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Overall draft grade....

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Now that I can think clearly after a great day 1, and , at the time, a WTF HAPPENED!!!!! day2, I can give a sober grade of B to this years draft.

- Solid starters with Pollack and Thurman at D

- A possible CJ or Moss type receiver with Henry...needs a ML reality check though

- The Central Mich duo.......still scratching my head a bit (believe in Marvin, I guess)

- T Perry....I was scratching my head till I saw his kickoff and punt return stats......very solid!!

-And that last guy........can't say that I know much about him

- Sh****t, I guess it's nascar and baseball for the next 4 months..........................................................................


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I'll give 'em a solid B-

Very solid first 2 picks.

- Wait and see on Henry, like him a lot though.

Guy-check :lol: . and Kieft, well let's just say I thought there were much better talented players even at their positions let alone the defensive guys that were still available.

Fanene - As long as he's a better Player than Joey Evans 7th rd. 2002 draft... I'll be happy. :rolleyes:

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Guy-checkĀ  :lol: . and Kieft, well let's just say I thought there were much better talented players even at their positions let alone the defensive guys that were still available.

According to you. Mel Kiper and Marvin Lewis disagree. I tend to believe Marvin Lewis over you.

According to your breath, your an a**h***, so who gives a F*ck what you think! :player:

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Damn Guru...Don't you know Great Big Igmo has been authorized by Jesus Christ hisself to be the spokesman for ML. :wacko:

I give this draft a A. I likey.

They got what they needed to get for this year and the near future. Plus they got good ones at that.

The Day 1 picks in Pollack, Thurman, and Henry are great.

In Day 2, at least they addressed what they needed to, plus got a realistic boost w/ the undrafted rooks in Wilkerson and Body.

I had Ghiaucic going in the 7th and the Bengals taking Rob Hunt in the 5th 12 picks before he was picked in the 5th. I also had the Bengals taking LT Calvin Armstrong in 6th before he was picked in 6th but had Kieft going in 6th before Armstrong. Gotta trust Paul Alexander on these :rolleyes:

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