BengalszoneBilly Posted February 3, 2004 Report Posted February 3, 2004 Okay everybody,Is it just me, or has this country totally lost perspective. The way I feel is this: So freakin' what! I'm certain it was just an attempt to be shocking, as was the case was with Britney and Madonna swappin' spit on stage at the MTV music awards, although MTV DOES seem to be the common thread in this whole thing, don't you think? And I forsee them profiting from this. Again. The more panties wadded up in a knot, the more publicity they get, and there is no such thing as bad publicity. Even Michael Jacksons record sales have spiked lately. Why? Good or bad, his name is back in the public eye.What about the Super Bowl streaker!?! His whole package was out there swinging for the crowd to see. The population kinda just finds that humorous. But Ms. Jackson showing a small bit of nipple!?! OH MY GOD!! Armegeddon is upon us!! And don't give me the arguement that he wasn't televised to youngsters across the country/world. There were kids at the game who witnessed that too. Are their now shattered lives any less important!?! Where's your outrage relatively to this? They are no less impressionable than any others, although I dearly would have liked to see the tackle that was put on him to end his display!What I'm getting at is this. Families can tune into prime time television any day of the week and see acts of violence and murder, 24/7. But show one brief glimpse of the female breast to that same audience, and all hell breaks loose! Suddenly all these holier than thou, and allegedly morally responsible people are having an absolute contiption fit because we saw a breast. Good thing we can flip back to "Spike TV" to witness a brutal killing and settle ourselves down with a little murder and mayhem. The good core values of American culture.Puuuulleeezzeee! It's only an issue because our stiffeling moralistic values demand it. In America, sex and sexual images are supposed to be dirty. No wonder our kids are so confused about sexual conduct and responsibilities. It's the forbidden fruit. And what is human nature under these circumstances? We always want what we can't have!! It's like women and anal sex...(bear with me here) it really ain't all that interesting or appealling...UNTIL...they tell you you can't have it!! They say you can have this down front here, and these two things up front here, and if you're lucky she'll let you plug her blow hole, but you can't be runnin' in and out the back door!?! Well s**t!! I didn't even want it until you told me I couldn't have it!! Goddam it!!So why do we fight our own nature? Isn't the mountain of available porn sites on this internet evidence enough that we will never ever rid our society of it's sexuality? It's part of us. GOD MADE US THIS WAY!! It's just some people choose to ignore their natural human instincts and urges. Mother Nature put them there to insure procreation of the species, and NOBODY kicks mother natures ass! Sex is only "dirty" because we demand it to be so! I know this will piss off a bunch of Christian folks, but even our own Holy Bible can be a racy read!! The tales of Soddom and Gomorrah would make Janet's tit seem pale in comparison. But then again...that's just my perspective.Honestly the rest of the world is laughing at our repressed sexualities. When I visited the beautiful country of Australia, most women on the beach were topless. After standing patiently in waist deep water for 20 minutes or so, I got used to it, it became no big deal, and I MOVED ON!! I swear this country needs a mental enema about sexuality. (Yeah, I'm not a Republican, but I sure as hell ain't no Democrat either! You people are just as pathetically confused about different things all of your own!! But that's a whole 'nuther rant! Gun control...drug programs that only breed dependancy on more social programs...the idiocy has no end! Please God give us an INDEPENDANT PRESIDENTIAL CANIDATE!!! OUR CURRENT CHOICES SUCK!! WE ARE DOOMED TO KEEP COMITTING THE SAME SAD MISTAKES WITH THIS INSANE TWO PARTY SYSTEM!) s**t. I fell off my own damn thread!Your thoughts and rebuttals here? It's not like we have alot of football to presently chat about. Quote
richmond_mat Posted February 3, 2004 Report Posted February 3, 2004 I had this conversation with a friend yesterday where we basically agreed with you Billy. Maybe this will help allign american values with the rest of the world. However, not all boobs are created equal; as long as they are visually pleasing like JJ's I say let them be. But if they are floppy handbags with the nipples heading south or unvisible then they should be covered. The trouble is we're dealing with centuries of unchecked religious zealotry. Remember those that came to america first were european castoffs wanting to escape the persecution and intolerence of faith.(the criminals came later) This caused america to be a fairly segregated (religiously speaking) place. Heck, even the catholics had seperate churches for the irish, germans and italians, until their flocks shrunk. I find myself living in richmond ky where until very recently there was just a small part of town where one could buy booze. When we first arrived I found myself getting strange looks and feeling a bizaar sense of guilt because I'd have a shopping cart full of suds at checkout.This is a great country, but apparently you better be on cable if you want to show you nipple. Quote
Kirkendall Posted February 3, 2004 Report Posted February 3, 2004 This is my view:It's not about you or me, or any woman loving guy; this is about children. The difference between movies and dramas comparatively with Janet Jackson, is that the movies and dramas are not real, but some little girls (maybe even boys) look up to these ‘real life figures. What do you tell children about this? What do they learn from this? Personally, I don't care; it's another unethical and immoral aspect in our destroyed culture and the children could set it right but what they know are the horrible images they see on television everyday which becomes acceptable and the moral fabric of our society is ripped for which is was founded on.Whether the images seen on the news, or booby that plops out on the most televised program in the nation; our culture is about as bad as ever in history. This happened around 8:30pm also, most violent driven shows are on at 10PM and the most impressionable kids should be asleep and have no interest in those shows in the first place. Also, the Super Bowl is considered a "family show". Shows like NYPD Blue, or CSI, or other sexuality and violet driven shows are NOT classified as family shows and have the ratings box in the top corner to prove this. Yet, it's the PARENTS responsibility to shield them from this if the parent so desires a life style for their children of knowledgeable and youth oppression -- which is a good thing most of the times. The parents are outraged the most because the biggest show on earth failed to appropriate such behaviors from their children, and now things have changed; once again. The issue I believe isn’t about seeing a body part on television, but how it was done. The half-time was horrible. It desecrated the American flag with that pole smoker Kid Rock, lyrics that were 10 times worse if you could actually understand them and the demographic of the whole show acceptably removed more than 70% of those that actually enjoy the game and prepare in anticipation for the Super Bowl.This is also another case for putting the Super Bowl on cable Television, if not Pay per view. Adjusted numbers show that the game could make upwards to 3-4 times more revenue for the station carrying it, the NFL, and the advertisers. This I believe is the ultimate objective for the greedists of our capitalist society we “love” so much. In closing, I think the whole Jackson thing doesn’t affect me personally at all, but it’s not about us for why this outraged is so fierce right now. Its about values that America has destroyed itself on and quite frankly, disgusts me at times. Before the Super Bowl was geared for everyone; now the parents will be more hesitant on allowing their kids to watch this which is the worst part of it all. Quote
BengalszoneBilly Posted February 3, 2004 Author Report Posted February 3, 2004 Oh yes!! The show, especially the sound was awful. What was P. Diddy and Kid Schlock thinkin' with their hideous wardrobe failures too? I had already gotten up to grab some more soda pop for my girlfriends two kids, 10 & 14 years old, when I heard them erupt in laughter at Janet and Justins little expose'! I totally missed it! They just asked for their soda's, and went merrily on with their lives. Absolutely no harm done. I had to ask what had happened, and her daughter replied Janet Jacksons boob popped out. That was it! Until I saw it replayed later on the internet did I realize it was intentional. The ONLY reason it's still a big deal is because adults are keeping it that way. This is just paving the way for the next big "Shocking Incident" to be displayed by the next waneing star who need their career rejuvinized by you very people outraged at this non event.Now maybe it's just the way HER kids were raised. They discussed sex at an early age, so all the mystique and "dirtyness" is not present. They are not preoccupied with sex, unlike other couples children that I know who's parents are petrified of discussing sex with them.'s their call, but I think they're f**king their kids up.And as far as kids not being subjected to violence on TV until after 9:00 pm, you're just kidding yourself. Unless you're monitoring them 24/7, they'll find it. Especially young boys. It's on ALL of the time someplace on the tube. Maybe not at your house, but on cable or satallite at a playmates house, or even DVD/VHS at any time they want outside of your watchful eye.I find ANY type of censorship offensive. People cuss. People have genitals and women have mammary glands. Kids already know this. It's up to the parents to be the example of how these things are used (if at all) in their lives. Problem is most people aren't up to this job, and unless you're a Quaker living without electricity, your offspring WILL be exposed. I was in the seventies. How the hell won't they now with the World Wide Web doing what it does best.My British friend e-mailed me today with a question asking what our problem was with an exposed breast. In Europe, as in most the rest of the world as I've seen in my travels to many continents, we are the most sexually repressed country in the world bar none. Being afraid of kids being exposed to things of this nature is the same as being afraid of a boogey man that is just a myth. It's natural, and they can handle it far better than parents here expect they can. Problem is that with the purantical mindset this country is saddled with, we'll probably never get to see the evidence of that. We adults are the ones with the problem. Not the kids. To quote "The Who"...the kids are all right. (Although it's all I can do to listen to their music, but as I think back...I drove my parents crazy with The Who's song, "We Won't Be Fooled Again"!! What comes around, goes around. Good karma runs over bad dogma every day of the week!)About our culture being as bad as any in history, I beg to differ. In no time in human history has human culture of ANY origin reached anything near the zenith it finds itself at now. I'm enthused about where it's heading, and our youth will take us there. Hedonistics traits aside. That's what drives it. The ancient Greeks and Romans almost captured it. With our technology, we'll transend the barriers that hindered them!Now with all that being said, I do not expect to change your mind. That wasn't my goal. I was just serving up some food for thought, as you did with me. But likewise you have no hope of changing mine either. (Kinda reminds me of the "Agree to Disagree" impass we reached with the Pete Rose subject, isn't it? Oh, and I can't believe you called Kid Rock a "Pole Smoker!!" Excellent slam!! I had to wipe off my monitor after I busted out laughing over that one!! ) Quote
AGrizzlyBaer Posted February 4, 2004 Report Posted February 4, 2004 i only have one word for this...... BOOBIES! Quote
BengalszoneBilly Posted February 4, 2004 Author Report Posted February 4, 2004 i only have one word for this...... BOOBIES! See what I mean guys!?! Here's a High School kid that this incident has sent him down the road to a happy and healthy HETEROSEXUAL life!! Case closed your honor! Quote
redsfan2 Posted February 4, 2004 Report Posted February 4, 2004 i only have one word for this...... BOOBIES!See what I mean guys!?! Here's a High School kid that this incident has sent him down the road to a happy and healthy HETEROSEXUAL life!! Case closed your honor! I remember Roseanne Barr trying to sing the national anthem at a Cubs game. When she finished, she grabbed her crotch and spit. Now that was obscene !I basically have no problem if Janet Jackson wants to show me her boob. Other than the fact that she could make sure the kids aren't watching ( young kids ) , and dammit show them both. I hate it when somebody only does a half a job. I also caught Ozzy's rendition last year too. Even with no nudity or gestures, I gotta say that was pretty obscene too. Quote
chrishcovga Posted February 4, 2004 Report Posted February 4, 2004 the one point i don't see being raised is.......when were kids the first damn thing we saw was a tity.!!case closed. Quote
redsfan2 Posted February 4, 2004 Report Posted February 4, 2004 the one point i don't see being raised is.......when were kids the first damn thing we saw was a tity.!!case closed. Actually, it was a vagina stratched over your head. And I agree with Robin Williams " We spend the first nine months trying to get out ........ and we spend the rest of our lives trying to get right back in." Quote
Kirkendall Posted February 4, 2004 Report Posted February 4, 2004 Response to All:As you guys can tell, I'm a bit of a Conservative; not the far right, but I am non-the-less.First of all, it's not the fact we all saw a Playboy in our dads basement for the first time, nor is it the movie late night on cable -- all provide clear descriptions of adult content with classless sub-plots of poor entertainment society that only thinks sex, drugs and violence brings in the ratings. I'm not against exposing children to these things in the world, it's a lesson in life all have to grow up with. That's not my argument. This is a family show, it's described as that through all marketing campaigns, advertising and even historic logics. This was a failure of all persons involved to provide role model figures they are indirectly titled to be. If you all knew that breasts would come out during the show, I bet some in America would be increasingly hesitant of allowing your kids to watch; plus I'm sure your wives (if apply) would have something to say about it also. When Jenna Jameson is on E!, you expect to hear about porn and her lifestyle, you expect this and whether you want to blind your children on this is up to the parents and how comfortable they feel at what age to expose them to this. When you see Janet Jackson, you expect to hear music (crappy music, but music non-the-less), when you see Kid Rock, you don't expect to see him desecrate the flag. The problem I have is the context it happen in. When you see shows with violence that promotes sex and other mature content; that's expected, it's expected on any shows on prime time. This was not the case on Sunday. I remember Roseanne Barr trying to sing the national anthem at a Cubs game. When she finished, she grabbed her crotch and spit. Now that was obscene !Roseanne gets an unfair shake at this. I think this happened in San Diego and the front office told her to do this, to make it funny but in the end she got shafted when the support was non-existent and all the blame feel on Roseanne, unfairly.Did Ozzy do the Anthem? I though he just did the seventh inning stretch.CLOSING POINTSI don't have a problem seeing boobs, I like boobs, I want more all the time. I like the big jugs, the perky and petite; but it's not me nor guys like me (and mostly everyone here) that I'm defending. I'm not arguing the overall general television, internet and magazines that show such extreme content at times; that argument could go on for days.My argument is that Janet, TimberFLAKE, Kid SmokePole and others are role models -- maybe they don’t want to be, but they are. The kids see this and think it's ok, but it's not. If a majority of parents have a problem with this, then that's the feeling of our overall parental society, which has to be heard louder than the -- at times -- most logical. If kids want to go on the internet and search porn, more power to them, but they are getting what they expect and parents should decide how they want to judge on their parenting. Do they allow them to look it up or not, that’s up to them and not for me criticize. That's why many politicians feel that violent movies, violent video games most of all, are to blame for the increased violence with today’s youth. I don't agree with it, but it's coincidental non-the-less and I can see why they would make such a ridiculous claim. Like Billy, I’m not here to change opinions, I just love to argue Quote
redsfan2 Posted February 4, 2004 Report Posted February 4, 2004 You're right on both counts, and I was mistaken.She did sing the anthem in San Diego ..... or L.A. and she said the playres were the ones that put her up to the grab and spit. It was still nasty tho ....... just nasty. It's hard to believe the she and Jennifer Anniston are the same species .... much less the same gender.Ozzie did do " take me out to a ball game " sic at Chicago. I can overrlook most anything he does because the poor bastard is so fried. Quote
Kirkendall Posted February 4, 2004 Report Posted February 4, 2004 Ozzie did do " take me out to a ball game " sic at Chicago. I can overrlook most anything he does because the poor bastard is so fried.I think with Billy proving that grass can be grown in Cincy may be on the same path.. Quote
BengalszoneBilly Posted February 4, 2004 Author Report Posted February 4, 2004 Ozzie did do " take me out to a ball game " sic at Chicago. I can overrlook most anything he does because the poor bastard is so fried.I think with Billy proving that grass can be grown in Cincy may be on the same path.. Josh, I can assure you it's STILL being grown quite well in Cincy. Especially down on a little ol' street next to the U.C. campus where my sister used to live. I remember walking through that quaint little neighborhood smelling the air and thinking to myself "my, they sure do catch alot of ropes around here on fire!" Quote
AGrizzlyBaer Posted February 4, 2004 Report Posted February 4, 2004 hey i just thought i might have some fun Quote
redsfan2 Posted February 4, 2004 Report Posted February 4, 2004 Ozzie did do " take me out to a ball game " sic at Chicago. I can overrlook most anything he does because the poor bastard is so fried.I think with Billy proving that grass can be grown in Cincy may be on the same path.. Josh, I can assure you it's STILL being grown quite well in Cincy. Especially down on a little ol' street next to the U.C. campus where my sister used to live. I remember walking through that quaint little neighborhood smelling the air and thinking to myself "my, they sure do catch alot of ropes around here on fire!" You're not going to believe this, but you're talking about my old neighborhood. I lived on Chickasaw St. Which is straight across from Hughes high school ( from which I graduated in '68 ). I hung out at the pizza place and the fast food place over on McMillan. Which little side street were you referring to ???????????? Quote
BengalszoneBilly Posted February 4, 2004 Author Report Posted February 4, 2004 hey i just thought i might have some fun And if you can't have fun with some Boobies, then you just ain't gonna have fun! Quote
BengalszoneBilly Posted February 4, 2004 Author Report Posted February 4, 2004 Which little side street were you referring to ???????????? Well Redsfan, It was about 20 years ago, but it think it was called "Ohio" street. A cool little shop called the "Cupboard" was there. Might still be. Quote
richmond_mat Posted February 5, 2004 Report Posted February 5, 2004 Which little side street were you referring to ????????????Well Redsfan, It was about 20 years ago, but it think it was called "Ohio" street. A cool little shop called the "Cupboard" was there. Might still be. The shop might be there but the inventory will not be the same. You can thank good all simon leese (sp?) Who does he think he is? He is truly insane, yet you buckeys keep reelecting him. Anyone remember the submarine idea to curb drunk boating? I'm happy larry flint is giving cinti all it can handle. I bet kirk doesn't want a high quality adult shop in the city. Maybe if the bengals win the superbowl things in cinti would loosen up. Quote
redsfan2 Posted February 5, 2004 Report Posted February 5, 2004 Which little side street were you referring to ????????????Well Redsfan, It was about 20 years ago, but it think it was called "Ohio" street. A cool little shop called the "Cupboard" was there. Might still be. Ohio St. would be right. There's an Ohio St. in the area any way. It's about 2 or 3 blocks down from St. George Cath. church. We ranged from there all the way over to The Friars Club and the other way down past Fairview park ( another hangout of ours )............ but it's been a LOT longer than 20 years for me.When I say " we ", I mean the guys from my neighborhood. Don't know about now, but back then it wasn't real healthy to get caught walking around someone elses neighborhood unless there were a whole lot of you. Quote
redsfan2 Posted February 5, 2004 Report Posted February 5, 2004 How old are you guys SHEESH! I'm 53. til June 9th anyway. Rough estimate I put Billy at about 45 or 46, and Grizzly at 17 or 18. I lived on Pleasant street and then on Vine st. ....... both in what is now called Over the Rhine, and then we moved to Clifton which is where the University is. I went in to the Marines in '68 and went to Viet Nam in '69. I came home for my leave afterward and stayed about 2 weeks instead of the 30 days I had coming. Didn't go back for several years, but I get back when I can now to catch the Reds and the Bengals. I've really gotten used to small town life here in western NY, but i have to admit that I'd move back to Cincinnati in a minute if I got the chance. Quote
Kirkendall Posted February 5, 2004 Report Posted February 5, 2004 I don't know, this town is full of mass racial tension right now with recent problems. I'm not going to voice my thoughts on this forum, because well, it's not the forum for this topic. If you or any one else is curious to what I'm talking about, do a search on Cincinnati Enquirer's website or just do a search on and you'll find the problems in our beloved city I'm referring to. Quote
richmond_mat Posted February 5, 2004 Report Posted February 5, 2004 How old are you guys SHEESH! Old enough to remember when being 18 was old enough to go into a bar and be served whiskey, if you asked. america is way too uptight about vice. Quote
BengalszoneBilly Posted February 5, 2004 Author Report Posted February 5, 2004 america is way too uptight about vice. America is way to uptight period!And Redsfan, you nailed my age right on the money. 45, as in my favorite handgun caliber. Your good. Quote
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