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The Unofficial Bengals-Bills Prediction Thread


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Bengals 34, Bills 17

Bledsoe will know pain. Palmer throws for 350 yards, TJ catches a TD and Chad catches 2. Rudi runs for 105 yards.

And then the Bills fans magically disappear from our board. Hopefully.


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oh, and we're still beating the Pats this week.


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Two things:

1. I made this thread early because a number of Bills trolls have decided to come over here early and start the smack. This will still be here after the Pats game, and since they wanted to start early I figured it would be alright to post on a Friday what I would usually post on a Monday.

2. the Pats game is probably the most important game of the year for me. My brother is a huge Pats fan, and this game is for the bragging rights, since I already have them over my dad because of last year's Bengals-Chiefs game. I know how important Sunday is, and this thread doesn't mean that I'm overlooking the Pats, but the prediction thread for that game has said everything that needs to be said. We take them down first, we take the Bills next...nothing changes that.

That's all.


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it was buried due to my early posting, so here's a bump...give me your thoughts.


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