Here's the thing: we don't know, and frankly can't know, which option is "throwing a Super Bowl window season in the trash." If he plays and exacerbates the strain into a full-on tear, then he's done for the year. Season trashed, barring Browning getting possessed by the ghost of Johnny U.
If he sits for 3-4 weeks and comes back healthy with the team at 0-6 or 1-5, season is also probably trashed but, it's not impossible that Burrow rips off 10-11 wins, either.
Bottom line, both options suck and no matter what they do there's a depressingly decent chance it will be the wrong thing. If it were my call, he sits. But it isn't and you're probably right that he goes unless his leg literally falls off before the game. I'll be holding my breath every time he drops back to pass.