And we all know how he had opportunities deep on the last drive and didn't even look downfield. He attempted 29 passes Sunday and they were almost all short. If his wrist only has a couple dozen passes in it a game, and maybe fewer if he tries to air it out multiple times, we are in a world of hurt.
Time will tell.