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Don's Crystal Ball Divisional Round Picks


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Crystal Ball



By DonCanabis/TheDon



What a way to start the Playoffs; especially for me going 3-1 almost perfect if it wasn't by a fumble in OT in what can be the best Wildcard game in the past decade... God I love the Playoffs.

Quick Hits

•One thing to consider for this week is that since 2005 at least two road teams have come up with the win each year so expect some upsets.

•Another thing to take in mind is that 3 of the 4 game are played in a dome and the other is in San Diego so no cold weather for this week so expect some high scoring games.

•I like the signing of Pete Carroll for the Seahawks I think it's dumb that some people in the media compare him with some of the college bust coaches that have become before him... Pete was a NFL coach before he became a College coach and was pretty good in NE taking that team twice to the Playoffs so to say that he will have trouble with 25 year old rich kids it's stupid.

What I don't like its him running away when there's a storm coming to USC an saying that he finally decide to come back to the NFL because he loves Challenges and this is a challenge when many other franchises in the past with bigger challenges than the Seahawks have ask him to join them.

Another thing I don't like is the Signing of Lane Kiffin as his successor... Why they give this guy and other lame excuse of coaches like Petrino and Saban chances when they will always run to the highest pocket... (I'm glad for Alabama but man it just leaves you a bad taste in the mouth doesn't it)... Kiffin has just left Tennessee with Huge problems also great hire USC.

Ok on to the games

Arizona at New Orleans -7 Ovr/Und 57

Ok last year I was in the Cardinals Bus for all the playoffs this year I'm not... Now here me out, last week game was perfect and showed the same thing we saw last year but two things makes me doubt they can do it again this week.

The first one is that after a tough fight last week I don't know if they'll have the energy for this one especially if it becomes another shutout. The other is the short week they had the late game last week and they play the early game this Saturday that gave them less than 4 games to prepare for this one.

The only thing that has me worried is that we just don't know how New Orleans will play because we haven't seen much since they beat New England.

Straight: NO


Ovr/Und: Und

Baltimore at Indianapolis -6.5 Ovr/Und 44

Same worry here with Indianapolis, after they decided to throw the perfect season we just don't know if they can turn the switch back on. I know the rest was necessary for some players especially in defense but History isn't in their side every time they have rest players they've sucked in the playoffs.

Baltimore defense is playing freakish and their running game is dominated if Baltimore can force the Colts to play their game and not have Flacco be a gunslinger they can take this game. I will take the upset.

Straight: Bal

Spread: Bal

Ovr/Und: Ovr

Dallas at Minnesota -3.5 Ovr/Und 46

Dallas is playing great in all sides of the game right now and have what it takes to beat Minnesota, it all comes down to stopping the run, putting pressure on Favre and taking advantage of the Minnesota secondary... Favre has always had trouble against Dallas and this defense has been able to put a lot of pressure without blitzing the past few weeks, so it can be another dreadful game for Favre.

In the case of Minnesota you can't ignore their 8-0 record at home and 10-0 in dome this season and even if December wasn't good to them they still closed the season with a high note. Favre has been playing like someone other then Favre with the numbers he has been putting so to expect a Meltdown is unlikely. Peterson hasn't been the same this year and like it or not he's the key to this game if Dallas can make Minnesota one dimensional they can control this game so it all comes down to AP...

Their defense plays better in the dome but hasn't been the same since Henderson went down for the year... I also like the upset in this one just based on matchups and how each other is playing.

Straight: Dal

Spread: Dal

Ovr/Und: Ovr

New York Jets at San Diego -7 Ovr/Und 42.5

The Jets are the feel good story this year and you have to love them they are playing great defense and have the best running game out there. To bad they're playing against the hottest team in the NFL.. San Diego is one dimensional they have zero running game and they don't care everyone knows they're going to pass the ball and still nobody can stop them.

I believe the Jets are just to young and have built something for next year but San Diego has been playing in another level... Take the Chargers. I don't know why but Norv has this team playing always great in December and January.

By the Way Revis was robbed of the DPOTY.. don't get me wrong Woodson had a great year but Revis shutdown every top receiver in the game... shutdown I haven't QB's stay away from a CB since Deion and Revis did that.

Straight: SD

Spread: SD

Ovr/Und: Ovr

Hot Picks (50-55) 48%

Only 1 This Week

San Diego(League)

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Arizona at New Orleans -7 Ovr/Und 57

Ok last year I was in the Cardinals Bus for all the playoffs this year I'm not... Now here me out, last week game was perfect and showed the same thing we saw last year but two things makes me doubt they can do it again this week.

The first one is that after a tough fight last week I don't know if they'll have the energy for this one especially if it becomes another shutout. The other is the short week they had the late game last week and they play the early game this Saturday that gave them less than 4 games to prepare for this one.

The only thing that has me worried is that we just don't know how New Orleans will play because we haven't seen much since they beat New England.

Straight: NO


Ovr/Und: Und

Good call in game #1. All you missed was the under.

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Baltimore at Indianapolis -6.5 Ovr/Und 44

Same worry here with Indianapolis, after they decided to throw the perfect season we just don't know if they can turn the switch back on. I know the rest was necessary for some players especially in defense but History isn't in their side every time they have rest players they've sucked in the playoffs.

Baltimore defense is playing freakish and their running game is dominated if Baltimore can force the Colts to play their game and not have Flacco be a gunslinger they can take this game. I will take the upset.

Straight: Bal

Spread: Bal

Ovr/Und: Ovr


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You should be careful betting on NFL games Don. You could end up like Kiefer...


Billy that's what happens when you don't read "Don's Crystal Ball" before yo umake bets with your friends... I was on fire the pst two weeks I called the Baltimore over NE game and the Jets over you guys sorry....

And yeah the Colts game hurt I knew it was over after the 1st qt when baltimore couldn't get a lead am couldn't put pressure on Manning. If you let Manning feel comfortable from the start his going to take you apart at the end... well you win some and lose some.

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