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When Irish Weis Are Smilin'


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Notre Dame is vitrually a no win situation right now. They finally realized they can't play that kind of schedule and still compete.

Whatever :rolleyes: All it takes is a couple of decent recruiting years. It will take a few years to get out of the hole Ty dug but after that everyone can continue to hate and fear the Irish! B)

Isn't that all it takes for just about any team? A couple good recruiting classes? The fear of Notre Dame left after the early 90's. They just aren't what they used to be, even they realized that because they relaxed their schedule starting in 2008 I believe.

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Isn't that all it takes for just about any team? A couple good recruiting classes? The fear of Notre Dame left after the early 90's. They just aren't what they used to be, even they realized that because they relaxed their schedule starting in 2008 I believe.

Your wrong once again. In 2008 they take away Air Force and Purdue and add LSU and Bama. I don't call that a "relaxed schedule". I don't know where you heard they were downgrading their schedule but their not.

You are right about one thing, after a couple of good recruiting classes, we will be back along with the fear. Then all the media morons and haters can shut their stupid pieholes. :lol::lol::lol:

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Isn't that all it takes for just about any team? A couple good recruiting classes? The fear of Notre Dame left after the early 90's. They just aren't what they used to be, even they realized that because they relaxed their schedule starting in 2008 I believe.

Your wrong once again. In 2008 they take away Air Force and Purdue and add LSU and Bama. I don't call that a "relaxed schedule". I don't know where you heard they were downgrading their schedule but their not.

You are right about one thing, after a couple of good recruiting classes, we will be back along with the fear. Then all the media morons and haters can shut their stupid pieholes. :lol::lol::lol:

Oh my bad it is 2009.

Notre Dame adds extra home game

"The athletic department decided after a yearlong review the change would be best for the school competitively and financially, said John Heisler, the associate athletic director who oversees scheduling.

"I think we're trying to make it more realistic, something that you think is a fair test for your coaches and your athletes," he said.

Even they know it--they cannot compete.

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Who Dey , Just how do you expect Notre Dame to out recruit the Big Conferences..??

Ty Willingham at least went toe to toe with teams like Florida St. and Ohio State to try and get kids to buy into his program!

* You honestly think that Notre Dame will out recruit Ty's new Washington Huskies..?? Uh No..

Look at the local area. Northern Indiana against Northern California and Washington state..? Ty will have Washington back in the bowl scenarios long before Charlie Weis will.

- Only advantage Weis could possibly have over him is Brady Quinn! And Who recruited him and taught him..??

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Who Dey , Just how do you expect Notre Dame to out recruit the Big Conferences..??

Last time I checked Notre Dame was on TV every game. Your recruited to a school not a conference. Do you really think Ty recruited well? He made Davie look like a guru.

Look at the local area. Northern Indiana against Northern California and Washington state..? Ty will have Washington back in the bowl scenarios long before Charlie Weis will.

Once again you are wrong. Ty couldn't recruit in the midwest. I'm sure he'll have better luck out west but look at his record at Stanford. It was ok but not as good as some people would have you believe.

If you want to buy into the media hype and hidden agenda then go ahead. Notre Dame is better off now than it was last year at this time.

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Who Dey , Just how do you expect Notre Dame to out recruit the Big Conferences..??

Last time I checked Notre Dame was on TV every game. Your recruited to a school not a conference. Do you really think Ty recruited well? He made Davie look like a guru.

Look at the local area. Northern Indiana against Northern California and Washington state..? Ty will have Washington back in the bowl scenarios long before Charlie Weis will.

Once again you are wrong. Ty couldn't recruit in the midwest. I'm sure he'll have better luck out west but look at his record at Stanford. It was ok but not as good as some people would have you believe.

If you want to buy into the media hype and hidden agenda then go ahead. Notre Dame is better off now than it was last year at this time.

It's not a matter of recruiting in the " midwest " . It's the school !!!

Let's make this simple for ya'..

How many top Athletes ( especially black ) do you think Notre DAme just won over by firing their coach..??

On Tv..? Now that's Funny, NBC's last ditch effort to show football, because like Morons they let the NFL get away!

At least CBS was smart enough to see where they went wrong with their programming back in the mid 80's and it only took them like what 15 years to get the NFL back..?

ND on t.v. , now that's funny !! :lol:

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How many top Athletes ( especially black ) do you think Notre DAme just won over by firing their coach..??

This point doesn't matter because if they keep Ty they don't get them anyway. The guy could not coach or recruit. It's not a matter of black and white, it's about wins. Anybody without a hidden agenda can see that! :D

It's not a matter of recruiting in the " midwest " . It's the school !!!

If you want to talk funny this is rich. I doubt you have ever been there and know very little about the school. When Notre Dame is at the top of the rankings it's because they recruit well in the midwest plain and simple. Just go back to watching ESPN and remember everything you hear is a fact. :rolleyes:

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How many top Athletes ( especially black ) do you think Notre DAme just won over by firing their coach..??

This point doesn't matter because if they keep Ty they don't get them anyway. The guy could not coach or recruit. It's not a matter of black and white, it's about wins. Anybody without a hidden agenda can see that! :D

It's not a matter of recruiting in the " midwest " . It's the school !!!

If you want to talk funny this is rich. I doubt you have ever been there and know very little about the school. When Notre Dame is at the top of the rankings it's because they recruit well in the midwest plain and simple. Just go back to watching ESPN and remember everything you hear is a fact. :rolleyes:

Didn't the President of your " wonderful " school BLAST the firing of Willingham ??

- Who Dey , be honest with yourself here for a minute.. ok When the President of the school says he's EMBARRASSED to be associated with his own School then that should open your eyes to The AGENDA ( absolutely nothing hidden there ) in Ty Willinghams' firing.

Tell you what, It would just be too " EMBARRASSINGGGGG " for me to bring up how your Athletic Director said the school was better off with Ty Willingham, but then again that would just be part of my " RACIST " agenda !!!

I'll just ask you a couple of Questions....

1. How'd that whole Urban Meyer hiring work out for ya..?

2. Or what about O'Leary..?

- If you knew anything about College football, you'd know a coach isn't defined until you see his recruiting classes play.

Did Bobby Bowden turn around Florida State overnight..?

Nick Saban...?

or my favorite... Tommy Tuberville....? - Good thing Auburn fired him last year " secretly " or should i say ( Hidden agenda-ly) so they could move on to bigger and better things ! Huh..?

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The fact of the matter is you have jumped all over the place to make your point. Your point is he should not have been fired because he is black and didn't have a fair shot because All of the recruits were not his. It's too bad Notre Dame gave him a shot in the first place. :rolleyes: Now if you hire a black coach you can't fire him because of the public outcry.

I say bulls**t. What makes you think he was going to pull off a great class this year? If you know anything about recruiting or college football, and I doubt you do, you would know his verbals were less than stellar. Don't blame it on the school. Take some ownership for his poor recruiting but that doesn't fit your unfair agenda. Look at his record !

Urban Meyer was about 15 coaches Notre Dame wanted to talk to. Not 15 coaches that turned down the Irish like ESPN is leading everybody to believe. He was never offered the job. I'm sick and tired of all the bashers that don't know the facts but bash anyway. Take off your blinders because you look and sound like sheep and don't hurt yourself jumping off your soapbox. :blink:

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So your saying you ducked right? :lol::lol::lol:B)

Since you desperately needed it spelled out for you, I'm saying you're a moron that has no clue as to how Notre Dame runs it's business.

I'm saying that because as a caucasian american racism to you only happens when it's conveniently not important. So continue in your make believe world full of religion and politics. The rest of us that aren't alergic to bulls**t will continue to questions things that don't make sense !


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How many top Athletes ( especially black ) do you think Notre DAme just won over by firing their coach..??

This point doesn't matter because if they keep Ty they don't get them anyway. The guy could not coach or recruit. It's not a matter of black and white, it's about wins.

My father's friend has a son who WAS going to go to Notre Dame.

People around the Dayton area might have heard of him, Brandon Harrison.

Blue Chip CB/HB, top 15 in the nation. After the firing of Willinghem, he decided to renig on signing with Notre Dame, and instead chose Michigan.

He even had a press conference about it on ESPN News.

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Since you desperately needed it spelled out for you, I'm saying you're a moron that has no clue as to how Notre Dame runs it's business.

I would venture to say that I know more about what goes on than someone who doesn't follow the program unless a black head coach is fired. I follow Notre Dame and have so for years. You on the other hand go on some half truths and spin the story to suit your agenda. That's fine whatever you want to think. My big problem with the whole situation is how ESPN went out of it's way to paint a picture of all these head coaches turning down offers to coach and this was not true. Then they say Notre Dame will never be able to win......Since NBC shows most Irish games their motives were very obvious.

Just for the record. I wanted Ty to do well and was surprised he was fired. I think he is a very talented person and a decent football coach.Maybe he can recruit better on the west coast.... His downfall was obvious though, bad recruiting and poor in game adjustments. As a head coach you are responsible for a lot of things, many that are out of your control ,but the bottom line is you are responsible for them. That means there is a level of accountability. If you don't meet expectations then your on the way out the door. It doesn't matter if your white, black,orange, or purple.

Do you really think they would have hired him if they were so racist? If you need to resort to name calling to win a debate that tells me you have very little to go on. BTW I do like reading your posts on the draft. At least you know what your talking about in that category.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So your saying you ducked right? :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  B)

Since you desperately needed it spelled out for you, I'm saying you're a moron that has no clue as to how Notre Dame runs it's business.

I'm saying that because as a caucasian american racism to you only happens when it's conveniently not important. So continue in your make believe world full of religion and politics. The rest of us that aren't alergic to bulls**t will continue to questions things that don't make sense !


Hey chris I have to say I agree with you on this one (been away). The Irish let Gerry Faust (the great high school experiment) last entirely too long. Ty should have been given his five years. :player: The whole thing stank.

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First of all, until Notre Dame joins a conference it will never be a national powerhouse again. It doen't have to do with the players it has to do with the schedule. Look at how many cookie cutter games Oklahoma and USC had this year (that why I think Auburn should be playing). Maybe Ty should have been given his five years, maybe not but I don't think it had to deal with racism, I think Notre Dame had unrealistic expectations for Ty and when he didn't come close to them they cut their ties and went in another direction

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First of all, until Notre Dame joins a conference it will never be a national powerhouse again. It doen't have to do with the players it has to do with the schedule. Maybe Ty should have been given his five years, maybe not but I don't think it had to deal with racism, I think Notre Dame had unrealistic expectations for Ty and when he didn't come close to them they cut their ties and went in another direction

Agreed the schedule is just too tough, they are now just an average run-of-the-mill program. The don't have the horses to run the courses like they used to.

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