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some big namers still available

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There are numerous D players the bengals can still look at : Kevin Carter, Chris Hovan, Thomas Polley, Kendrell Bell, Ed Hartwell, Fred Smoot, Rob Morris, Marcellus Wiley, Anthony Simmons, and likely Warren Sapp. Now It would be intresting if the Bengals try to make moves for any of those guys but I guess we will have to see... :unsure:

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I'd love to pickup Carter, but it seems that we haven't showed no interest in him at all so far...

I've heard Carter is about to sign with Miami. Things are supposed to be so close that his agent isn't taking calls from other teams or scheduling aditional visits. And I no longer have any interest in Wiley. At this point in his career I think he's just going through the motions while cashing paychecks.

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If the Phins signed a broken down over the hill Holiday what does that say about Robinson? Wiley never got off the block in Dallas.. Bell in more injury prone than Ken Griffey...CourtneyBrown has had years to prove himself and hasnt outside of loving to rehab...

Take someone thats not over 30, not injury riddled and has a track record in recent years of producing on the field..

Dwight Smith is a solid player.. would hep the secondary and the team wouldnt have to draft a Safety.. shoot for him....

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Kendrell Bell was Defenseive rookie of the year, but yea he has had unfourtante injuries

I read that the Eagles were interested in Bell in case they didn't resign Trotter. Since he is obviously still around, I'd like to see the Bengals take a flyer on this guy. He can't be any worse (or slower) than Hardy. Perhaps a little Marvin Magic will rejuvinate this guy and his career.

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