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Football Gameplan's 2013 NFL Team Preview - Bengals


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Well, at least you're consistent, Emory. But I think you'll be eating crow over Gio.

You got a good belly laugh out of me with the "quiet superstar" bit about Gresham. I've been a big defender of his for years but he's shown himself to be too much of a choke artist to defend any longer. If he pulls it together finally this year, great. But I'm not holding my breath.

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As always, I enjoy seeing your videos and am glad you keep sharing with us !!!

RB's are always hard to guage and while I think Bernard will give us what our offense needs, there always seems to be a late round guy that far exceeds what was projected for them. Alfred Morris for the Redskins (that's right I said it, Redskins) comes to mind.

The biggest reason I think BJGE struggled early on last season was seeing the interior of the o-line get blasted. First Wharton goes down and then Cook. I can't say as I was/am a fan of either of them, but having to bring both Boling and Faine/Robinson into the mix, had to have an impact until things began to gel with Robinson manning the spot. I think if the o-line can stay healthy, things will drastically improve with both the running and passing game.

Cobi Hamilton is a cross between Stevie Johnson and Terrell Owens ??

Man, if you can guarantee that without either of the drama that surrounds those two, I would sh*t golden bricks.

I like what I have seen from him, but I think he faces a real challenge at beating out either of Sanu or Jones for that #2 spot.

Hoping he makes the team. If he makes it at the expense of Tate, I would being even more pleased !!!

Moch getting moved to DE actually intrigues me more than anything i've heard about him since getting drafted.

Considering the fact he has crazy speed and his natural position is at DE, it only makes sense.

Now, if he can't figure out a way to deal with his medical concerns, it's all a mute point, but I am looking forward to see what he will do there.

He might not be 6'6, but that speed can certainly be put to good use. I never liked the idea of putting him at LB anyway.

Let him pass or fail at something that comes naturally to him.

Thanks again for sharing !!!

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