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Via Lance on his radio show, I dug up the article in which Kansascity.com writer, Jason Whitlock claims:

We're uncomfortable with Bonds because he's surly, unrepentant and black. He's being chased from the game. I'm probably foolish, but I don't expect Bonds to play again. He'll hide behind injuries and try to duck out of the game … if he's smart.

No mention of Bonds being a complete prick as to why people don't like Bonds. No mention of the fact it took 37 years to break Roger Maris' record but only took 3 years to break Mark McGwire's record (hence the reduced excitement someone broke the once presigous record).

Do you guys agree, or disagree with Whitlock.

Again, most of the above was on Lance's show.

The URL is http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/s...ck/11239926.htm

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Via Lance on his radio show, I dug up the article in which Kansascity.com writer, Jason Whitlock claims:

We're uncomfortable with Bonds because he's surly, unrepentant and black. He's being chased from the game. I'm probably foolish, but I don't expect Bonds to play again. He'll hide behind injuries and try to duck out of the game … if he's smart.

No mention of Bonds being a complete prick as to why people don't like Bonds. No mention of the fact it took 37 years to break Roger Maris' record but only took 3 years to break Mark McGwire's record (hence the reduced excitement someone broke the once presigous record).

Do you guys agree, or disagree with Whitlock.

Again, most of the above was on Lance's show.

The URL is http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/s...ck/11239926.htm

You'll need to register.

I disagree.

Black athletes are revered just as much, if not more than white athletes in this country. Yeah, it took a lot of perserverence and acceptance from our white peers to do so, but c'mon man. You can't tell me black athletes aren't respected, and if someone does break records, it would be fine as long as the athlete wasn't embroiled in controversy.

LeBron is breaking records already.

Emmit Smith holds records.

And please, let's not even discuss Tiger Woods.

What about our own Chad Johnson? Black and white love him here.

Look, I know all is not perfect in our society, but I do know that music and sports have the ability to bring people from different demographic and socioeconomic backgrounds together.

Bonds is more aloof than a prick in my opinion. He doesn't beat up people, and he is quite well spoken when I've heard him. He just seems irritated by the media 'all up in his grill' , so to speak.


He is a little more than aloof. He reminds me of a conpiracy theorist that thinks the world is out to get him. I think he was even raised that way some.

As far as black athletes they are revereed just as much. However, I think white athetes get marketed more, which they shouldn't do

He just seems irritated by the media 'all up in his grill' , so to speak.

Having the media after you 24-7 is probably getting way beyond old for Barry, but what does he expect them to do!?! He's the eye of two huge storms in the world of sports.

#1: His home run chase is moving in on Babe Ruth (he should pass him this year), then Hammerin' Hanks all time leading home run record. What bigger news could there be in baseball?

#2: I may have answered Question #1 here with the Balco/Steroids scandal that is beginning to tighten the noose around the parties involved. So far Barry seems to be firmly implicated and listed squarely among those who had dealing with the drug company.

So Barry...I hate to break the news to you, but you ain't seen nuthin' yet! As the Home Run title gets closer, so will the medias focus on that. Expect the same with media focus as the case on Steriods in Baseball begins to go deeper in it investigations into:

"Who," (Many players did, but YOU sir are the biggest name!)

"Since When," (My estimation is about since the time you left Pittsburgh and went to San Francisco.)

"Why" (Well because you needed something to add to those Vitamin supplements, but you claim you didn't know what they were, but you took them anyway? Dude. That is flat LAME! I've heard better stories from 3rd graders denying taking cookies with the other hand still in the jar! :lol: The tale of the freakin' Easter Bunny is more plausable than this! If your lawyer told you to give us that bull, FIRE THAT MORON!!!)

"What Happens Now"---Well judging by the way it presently stands in baseball, I'd say if they're going to keep Peter Edward Rose who as a player was the All Time Hit King out of baseball's Hall of Fame on that pathetic Betting on Baseball charge, (which was committed with the Reds as a manager, and BTW caused baseball not one iota of harm!) I cannot see where you have an ice cube's chance in hell of seeing your juiced up butt in there! Plus your rules infraction occurred as a player, and more specifically done to obtain an advantage! It has irrefutably harmed, and will continue to harm the game for many years to come!

That would be sweet wouldn't it? Baseball's all time hit and home run leaders not in the HOF!?! That could very well be the out come. How incredibly STUPID is that? :wacko: Why bother even having one? It would be like going to a topless club and requesting to see only the regular "plain Jane" dancers! Keep those top heavy "Hotties" out of our sight! :angry: We didn't come here to see the best you know!! They make us nausious. :lol:

The Hall Of Fame should be about the players, the game, and what they did while on the field. If they broke a rule, got kicked out of the game or whatever, sure...tell us about that too! It happened right? That makes it offically part of the history of the game! The HOF is 100% about that very thing. Stop trying to omit great players and writing history the way you and your morality see fit for the next generations to see it! Just record it. Period. Blemishes and all.

If you want to hinge a players eligibility on moral/ethical issues, and how they behave in life in general too, then stop calling it a sport. You've entered the realm of something closer to a religion with far too many hypocrites just waiting to pass unfair judgement! The game exists only between the foul lines. A players accomplishment and actions between those lines should be the ONLY criteria!

Oh...IMHO. :) And I still say Barry is going to BLOW sooner or later as the pressure mounts!

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