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A warning to all members at BengalsZone.com

The BengalsZone.com forum has flourished lately in that the foundation of veteran and young users combine opinions and intellect in a civil manner. Some of you, we’ve become good friends with; I talk to most of you more than I do my own mother. Sad eh?

One of the compliments regularly gathered was the civil manner which we execute our ideas and thoughts. This just isn’t smoke, it’s true. So much, as mods, we relaxed in that we believed most users would act with civility and not some teenage rampage act; including notification to us from regulars out of line to promptly remove those acting poorly.

As with all things that flourish, there are downfalls. There are those posters that do NOT abide by the forum rules posted on the site, continuing to ruin a perfectly oriented group for which most of us were happy to be apart of. There are reasons why we enjoy having a small base of regular users; mostly because we didn’t welcome those that disrupted our forum. If smack talk is your primary desire, we have a channel for you, and if you don’t like that, go to the hundreds of other sites that allow boorish and often times insulting sites.

So now with this infection, we are back to full moderation mode. This means the following:

If you are going to create a new topic that's already being discussed, i.e. Carson Palmer, then there's a good chance the topic will be closed, and a friendly warning. If the member in question repeats said action, a suspension is likely, while ban is possible as well.

If anyone curses or slams on other members, then action could be promptly taken. We are not here to baby-sit, nor infringe on speech. But this community is what made BengalsZone a wonderful place, and right now, some inside the community have poisoned the water-well.

If anyone disrupts the community, you will be promptly removed; no questions.

Keep in mind, while this is a public forum, it’s owned, 99% financed, and operated by one man. If it’s the choice of any mod to suspend or remove a user, complete backing from the “king” is guaranteed. So if you’re going to complain about being silenced, then do it to someone who gives a hoot, because frankly we don’t. Most of the regulars know how lax we are and how much we let slide, but also know if we’re forced to, we will take immediate action; which we will be doing until this board is cleaned, or at least back to civil.

This is not a warning to stop talking negatively about the team; hell I'm negative. But DO NOT resort to name-calling, creation of threads already established to serve a purpose, or anything that's destructive to the community or you will be promptly banned WITHOUT warning or reason. Got it? Good.

It’s sad this message has to be produced, but now it’s required.

Signed BengalsZone Moderation Team.


Don't post that often, but telling me I will be ban is just sick. What have I done. I didn't do anything. Never cause any problems, tried to add to forum.

This post has me laughing. And your response I'm sure will be using the big stick to silence me. Well go ahead and do it. See if I care. e69.gif



Who said you'll be banned? Did "Super Cat" come up at any point in time? No. So relax, ok?

Just having fun with you Kirkendall. Had a chance to use some of my smilies from my website.

I'm not one to cause trouble. I moderate myself, so I know that it is a taxing job.

That'll teach me to go out of town for a couple days! What the hey...no more love fest, huh? So be it. ^_^

A losing team brings out the worst in people sometimes.

Keep up the good work guys...

Who Dey! :player:

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