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Douchebagging for Dollars?

Highlights from Chad's latest rant on the Kellerman/Kenny Show on ESPN Radio...played and then discussed on NFL Live.

"People say he's fussing about a contract. Well, we can talk about that. We can talk about business."

[Rambles a bit.]

"I fill stands. I sellout games. I do all of this different stuff. But I don't think I'm compensated the way I need to be. I didn't even mention anything about contracts, but it's embarrassing to be one of the best, and be paid what I'm paid.

Do you know what I was told? I didn't have a Chad Johnson season.

You know what? The love...the appreciation that I get from all 31 other cities, that appreciation I get from fans, from other players, from coaches on other teams...that same love I should get inhouse, from where I play. And when in the end to be told I didn't have a Chad Johnson season. What the hell?"

A caller asks Chad which player of all currently playing in the NFL he's like to see the Bengals add. Chad pauses and then answers....Terrell Owens. (So much for his demands that the defense be upgraded, right?)

They return to the interview. Chad's response to his so-called desire to play in the Arena league...

"I'd probably go play for Bon Jovi right now and I'd probably get paid what I'm making right now."

The radio highlites mercifully end and the NFL Live panel discuss what they've heard. Chris Carter immediately mocks Chad. "So the Bengals offered you a bad contract and you signed it. I don't feel sorry for you."

Carter is asked what is really motivating Chad. "When they say it's not about money...it's only about the money. He's feeling sorry for himself. He sees the big deals Moss and Owens and Fitzgerald got and he wants some too. But he just signed a new contract."

Mark Schlereth(sp?) then mocks Chad's claim that he's the lowest paid WR in football. "You need to back that up. That doesn't mean anything to me. Unless I've got the contract infront of me and I can see what and how you're being paid...it just isn't true. Chad said during the radio interview he's only making 2.7 million this season. That's ridiculous. I'm pretty sure there was alot of bonus money involved that he's just forgetting."

Schlereth then compared Chad Johnson to the type of food you walk by when grocery shopping. "He's like the food you eat that drains your energy. The next time you see it you walk on by...go to the next aisle...and get yourself an apple. Something that won't drain your energy just by looking at it."

A caller asks Chad which player of all currently playing in the NFL he's like to see the Bengals add. Chad pauses and then answers....Terrell Owens.

Now, there's an idea I can get behind. Trade Chad to the Cowboys for TO and one of Dallas' 2 firsts. :lol:

Chris Carter immediately mocks Chad. "So the Bengals offered you a bad contract and you signed it. I don't feel sorry for you."

Carter is asked what is really motivating Chad. "When they say it's not about money...it's only about the money. He's feeling sorry for himself. He sees the big deals Moss and Owens and Fitzgerald got and he wants some too. But he just signed a new contract."

At the expense of a topic hijak, Chris Carter is exactly the guy I wish Marvin would have work with the wide recievers. I know the Bengals would never pay what Carter would demand/deserve and it flat out just would never happen, but what better guy than someone who A) Comes from the area (Ohio State via Middletown); B) Came out of college with red-flag character concerns and engaged in drug/alcohol abuse as a pro C) Turned it all around to become arguably the second-best wide reciever in NFL history.

There's no way Chad wouldn't listen and respect him. Had he been around two weeks ago, Chris Henry might not have been a topic today like he is.

At the expense of a topic hijak, Chris Carter is exactly the guy I wish Marvin would have work with the wide recievers. I know the Bengals would never pay what Carter would demand/deserve and it flat out just would never happen, but what better guy than someone who A) Comes from the area (Ohio State via Middletown); B) Came out of college with red-flag character concerns and engaged in drug/alcohol abuse as a pro C) Turned it all around to become arguably the second-best wide reciever in NFL history.

There's no way Chad wouldn't listen and respect him. Had he been around two weeks ago, Chris Henry might not have been a topic today like he is.

Funny you shoud mention that.

On the very same show the NFL Live crew opened with the story about Chris Henry being released. They quickly played a snippet from Chad's radio interview where Chad reacts with disbelief to the news. "What? Is that true? They can't cut him. He's too good."

Carter then blasts Chad for being a miserable example for players like Henry, noting his history of unprofessional behavior and his absence from voluntary workouts. "Can you mentor someone from long distance. How are you going to help someone when you're not there?"

Yeah, Chris Henry is Chad Johnson's fault. :rolleyes:

No, he isn't, and the very reason I didn't include Carter's accusation in the original post is because it felt like too much of a stretch. Or if you prefer, a bit too close to piling on. That said, the rolling eyes smilie is also appropriate when Chad Johnson says nobody has to take bullets for him because he's never in trouble, and then a day later openly supports Henry by suggesting he's too good to be cut.

But let's not get distracted or allow the thread to be hijacked. This thread is about Chad Johnson admitting his frustration is centered on money, and his ridiculous claims that he's the lowest paid starting WR in the NFL.

Yeah, Chris Henry is Chad Johnson's fault. :rolleyes:

No, he isn't, and the very reason I didn't include Carter's accusation in the original post is because it felt like too much of a stretch.

No, but you did manage to sneak it into your second one, there, didn't ya? Piling on? Yeah, that's a good description.

But let's not get distracted or allow the thread to be hijacked.

No, by all means, let's not.

(BTW I understand the WMDs that were moved from Iraq before the war are in Chad's garage...)

No, but you did manage to sneak it into your second one, there, didn't ya?

How did I sneak it in? Does the second post look any different than the first one? Is it camoflaged? is it wearing dark clothing and hiding behind smilies?Or was it simply and naturally added in response to another posters remarks about Chris Carter and mentoring?

Piling on? Yeah, that's a good description.

Be careful now. By agreeing with my description you're dangerously close to making a mockery of your silly claim that I'm using sneaky methods to unfairly bash poor Chad.

No, but you did manage to sneak it into your second one, there, didn't ya?

How did I sneak it in? Does the second post look any different than the first one? Is it camoflaged? is it wearing dark clothing and hiding behind smilies?Or was it simply and naturally added in response to another posters remarks about Chris Carter and mentoring?

I stand corrected: you did manage to "simply and naturally add" it into your second one, there, didn't ya?

(I understand Dick Cheney is actually Chad Johnson in a fat-white-guy suit...)

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