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First off, I'm new here so hello.

Secondly, I know this has been done to death but I think the black pants looked great, and so what if they went 0-2 with them, their record with white pants over the past 10 years hasn't been great either.

Don't take this as a shot at the Bengals though, I've been cheering for Cincy from Toronto Canada since 1986. You don't know how hard it is to be a Bengals fan here in Toronto, everybody seems to think that the Bills are our "Home Team".

I really hate the Bills! :angry:

Anyway, my 2 cents.


Pants, shmants! The color don't mean squat! What matters is who the hell is wearing those said pants! Black...White...it don't matter. Unless your wayyy superstitious! :P

And welcome to the board Keller...eh? :D

First off, I'm new here so hello.

Secondly, I know this has been done to death but I think the black pants looked great, and so what if they went 0-2 with them, their record with white pants over the past 10 years hasn't been great either. 

Don't take this as a shot at the Bengals though, I've been cheering for Cincy from Toronto Canada since 1986.  You don't know how hard it is to be a Bengals fan here in Toronto, everybody seems to think that the Bills are our "Home Team". 

I really hate the Bills! :angry:

Anyway, my 2 cents.

Hey Keller. Back at ya from across the border here about 50 miles from Buffalo. I don't hate the bills, .... I just don't have anything for them either. I always hear it when I wear my Bengals stuff too. Just don't let the bastards get you down.

As to the black pants. They lost 2 games this year while wearing them. Last year they lost 14 while wearing the other ones. Maybe they should play naked.

I liked the way the black looked, but they need an orange belt to separate the pants from the jersey. With the all black, they look like jumpsuits or coveralls.

Personally, I hate the way all the teams are changing to one color uniform from pants to shirts. Remember the Broncos? Man, they looked like a computer cursor.

Main thing I didn't like about the Broncos jerseys was the orange stripe that ran down from the back side of the sleeves. I swear it looked like they had orange cream sicles under their armpits and the melted and ran down their shirts. It was just nasty to look at :blink: .


I can't believe we're all still talking about clothing. Aren't we men (shouts in the crowd, "YEA!")! :D

Main thing I didn't like about the Broncos jerseys was the orange stripe that ran down from the back side of the sleeves. I swear it looked like they had orange cream sicles under their armpits and the melted and ran down their shirts. It was just nasty to look at .

The worst uniforms I've seen this season was Oregon's. I tried to watch an Oregon game and I could barely see it I was blinded the whole time. Plus, I kept on having that feeling of needing to go to the bathroom. So I watched a rerun of The Bachelor instead -- seriously, 20 hot women competing for one guy. Ultra slutty time :lol:

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