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My Satellite got screwed up cuz of high winds and i think its out of position causing me to miss the whole second half of the game! :angry: I know that Chad had a touchdown, I just wanna know if he danced. Also, if anyone here knows what to do with my satellite situation, it would be helpful. I did everything that was in the manual like pulling plugs for 15 seconds, reseting the system, etc.. I havent tried going on my roof to move the receivers. is that what i should be doing?


He said after the game that with the penalty on the play, there wasn't any time for a dance. The excitement had pretty much run out and he didn't want to start dancing so long after actually scoring. He said it would have been a square dance with the goal post.

My Satellite got screwed up cuz of high winds and i think its out of position causing me to miss the whole second half of the game! :angry: I know that Chad had a touchdown, I just wanna know if he danced. Also, if anyone here knows what to do with my satellite situation, it would be helpful. I did everything that was in the manual like pulling plugs for 15 seconds, reseting the system, etc.. I havent tried going on my roof to move the receivers. is that what i should be doing?

Pretty good chance your satellite is out of position. Whether you get up there and do it yourself or hire someone to do it depends how secure a relationship you and your roof have. I don't know how dangerous that is for you given the pitch of your roof and your experience crawling on rooftops, but don't do anything unsafe. If you're not comfortable doing it, get someone to do it for you, it's not worth getting injured.

However, if you do get up there and do it, the actual repositioning is easy as hell - getting on the roof is probably the hardest part. All you need is some sense, a wrench, access to direcTV.com, a compass, and an assistant on the ground. The following assumes you have DirecTV, should be similar for others.

1) Determine whether alignment is actually the problem. Go to Dish Pointing (Menu->System Setup -> Dish Pointing). This will tell you your signal strength - if your dish is knocked out of alignment, it's probably 0.

2) Go to direcTV.com and find the correct angles (azimuth and elevation).

3) Set the receiver to Dish Pointing. It makes a sound that gets higher in frequency with better signal. If your dish is pretty far away from the TV, you'll probably need someone to tell you what the signal strength is. Since the dish is on the roof and I'm assuming your TV isn't, that's probably the case.

4) Get on the roof. Have fun!

5) Loosen (do NOT actually remove) the retaining bolts holding the dish in place. One holds it from rotating horizontally, one vertically. You want the bolts loose enough so that the dish doesn't move on its own, but you can adjust it.

6) Use your handy compass to determine what direction the dish should be pointing. Get it close, not perfect; you'll be wiggling the dish a bit anyway.

7) Next, you just start moving the dish a bit until you home in on the correct angle. You want a signal strength over 80. When you find the right place, tighten the bolts. Given your issues with wind, you may want to tighten it better than the guy who installed it. Don't strip the nuts though.

Also, if you think wind was the problem, I'd think about adjusting the horizontal (azimuthal) angle first - it's less likely the wind knocked it out of alignment up/down vs. left/right, but that's just a guess. Don't bank on it.

Good luck, and happy TV.


On NFL Live they just gave Chad props for not dancing. They pointed out that it is getting out of hand and they need to step back on the celebrations.

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