cincyhokie Posted January 7, 2006 Report Posted January 7, 2006 You Will Suffer Humiliation When The Sports Team FromMy Area Defeats The Sports Team From Your AreaAs you can see from the calendar, the game is comingup this weekend. I'm sure you are as excited for it asI am, as our cities are rivals and have been for quitesome time. Your confidence in your team is high, butrest assured, you will suffer humiliation when thesports team from my area defeats the sports team fromyour area.On numerous occasions, you have expressed theconviction that your area's sports team will bevictorious. I must admit that every time I hear youmake this proclamation, I react with both laughter anddisbelief. "Ha!" I say to myself with laughter."What?!" I say to myself in disbelief. How could youbelieve that your sports team could beat my sportsteam? It is clear that yours is inferior in every way.When the sporting contest begins, the players on yourteam will be treated as though they areinconsequential. It will be remarkably easy for myteam to accumulate more points than yours. There aremany reasons for this, starting with the inferiorphysical attributes of the players representing yourarea. Strength, speed, and agility are just three ofthe qualities that the players on the team from yourarea lack. The players representing my area, on theother hand, have these traits in abundance.I would not be a bit surprised if the individuals onthe team from your area were sexually attracted tomembers of their own gender. That is how ineffectivethey are on the field of battle.Underscoring your team's inferiority is its choice ofcolors. It is ludicrous to believe that your team'scolors inspire either respect or fear. Instead, theyappear to have been chosen by someone who iscolorblind or, perhaps, bereft of sight altogether.The colors for my team, on the other hand, areaesthetically pleasing when placed in proximity to oneanother. They are a superior color combination inevery way.While we are on the subject of aesthetics, let uscompare the respective facilities in which our teamsplay. While my team's edifice is blessed witharchitectural splendor and the most modern ofamenities, yours is a thoroughly unpleasant place inwhich to watch a sporting contest. I know of what Ispeak, for I once attended a game between ourrespective teams in your facility. Let's just say theexperience left me wishing that my car was inoperablethat day due to mechanical problems, rendering itimpossible for me to get to your area to attend thegame.If you need another reason why the sporting franchiserepresenting my area is superior, look no further thanthe supporters for the two sides. Not only are thesupporters of the team from my region more spirited,but they are also more intelligent and of finerbreeding than you and the rest of your ilk. Inaddition, the female supporters of the team from myarea possess more attractive countenances and figuresthan yours. Some of the women from my side that I haveobserved could make a living by posing for picturesfor major men's magazines. The women who cheer foryour team, I'm afraid, are far too unattractive to doso.One of the more pathetic aspects of the team from yourarea is the fact that only people in your immediatearea possess an affinity for it. By means of contrast,the team from my area inspires loyalty and affectionin individuals who live in many other geographiclocations.To illustrate this point, let me tell a brief story:Recently, I was on vacation in an area of the countryfar away from my own, and I saw many individualswearing items of clothing that bore the insignia of myteam. I approached one such individual and asked himif he originated from my area. He said no, explainingthat he simply liked the team from my area and had formany years. Interestingly enough, during this trip, Isaw no clothing or other paraphernalia bearing theinsignia of your team.Do you still doubt that the team from your area isinferior to the one from mine? Just look at our teams'respective histories. In the past, we have defeatedyou on any number of occasions. Granted, there weretimes when your team beat my team, but those werelucky flukes.The day of the game will soon be at hand. And nomatter how hard you pray to a higher power or how manyfoam accoutrements you wear in support of the teamfrom your area, your team will be defeated. We willwin and you will lose. This is your fate.Prepare for humiliation. It shall be upon you at thedesignated hour. Quote
cincyhokie Posted January 7, 2006 Author Report Posted January 7, 2006 That my friend is quality posting.I liked it.You know, if the Bengals DO win Sunday...the excuse is just going to be "we gave them the game". The Steelers fans never think they lose...instead they give games away. Why? No team is as righteous as the Steelers. Quote
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