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Whatever you may feel toward Bonds you have to give him his credit for breaking Aaron's record. Regardless if he took steriods or not he is a great baseball player that has skills that even steriods can't enhance. He has been found guilty in the court of public opinion without being charged or indicted for any crime and he is still standing and following his dreams.

Personally, I think Bonds took steriods, but so did half of the league during years after the strike when guys were hitting 40 -50 homers when they had never hit more than 20 in previous years. I think the owners and commissioner knew what was going on but it was bringing fans back to the game so they played dumb all the while reaping in big profits.

Cheating in baseball is nothing new, it's actually part of the legacy of the game. In the 1890's players would use a performance enhancing drug called cocaine, yes cocaine to give that extra umph. Pitchers have developed all types of tricks and techinques to manipulate the ball, hitters have tried everything from corked bats to wearing body armour when they crowd the plate. My point is this steriods situation isn't the first time a player has tried to gain an advantage by any means neccessary and it won't be the last.

Taking steriods doesn't automatically make you into a home run hitter, you still have to have amazing hand-eye coordination and be an extremely talented player to get to the level to which Bond is at. Aaron set the record the natural way and that is even more amazing. And Bonds could easily go down in history as the second fiddle even though he will have the record, but that is more a testiment to Aaron's greatness than anything else.

I just wish the media and fans would give Bonds some credit for what he as accomplished because Chris Beniot proved that steriods don't automatically make you into a homerun hitting all-star, talent does.


I'm with you. Oh, sure, it is easy to be in the majority (especially with the media) and use Bonds as the poster child of all that is not right. But I blame baseball first. And if you blame baseball first, then it's hard to throw the first stone at Barry. Especially here in Pissburgh, dumping on Barry is an everyday affair. If he 'cheated' (i.e. used steroids), am I happy as a baseball fan? No. But I fall into the small group of folks who step back and look at the over-riding steroid problem from a baseball perspective and not a Barry Bonds perspective. Either simply ignore the entire era in terms of stats (INCLUDING PITCHING!) or accept it for what it is. Besides, I watched Barry long before any of this became an issue, and he was undoubtedly great with or without the 'help'. Whether he made the 'mistake' or not ... he was and is a Hall of Famer. People just cannot deal with that reality.


Barry Bonds, undeniable greatness ?? How about Barry Bonds, undeniable stupidity !!!

You should say, REGARDLESS of his baseball talent, he is a piece of s**t who has forever tarnished his reputation as well as MLB's !!!

Regardless of him taking steroids ?? Give me a break !!!

Ken Griffey Jr. FOREVER, Barry Bonds NEVER !!!


Barry Bonds, undeniable greatness ?? How about Barry Bonds, undeniable stupidity !!!

You should say, REGARDLESS of his baseball talent, he is a piece of s**t who has forever tarnished his reputation as well as MLB's !!!

Regardless of him taking steroids ?? Give me a break !!!

Ken Griffey Jr. FOREVER, Barry Bonds NEVER !!!


Do you believe that Bonds was only guy to take steriods in the mid to late 90's?

Do you believe that EVERY OWNER and BUD SELIG knew nothing about steriod usuage?

C'mon man why does Bonds get brunt of people's hatred as if he was the only guy to use, the damn league was on steriods in the 90's. If anything Selig is the one tarnished the game, he sat by and let it happen so that fans would forget about the strike.

You can crucify Bonds if you want to but atleast realize if he did take steriods that he wasn't the only one and everyone who should have stopped it turn a blind eye because chicks dig the long ball.

You can crucify Bonds if you want to but atleast realize if he did take steriods that he wasn't the only one and everyone who should have stopped it turn a blind eye because chicks dig the long ball.

And here all this time I thought they dug the long "something else." :rolleyes:

Barry Bonds, undeniable greatness ?? How about Barry Bonds, undeniable stupidity !!!

You should say, REGARDLESS of his baseball talent, he is a piece of s**t who has forever tarnished his reputation as well as MLB's !!!

Regardless of him taking steroids ?? Give me a break !!!

Ken Griffey Jr. FOREVER, Barry Bonds NEVER !!!


Do you believe that Bonds was only guy to take steriods in the mid to late 90's?

Do you believe that EVERY OWNER and BUD SELIG knew nothing about steriod usuage?

C'mon man why does Bonds get brunt of people's hatred as if he was the only guy to use, the damn league was on steriods in the 90's. If anything Selig is the one tarnished the game, he sat by and let it happen so that fans would forget about the strike.

You can crucify Bonds if you want to but atleast realize if he did take steriods that he wasn't the only one and everyone who should have stopped it turn a blind eye because chicks dig the long ball.

PTM, cmon dude... Really, go back and read my post... Nowhere at any point did I say he was the only one taking steroids. Nowhere at any point did I say every owner and Selig knew nothing about steroid usage. I did however, mention that Bonds has talent and I believe that he was a great baseball player. That being said, it pisses me off even more because I truly don't believe he needed to do steroids. BUT HE DID !!! It also just happens that he has been chasing one of the greatest (If not THE greatest) records in baseball. The owners and Selig ?? Asswipes everyone of them that never addressed the problem.

To go on however and try to justify his actions by claiming he wasn't the only one using is rediculous. He's not 10 years old here. I just hate the fact that you HAD a great baseball player who tarnished his reputation by making a VERY poor decision. He hasn't helped his cause over the years by being a complete assh*le to almost everyone !!!


Barry Bonds, undeniable greatness ?? How about Barry Bonds, undeniable stupidity !!!

You should say, REGARDLESS of his baseball talent, he is a piece of s**t who has forever tarnished his reputation as well as MLB's !!!

Regardless of him taking steroids ?? Give me a break !!!

Ken Griffey Jr. FOREVER, Barry Bonds NEVER !!!


Do you believe that Bonds was only guy to take steriods in the mid to late 90's?

Do you believe that EVERY OWNER and BUD SELIG knew nothing about steriod usuage?

C'mon man why does Bonds get brunt of people's hatred as if he was the only guy to use, the damn league was on steriods in the 90's. If anything Selig is the one tarnished the game, he sat by and let it happen so that fans would forget about the strike.

You can crucify Bonds if you want to but atleast realize if he did take steriods that he wasn't the only one and everyone who should have stopped it turn a blind eye because chicks dig the long ball.

PTM, cmon dude... Really, go back and read my post... Nowhere at any point did I say he was the only one taking steroids. Nowhere at any point did I say every owner and Selig knew nothing about steroid usage. I did however, mention that Bonds has talent and I believe that he was a great baseball player. That being said, it pisses me off even more because I truly don't believe he needed to do steroids. BUT HE DID !!! It also just happens that he has been chasing one of the greatest (If not THE greatest) records in baseball. The owners and Selig ?? Asswipes everyone of them that never addressed the problem.

To go on however and try to justify his actions by claiming he wasn't the only one using is rediculous. He's not 10 years old here. I just hate the fact that you HAD a great baseball player who tarnished his reputation by making a VERY poor decision. He hasn't helped his cause over the years by being a complete assh*le to almost everyone !!!


Well after reading this post I can understand why you feel the way you do know more so than before. I agree that Bonds was a talented player who made a bad decision to follow the other lemmings off the cliff and someone of his talent didn't need to go that route.


Bonds was a talented, speedy, good defensive player with some power, than came steriods and he became a HR hitting machine and a liability in the feild at best.

He would have made the HOF easily if he would have stayed off the juice but he never would have passed Babe Ruth without the help of bulking up on the "cream" as he puts it.

It is sad what he has done to accomplish this goal and I for one am happy that the fans have shown him exactly how they feel about his actions.

He is paying for the use of these drugs by not being lapped up by the media and baseball fans. He will be lucky if this is all the payment he indures, look at all the early deaths attributable to steriod use.

Hank Aaron has the correct attitude when it comes to Bonds, he recently stated that he had no plans to go see Bonds break his record and was not going to discuss him further. Bonds wanted to be the big man and now that he is close to his goals, he has to realize that some of us fans dont give a rat's ass if Baseball recognizes his record or not.

I never will!!


Let me just go on the record to say that if you're trained properly, steriods will help your HR stroke PatternMaster. Bonds has been trained to hit the longball way better than he once did and steriods HAVE helped. If you think not, you're a fool... Oh yeah, it's not just steriods either, he has tested positive for amphetamines too. HE'S A CHEATER, A DAMN GOOOOOD CHEATER!!!

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