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talked to bauman, wilkins, O'neal and Graham yesterday


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they always come into bestbuy where i work on tuesdays.

Bauman and wilkins came in together they must be good friends.

Bauman acted like he was trying to hold me up at the register...i caught him by suprise when I said well rashad i think you got enough money playing the nfl...sad thing is i couldn;t figure out who the f**k Marcus wilkins was, I kinda felt bad...o well.

O'neal was cool and is always in our best buy...told him gl in the probowl and next week.

I told graham to kick a few fg's for us....then I said actually nm, just kick the extra points next week..

he said something lame, "well anytime we get into the redzone it's a good thing"..I was like wow thx captian obvious. In the past he's been cool.

I keep you updated, not that anyone cares...i should bring in a football and make them all sign it for me..have pretty much the entire team autographed by the end of the month. :D

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lol no well actually deltha might have one...he signed autographs for people that bought 360's the morning of the launch, he was there bright and early..

anyways the system is great I got it launch night at gamestop..if i wanted it at bestbuy I would of been in line like everyone else.

they all just bought cd's and other small crap.

deltha actually brought a phone cord on a single transaction cause he forgot to get it. He came back into the store...maybe he was thinking about his next int.

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