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marvin lewis nay on sapp


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I'd have to say that Marvin is covering up for Mikey's ineptitude to close deals. That's just my guess behind this statement.

The original statement was much more than this anyways. The original statement was much more confusing to the effect of who is in charge.

Don't kid yourself here, folks. Mike Brown HAS THE FINAL SAY ON EVERYTHING. Marvin Lewis is sort of a cheerleader type.

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I'd have to say that Marvin is covering up for Mikey's ineptitude to close deals. That's just my guess behind this statement.

The original statement was much more than this anyways. The original statement was much more confusing to the effect of who is in charge.

Don't kid yourself here, folks. Mike Brown HAS THE FINAL SAY ON EVERYTHING. Marvin Lewis is sort of a cheerleader type.

You sir, are an asshat!

Marvin has NEVER shied away from disagreeing with Brown. Marvin is the one making the decisions in player selection and signings now. Brown is barely involved.

As for the people saying our free agent pickups last year were "marginal", I have only 1 thing to say. Quit being a naysaying asshat! Shayne Graham? AWESOME PICKUP. DRAFT CHOICES: ALL STARTER MATERIAL

Kevin Hardy? Great PIckup. John Thornton? Good pickup.

Are we looking for stars to show off or players who can win for us? The answer here is PLAYERS. Not names, PLAYERS.

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Mr. Barbarian:

It seems to me that you are stating things as fact that you could not possibly know to be fact.

I believe (and it is just my opinion) that Marv has an intelligent plan. He understands that over-paying players who are beginning their downhill slide just because they have been stars in the past is not the way to build strength and depth on a football team. Marv sees the big picture.

I for one am quite pleased with how FA has gone. I, as opposed to the multitude of naysayers, believe that not signing Vincent and Sapp, will be a huge plus down the road. While the Raiders are eating the contract of a severely over-the-hill player, we will enjoy some cap room to continue building this team for the future.

Building depth with several good young players is a far better way to go than spending huge dollars on a big-mouth fat guy who may or may not help for a couple of years.

There are some of us who are behind you 1,000% Marv! Stick with your plan.

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marvin lewis said it was his decision to say nay to sapp deal.  on bengals.com

I saw that.

I'm a lot more inclined to believe that Lewis nixed this deal than I am to believe that it was his idea to bring in Sapp in the first place. Lewis likes guys that are smart, athletic .... can stay on thier feet and put the team first. You have to admit that Sapp doesn't match that description.

As for Mike Brown having the final say, .............. it's like Lewis said it's his team. I do think that Lewis' opinion carries a lot of weight with ol mikey. I also think it does with Katie and Troy ... and in turn Mike listens to them as well. It's a lot easier for me to envision Mike being swayed by the 3 of them than it is for me to see Mike imposing his will on them.

I do know that Lewis has way more power than any coach has had since .... I'd say Gregg. With that kind of sway in the organization and in public opinion, I don't think that Lewis has to take the heat for anyone or play cheerleader either. One bad word from Lewis, and everything that's been done over the last year to repair the Bengals rep goes straight down the tubes and everybody named Brown and Blackburn know it. The public opinion and media favorable mentions would turn so fast it'd give you whiplash.

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One bad word from Lewis, and everything that's been done over the last year to repair the Bengals rep goes straight down the tubes and everybody named Brown and Blackburn know it. The public opinion and media favorable mentions would turn so fast it'd give you whiplash.

Hafta agree here. At this point in time I dont think Mike would be so foolish as to try to override Marvin's decision making <_<

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Hafta agree here. At this point in time I dont think Mike would be so foolish as to try to override Marvin's decision making <_<

Exactly. Everybody wants to run Mikey down for this offseason cause the team didn't overpay for past production guys that are over 30. When has Mikey ever not been willing to overpay for old guys? Come on, that's all we used to ever get and the team always payed over market value for them....So why now would Mikey do it different? Cause Marvin said so. Don't you think Mikey is sick of losing? sick of his fathers legacy being the laughing stock of the nation??? Marvin has had more sucess than any coach Mikey ever put in place before now, he knows he has a spotlight on his actions, and to top it off he's being sued! I think he's more than willing to let his young hotshot coach run this offseason.

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Just one question: WTF is an "asshat"???

hahahahahahahaha!!! That's too funny.

68, where is your "facts" that Marvin IS in charge??? It's obvious in the latest Warren Sapp dealings that Mikey pulled the rug out from under Marvin.

For those of you who are sticking to your guns about SAME OLE MIKEY: YOU'RE SMART.


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Just one question: WTF is an "asshat"???

hahahahahahahaha!!! That's too funny.

68, where is your "facts" that Marvin IS in charge??? It's obvious in the latest Warren Sapp dealings that Mikey pulled the rug out from under Marvin.

For those of you who are sticking to your guns about SAME OLE MIKEY: YOU'RE SMART.


You know, you really are an ass. Ever since you came on this board it's been nothing but negative. I'm about sick of you piss poor attitude. Get a life kid.

You talk about facts, where the hell are you facts that Marvin isn't in charge???? Get off it...With fans like you who needs Cleveland?

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Somebody dropped the ball down there on the Sapp deal and I don't think it was Marvin?

For all of you out there who think Mikey is on the straight and narrow....think again. I have no trust in the man and yet I want the team to do well. Mike has not made it easy for the

Fans.....understatement of century........

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Kevnz, with fans like you, Mike Brown will ALWAYS own the Bungles.  Get over yourself.

THIS IS A TIME FOR NEGATIVITY.  Unless the draft goes well, the offseason would be a total waste of time, energy, and $$$$.

It doesn't matter who the fans are, mikey will own the team. :o

The offseason has been as many expected, new players that will help the TEAM win. If the sapp thing had never happened no one would have been surprised.

New offensive lineman, linebacker, receiver...

All with tremendous upside potential! :P

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Kevnz, with fans like you, Mike Brown will ALWAYS own the Bungles. Get over yourself.

THIS IS A TIME FOR NEGATIVITY. Unless the draft goes well, the offseason would be a total waste of time, energy, and $$$$.

Get over yourself you freakin idiot. I've had about enough of you. You are the worst kind of "fan" You'll be eating a boatload of crow at the end of the season that's for sure. I would really have to say you aren't really a fan but a basher. You even use the U word to refer to the team...You talk like you know everything....You don't know dick. Hell the fans from other teams that come here know more about things then you.

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Kevnz, with fans like you, Mike Brown will ALWAYS own the Bungles.

Mr. Barbarian, of course MB will always own the team - it's his team and it's his business !

I don't think you can relate "The Bungles" to last season performances, which shows you're stuck in a time warp and you refuse to accept anything other than MB being the master-criminal in all aspects of Bengals matters.

Wasn't MB connected with the same team that made 2 Superbowls ?

I feel your arguement falls flat, and so I too consider you an Asshat !

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Not sure why comments are getting personal here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I dont think there is a dude on this board that doesnt want the Bengals to Rock!! As far as MB and two Super Bowls. Not convinced. Think daddy had more to do with that accomplishment. I will give MB credit for 13 straight non-winning seasons. Having said that, as always, there is hope and hope keeps us coming back. :D

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I'm the last person in the world that would jump on th Mikey bandwagon or try and portray him as owner of the century. But when Marvin says he pulled the plug on the Sapp deal, I'd say I have to believe him. Marvin is a SMART football man. He knows better than to throw that kind of money on ONE player that's peaked and is on his way down. Money needs to be spent on the future, on multiple players and he knows that. I honestly think Mikey wanted Sapp more than ML did and here's one reason why. I saw this on Bengals.com today and found it very interesting. Granted I know Hobson is employed by Mikey, and he may not be the most objective source, but it definitely made me think.

"Brown hasn’t been the Hindenburg that he’s been portrayed in the draft room. We wish somebody would have let him work some magic when he wanted to take Randy Moss in 1998. Or when he wanted to take Corey Dillon with the first pick in 1997 instead of Reinard Wilson. Or when he wanted left tackle Marvel Smith in the second round in 2000 instead of Mark Roman."

Mikey wanted Moss and was apparently talked out of it!! The point is, Mikey covets, to an extent the big name, big play type of guy, and is willing to overpay. I think Marvin talked him back down to earth.

I think Mikey's biggest crime against Bengal fans has been surrounding himself with incompetancy. I think ML is changing all that, and we will soon reap the benefits.

The article ends..."Like Lewis has said about his boss many times, 'If you’re going to criticize him when things go wrong, you have to praise him when they go right.'”

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WOW, what a display of emotion... :lol::lol:

-guess I'll add my 2 cents in..

1.I do believe that the front office blew the deal with Sapp.

2.Marvin Lewis,as he stated "It's His (MB) team".-Basically answered the question if he made the decision to yay' or nay.I'm sure Marvin Lewis liked Sapp, and has been quoted on "Total -Access", when talking to Brentson Buckner, that he liked those "Smart defensive linemen.".

3. Sapp has never once said, the coaches made this bad decision.The team didn't do this right. As a matter of fact, the only real questions about Sapps' vernacular - are his statements about his contract last year,and the statements about the undertones of Racism in the league. The fact is, other than the cheap shot,which none of us would have cried about if the guy got plopped on his butt without the injuries, There isn't really one thing you can find wrong with him as a professional.He's a team leader, and he's a good personality for the league.

4.Mike Brown is cheap.-- It took him almost 10 years to become active in the Free Agent market. For Years, we could have attracted FA's, if only Mike Brown would have treated players as professional athletes, which means he may have to pay for a 1st class ticket from time to time.

5.Marvin Lewis did the RIGHT thing. He stood up for his owner, which protects his job, for one,and it ensures more minority coaches get other opportunities as well,because "white" owners will be more likely to hesitate to bring them in if they believe it's going to be a Power Struggle.

-- The decision to not bring in Sapp, after we've all cooled off by now, should look like the better decision in the long run anyways.The consensus among us, is that he's not the Sapp of old.So why should we pay him 4 million a year anyways.? Let alone the 36 he'll tax the Raiders for !!

-- It's time to let it go fellas..... We have a draft coming up, and a season to look forward to.

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I'm the last person in the world that would jump on th Mikey bandwagon or try and portray him as owner of the century. But when Marvin says he pulled the plug on the Sapp deal, I'd say I have to believe him. Marvin is a SMART football man. He knows better than to throw that kind of money on ONE player that's peaked and is on his way down. Money needs to be spent on the future, on multiple players and he knows that. I honestly think Mikey wanted Sapp more than ML did and here's one reason why. I saw this on Bengals.com today and found it very interesting. Granted I know Hobson is employed by Mikey, and he may not be the most objective source, but it definitely made me think.

"Brown hasn’t been the Hindenburg that he’s been portrayed in the draft room. We wish somebody would have let him work some magic when he wanted to take Randy Moss in 1998. Or when he wanted to take Corey Dillon with the first pick in 1997 instead of Reinard Wilson. Or when he wanted left tackle Marvel Smith in the second round in 2000 instead of Mark Roman."

Mikey wanted Moss and was apparently talked out of it!! The point is, Mikey covets, to an extent the big name, big play type of guy, and is willing to overpay. I think Marvin talked him back down to earth.

I think Mikey's biggest crime against Bengal fans has been surrounding himself with incompetancy. I think ML is changing all that, and we will soon reap the benefits.

The article ends..."Like Lewis has said about his boss many times, 'If you’re going to criticize him when things go wrong, you have to praise him when they go right.'”

wow.......that almost makes me sick......Brown wanted Moss?

I wonder what he felt about that draft of 99? Did he want to keep AKili or take all of those draft picks?

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Kelley: To answer your question.. Bruce Coslet went on record saying the day after he quit that " he wished he would have pushed harder for the Saints trade, instead of drafting Akili ".

The only person in that front office, that wanted Akili Smith , was Mike Brown. !

He drafted Artrell Hawkins, over Samari Rolle,Patrick Surtain, and Brian Kelly, because he played at the U. of CincY'.. He was too cheap to fly the kid in like everyone else does.

-- He's a moron, and a tightwad. - Everyone talks about what Babe Ruth meant to the curse on the Redsox, and the apparent curse on the Chicago Cubs, well every since Paul Brown died, we've been left the curse of his son. :angry:

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