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Quick question guys...

Does anyone know how an out of state guy can watch Bengals games? I don't have Directv, so I can't buy the sunday ticket thing. I have Dish Network, but I have not been able to find a way to order extra games, probably because directv has a contract of some kind with the NFL.

Am I doomed to go another year listening to the games on the radio via the internet, or does someone have an interesting solution?


Direct TV Nfl ticket is the only way to go...the have exclusive NFL rights. If you want me to copy them to a DVD for you...I might be able to do that.

I know, I know...off to jail I go...I don't care.


I appreciate the offer, but I'm not the kind of guy who even likes to wait to watch a game an hour afterward, let alone a couple days for you to mail it to me. I guess I'll just have to live with the radio, and crappy ESPN highlights. Thanks anyway.

NFL ticket is around 200dollars.

+40dollars for direct tv per month

Just cancel your current cable or dish and get it ;)

You can get it on a "per game" basis without getting the whole package. At least that's what I did when I visited my in-laws. You still have to suscribe to direct TV though. :(


Do what I do...go to the bar down the street, watch the game, and get obliterated.

It might not be cheaper than ordering Sunday Ticket, but it beats the hell out of watching the game at home. Unless you have kids and want to stay home and watch the game with them w/o some jackass being drunk and belligerent.

P.S. Unfortunately, I'm usually that jackass on Sunday afternoons B)


Call up Dish and change your local channels to Cincy. I've got Dish and Direct and I get all kinds of local channels with Dish, from LA to NY, denver, Cincy the works, but I got a big pakcage(in more ways that one :P ) What I would do is call Dish and explain to them that even though you live in _________, you want Cincy local channels


I dont have any fancy dishes, just regular cable and I still get to watch Bengals game on CBS. Im out of state, but Im pretty close to Cincy.

Do what I do...go to the bar down the street, watch the game, and get obliterated.

It might not be cheaper than ordering Sunday Ticket, but it beats the hell out of watching the game at home. Unless you have kids and want to stay home and watch the game with them w/o some jackass being drunk and belligerent.

P.S. Unfortunately, I'm usually that jackass on Sunday afternoons B)

How does going to a sports bar help :P I know living in oregon bengal games would be one of the last games to air inless it was the only one on.


Make sure that the bar has NFL Sunday Ticket...this might be a problem if you live in a small town, but it's the only answer I've got :D

I found three or four bars around here that have it, and the one that I frequent is five minutes from my apartment, so it is possible. I'm the only guy at the bar watching the Bengals game, unless they are playing an area team (Texans or Cowboys) or a team with a bunch of (bandwagon) fans (Steelers and Vikings...not so much with the bandwagoners for the Vikings).


thanks guys. I live in northern Indiana, but I grew up in Dayton Ohio, soI am die hard Bengals. The only games that get televised around here are the Bears, Colts and Packers. I will try the idea about getting Cincy local channels, and if that doesn't work, I'll ask the local sports bar if they have Sunday NFL ticket. Thanks for the info.


yeah, there's a bar somewhere in your town that you can watch the game. I found the Bengals - Browns November 2002 in Bumf**k, Florida. Granted I had to call around for about 20 minutes, but I found it. And that was as pathetic a matchup as it gets.

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