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...or am I too insensitive? You guys hear about this?

Apparently Parcels was talking about his QB coach and D coordinator in a press conference and made some reference to a Jap Attack - meaning suprise attack. There was a Japanese or Japanese-American reporter in the room and he wasn't offended. Of course someone from the Japanese-American Citizen's League was offended. My brother married a Japanese girl but I'm not calling Japan to find out if she's offended.

Let's see, they bombed the s**t out of us, killed 2400, wounded 1200, destroyed 300+ aircraft and sunk 8 battleships. Coincident to this Parcels' story, it was a surprise attack!! Now that's offensive.

Will Parcels weather the storm or will he be given the Marge Schott/John Rocker treatment?

Is this just stupid s**t or do I need cultural awareness training? :huh:


Nah, it was a big deal made out of a tiny deal. Political correctness has got way out of hand. How can a word actually short for Japanese, offend ANYONE? I'm British and if people labelled me a Brit, should I be offended? Why are the only thick skinned people true Limey's or Yanks?

To be fair, a Jap was there and he himself repeatedly said he wasn't offended. It's the media wanting to make a public enemy out of someone.


Remember what happened to Rush Limbaugh? How about Howard Coselle? I think if ANYBODY speaks publically in any way, odds are you might offend somebody.

It's all just too polically correct these days for me. Folks are just too thin skinned. I call it the "Pussification" of America. :wacko:


Billy, do you have a little George Carlin influence in you?

This country is so super-sensitive it sometimes makes me sick. I blame every single damned liberal! If it wasn't for these activists, whom 90% of the time cause more harm and provide help to about 5% of the population (which is not a majority). Ever notice that it's the media that starts crap like this?

I have about 10 asian friends both at work and home, and all of them laughed. One of them, my close friend, couldn't believe the media was talking about it...

Billy, do you have a little George Carlin influence in you?

I consider him one the all time great comic geniuses. I also assume he'd tear into this topic!

Billy, do you have a little George Carlin influence in you?

I consider him one the all time great comic geniuses.

Yea, he's one of my favs. I like the guys on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour; Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White, Bill Ingle (sp), and Larry the Cable Guy.


i thought it was funny...racism jokes are humorous to me but i can understand why he needed to apologize...and u know that quote will be played everywhere now.


yeah, I agree....people are too sensitive

I'm a emcee....I've been in vicious battles.....there isn't a whole lot of name calling or words that would offend me that much.....

This country is imploding slowly as we speak

I have about 10 asian friends both at work and home, and all of them laughed.  One of them, my close friend, couldn't believe the media was talking about it...

But.....don't count your 'ethnic' friends....its doesn't look good

'I have 5 black friends, 6 latino friends, and 12 indian friends and they all blah blah blah...'

since when did I start tallying up all my white friends?


I myself was not offended at all, however, part of the statement made was, "No offense to the Oriental people". Now, while this does not offend me personally, the term "Oriental" refers to inanimate objects not people and is looked down upon. Everyone is super sensitive to this crap. Can't say this, can't say that and when you do, you're a racist !?!? Along the same lines did anyone hear what Bill Cosby had to say about the way African Americans talk and now all of a sudden he's racist against his own people ?? This S**T is waaaaaaaaay out of control. Anyway, just thought I'd bring light to the other part of the statement some found offense to.


I have about 10 asian friends both at work and home, and all of them laughed.  One of them, my close friend, couldn't believe the media was talking about it...

But.....don't count your 'ethnic' friends....its doesn't look good

'I have 5 black friends, 6 latino friends, and 12 indian friends and they all blah blah blah...'

since when did I start tallying up all my white friends?

Why doesn't it look good? Because it's about Asian decent?

Because I gave an approximate number of my friends that I have in which none found offense further relaying my argument that the liberal media takes this way out of context which they do anytime someone of one race says something about another to promote backwards publicity in a country still moving forward only to be set back again by the likes of liberals and organizations like the ACLU?

Maybe I should have explained a little more so you didn't take what I said out of context. Then again, it doesn't matter most of the time, people don't listen, they just hear (or read) what they want and never understand the context, just the words used. This is evidence of a speedy decay of our own intelligence and culture of Americans.

This country is so super-sensitive it sometimes makes me sick. I blame every single damned liberal! If it wasn't for these activists, whom 90% of the time cause more harm and provide help to about 5% of the population (which is not a majority). Ever notice that it's the media that starts crap like this?

Liberals suck a web project brought to you by everybodies favorite redneck kiwi....that would be me. Yesterday after reading this storm in a tin cup, not to mention the Junior Seau fag comment storm, plus people with no clue rip into Reagan and anyone else that has a different opinion I finally have decided to go do something about it. Cause let's face it, liberals suck and I'm really sick of it.


since when did I start tallying up all my white friends?

Why doesn't it look good? Because it's about Asian decent?

Because I gave an approximate number of my friends that I have in which none found offense


I'm not trying to win Squirrel.

I'm not trying to prove you wrong. You brought the issue up. I understand the basis of your point, what's the problem though of letting you guys know of my quick estimation (2 second) of the friends that I've spoken to that are asian? That's where I get confused.

Also, I don't care either if you are or not minority that's not my concern nor do I really care -- when was the last time I asked anyone if they were or not? I don't care of it from my friends at the bars, the Bengals game, at work, at home, on the airplane, and with my friends here.

asian descent? please....maybe you haven't looked at my avatar, but you're talking to a minority here.....maybe its just the principle....I just don't like to use a few people of a race or etnicity to validate or prove wrong some comment or issue, like they are the ambassadors for their race..

or maybe....f**k it....I don't feel like discussing it anymore

you win

maybe you should check out Kings of Comedy--thats where I was deriving my comment from

T - it's cool man. I don't mean to be condescending towards Kirkendall, but people feel compelled - consciously or otherwise - to stand and be counted. No matter how you position yourself, this conversation is always an emotional loser.

Look, I don't know about this Japanese-American league dude, but because I am culturally aware, I think people in Japan might be embarrassed by his antics.

People say s**t. It happens. You don't have a right to not be offended. I recall Dan Wilkinson and some Portland Trailblazer once made comments about the folks in their respective towns lynching them. Seems like that might piss some people off. I couldn't care less. They're big mouth dicks, what are you going to do?

I'd guess there's about 350 - 400 members of this site. The fact that we're here means we all have something in common. And I'd bet not one of us looks like the other. It's not important. Unless you're a Frenchman...that's a different story. ;)

Unless you're a Frenchman

Hey now, my turn to be offended!

This country can be very much out of control when it comes to these kind of things sometimes.

Freedom Fries, anybody? :lol:

Or how about this:

I'm a cracker, honkey, wonderbreaded, Irish Fertilizer, Guiness Guzling, nazi marching, English snobbish, imperialistic world domineering, Indian teepee living, native spearchucking mutha f**king son of a bitch???

All those stereotypes describe me. In other words, WHO CARES??? They're just words.




Because some of those words justified people being dehumanized and mistreated.

You can't go around calling people orientals and japs because of what happened here in the united states during world war ii.

Of course "white" people will have thicker skin, but if you grew up conscious of your own skin color than you wouldn't want to be called a derogatory name and you would be sensitive to it.


Of course "white" people will have thicker skin, but if you grew up conscious of your own skin color than you wouldn't want to be called a derogatory name and you would be sensitive to it.

Uh--how is this not a reverse prejudism here???

I'm just as "conscious" about my skin color as the next guy--I too look in the mirror every morning to be reminded, Jam.

Also, Jam--I am reminded of it when Affirmative Action tells me about the color of my skin when they give me that test--you know--that one at the bottom of the application where you "volunteer" information about your sex and skin color???

Maybe you are just TOO self-conscious of it??? I perceive that you take yourself way too seriously Jam.

I suggest you roll with it, Jam.

On a sidenote, I love people that come up to me and say stuff like this:

"Rich, my black friend, went with us to the bar."

Here's my reply to this:

"Oh really, I'm glad you noticed."

I usually get this ignorant reaction:



Main Entry: ori·en·tal

Pronunciation: "Or-E-'en-t&l, "or-

Function: adjective

Date: 14th century

1 : often capitalized : of, relating to, or situated in the Orient

2 a : of superior grade, luster, or value b : being corundum or sapphire but simulating another gem in color

3 : often capitalized : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of Orientals

4 : capitalized : of, relating to, or constituting the biogeographic region that includes Asia south and southeast of the Himalayas and the Malay Archipelago west of Wallace's line

- ori·en·tal·ly /-t&l-E/ adverb


The word itself can take different definitions depending on which root source you use. It's actually been used for the word East, and Black in several cultures.

Now, as to the post, If you watched the Interview and how he made the statements you could see that what his intentions were, and also, Dat Nguyen, their starting middle linbacker is of Vietnamese birth !


I wasn't really offended by the frenchmen joke. I was being sarcastic, I thought I made that clear enough. I guess not. :wacko:

You can see how out of control this is. If someone can take offense on either side of the issue, they do.

You can see how out of control this is. If someone can take offense on either side of the issue, they do.

I think you're right. If someone can take offense, they will. As opposed to someone actually getting offended.

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