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Landon Johnson


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did you hear the espn crew praising the bengals for their picks?

ESPN? Praising the Bengals? Is this the Bizzaro universe? WTF?

Could this mean that the Bengals do know what they're doing? I shudder to think...It must be a sign of the apocalypse ;)

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If going through a draft like this ,brings on the Apocalypse, I'd rather just have the Apocalypse... total breakdown in the Bengals war room..

Reached all day.. Got 2nd rounders in 1, 3rd rounders in round 2. 4th and 5th rounders in round 3....

Passed up Odom, Starks, Dockett, Hill, Lavalais, Sopoaga, Locklear, Butler, Dorsey.. and the list goes on and on.. Let alone Grove if we would have traded down like I thought we should..

BAD DRAFT !! :angry:

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ya on your draft board. jeezuz negativity. Solid picks...SOLID!!

1. Perry - good solid pick, does everythign good, could be another CD if he adds a bit of beef.

2.Ratliff - Got a corner that had 9 picks in a major conference and had a hell of a senior bowl and is a playmaker

3. Williams - hard hitting safety 6'0" good in zone

4. Miller - solid smart linebacker, good instincts.

5. Johnson - Not only do the bengals add another johnson :player: :D they add depth and another solid player, and he is good vs the run.

Perry was our #1 running back, and instead of taking him at 24, we dealt the pick and added a 4th rounder AND still got perry. solid move. Not a spectacular draft but a very SOLID one. Not any instant starters, but alot of potential and depth...did i say depth cuz thats what we needed most from this draft.

Getting gardner on 6/1 will give us a solid DL with thornton and williams.

God u guys are negative B)

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There is a reason why scouts, draftniks and the likes' watch films, go to games, study these guys , so that they're teams can stick to a guys value so you don't have to reach for a guy and you can move etc.. etc..

But when you let other teams dictate your picks, you're an idiot..

I'ts obvious that we thought we were gonna get Dwan Edwards or Tank Johnson, but when we passed on them to get Ratliff, we left the first day without a single DT or DE...

NO Center or Guard, NO backup Tackle with Dorsey, and Butler there... NIck leckey..??? hello..?? This was a bad draft..

We should have been drafting to fill needs and impact players, and we did neither.

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What happened to "In Marvin we trust.?"

He said before the draft that he wanted to add depth. Thats what hes doing.

And he must have seen something in these guys that he picked, to pass on the guys he did.

And you know, I'd like to think Marvin knows a thing or two about defensive talent...

Maybe I'm wrong...but probably not

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What happened to "In Marvin we trust.?"

I'll tell you what happened...Mikie stepped in...that freakin' over priviliged d**k!! He should have been an abortion! He IS a walking, talking abortion. We did NOTHING to help the teams needs today, PERIOD! :angry:

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Billy, lighten up dude! We got players who will contribute to this team. Keiwan Ratcliff is an impact player and a playmaker. I really like our new linebackers - we set out to improve the speed and playmaking of the defense, and that is exactly what we did.

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Billy, lighten up dude! We got players who will contribute to this team. Keiwan Ratcliff is an impact player and a playmaker. I really like our new linebackers - we set out to improve the speed and playmaking of the defense, and that is exactly what we did.

C'mon Ed...the war is won in the trenches, not after the runner breaks the line of scrimmage...meaning the lineman have to plug the holes. Depending on the linebackers to do it is depending on failure. It was ignored, BIG mistake!!

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ED, You don't pass up elite D-lineman to "hope" we can get some on Day 2.

Ratliff is not an impact player, - guys that have earned 1st round grades are impact players, and some guys that carry 2nd round grades.

Sean Jones Impact = Madieu Williams - probably decent player. :huh:

Perry - could be impact !! = S.Jackson - best back in draft !! That guy is gonna be Ricky Williams without the fumbles !

London Johnson and Caleb Miller = good special teams guys -- Keyaron Fox, pushes Hardy or Webster off the Roster !

NO D-line help with slow Tony Williams, Old Daryl Gardner, We had a chance to build an elite D-line, and we blew it.. Unless we land Lavalais and Sopoaga, maybe Isaac Hilton, we're looking at some problems down the road.

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im gonna laugh at you when perry has a better year than jackson. Both are behind starters and i bet jackson fumbles more than perry. stop saying miller and johnson are good special teamers...i bet both hit the field.

"elite" d-line from the draft? are you kidding me? this draft class of dlineman was pathetic. The best was what...tommy harris at 14? usually dlineman go like 7 of first 10 picks. Obviously it wasnt a good class.

ratliff is a impact player.

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im gonna laugh at you when perry has a better year than jackson. Both are behind starters and i bet jackson fumbles more than perry. stop saying miller and johnson are good special teamers...i bet both hit the field.

"elite" d-line from the draft? are you kidding me? this draft class of dlineman was pathetic. The best was what...tommy harris at 14? usually dlineman go like 7 of first 10 picks. Obviously it wasnt a good class.

ratliff is a impact player.

Who cares jditty! The defense has to get him the ball first, and I don't see that happening! Remember all those third and longs other teams completed on the Bengals last year!?! Get ready to revisit them again!!

The offense CANNOT SCORE WITHOUT THE BALL, REMEMBER!?!?!?!?! :blink:

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you are nuts if u think we havent GREATLY increased our secondary from last year: Herring, O'Neal, Williams, Ratliff and add that to Weathersby if he plays, James, and Kaesveharn WE ARE FINE. :angry:

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Kaesviharn is a liability ...... He couldn't cover a floor mat in a phone booth ok..

We knew we were going to draft a safety.. But Sean Jones was the better pick..

WE knew we were going to draft a corner... I liked Gamble a whole lot more than I liked Ratliff. Poole and Ratliff are kinda' even to me,. And I'm not sure where Matt Ware is gonna fit in best at..? Corner..? Safety..? So I don't have a real problem with Ratliff..

Not getting a D-lineman is a worry..though.. Day 2 needs some inspiration..

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We knew we were going to draft a safety.. But Sean Jones was the better pick..

I don't think you can complain about the Williams pick. He's much more fluid in coverage than Jones. Jones is good up at the line but Williams is much better in coverage and can also support the run aswell.

We allready have a big run-supporting safety in Rogers Beckett, Williams fills more of a need.

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