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Whenever I think that it cannot get any worse, it does. :huh:

They smell like schotzies breath. :wacko:

When you consider the indignities of last year ... what they were projected to do this year ... and how long they managed to stay in contention .... then its a little more understandable.

I'm as die hard a fan as you're going to find ...... but they're done. And yeah they're stinking up the place pretty badly right now. :(

6 to nothing and making it look easy

They smell like schotzies breath. :wacko:

I wish they smelled that good. More like one of Carl Lindners farts!

That stuffy assed, non-baseball fan, necktie wearin' "businessman!"

Say goodbye to the Reds for this year. Miley did what he could. Failure starts at the top. Last time I checked that's where Carls chair was. All that money at his fingertips, and this is the best he can do?

Chump. :angry:

They smell like schotzies breath. :wacko:

I wish they smelled that good. More like one of Carl Lindners farts!

That stuffy assed, non-baseball fan, necktie wearin' "businessman!"

Say goodbye to the Reds for this year. Miley did what he could. Failure starts at the top. Last time I checked that's where Carls chair was. All that money at his fingertips, and this is the best he can do?

Chump. :angry:

Carl "Bernie" Lindner needs to go back to selling milkshakes and exploiting citizens of 3rd World Countries to export fruit.

Please Bernie, sell the team to someone that wants to win instead of taking up space.

If you're wondering what the "Bernie" means--watch the movie "Weekend at Bernie's". Carl Lindner looks just as dead as Bernie up in the stands.


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